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Hello everybody~ I just wanted to ask kind of a question of the day and get some feedback from you all~  Certainly no wrong answer just want to learn a bit more about what i can do to make your time at the Lab even better~   Have a great Day~



Tie between sequences and comics personally

NicoH (NPSao)

Comics and Sequences with step by step tfs.


i also enjoy your comics and sequences as well. They are very creative. :)


D) All of the above. :3


also a Tie between sequences and comics


Comics are great but sometimes take a while to get to the good part using game corner as an example it started in December and TF related stuff started in Feb, so I tend to like sequences a bit more since they're a happy medium of story and something happening quickly. Maybe I just like short comics :P


Honestly I love everything you do, it's hard to pick one cause frankly one of my favorite things in TF is context in order to have the backstory that makes the changes into sexy babes and creations even sexier~ Which I guess is to say that being able to tell and know how someone changed into the new thing is part of the appeal to me. Like a bimbo is sexy, but reading what they were like before and how they changed into one just enhanced the experience so much. So whilst it is always nice to see as much of your art as possible detailing and showing the full process of a TF a single pic with a accompanying story is pretty much just as good. I hope that makes sense.


There really needs to be an “ALL” option, because I genuinely can’t decide.


Truthfully I like all of these content types. I'm mainly here for the diaper-related works, regardless of what format they're in.


Well yeah I understand I acually had a set up for the Game Corner instead of just a random TF,XP Thank you for the feedback~


I like them all. I love waiting for whatever pops up. If I had to pick... comic.