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Hello everyone I hope your all having a great day, I have been notified that art from my patreon has been posted to other public sites without permission and I would just like to ask that everyone please not do that as my patreon uploads are special ahead of time posts just for you guys and also its is how I make a living. I just wanted to make this post and ask nicley for those doing so to please reframe from posting my patreon work on other sites at least untill i post them publicly myself.

That is all Thank you and have a great day~ Ill have some fun stuff to post for you all again in a bit~



Seriously? Come on guys.... you're messing with how he makes his living.


Unfortunately some people don’t care and it can be a really hard problem to tackle. People feel they should be entitled to whatever they want


Fortunately, there are people who are aware of it and are removing art that is not public on Patreon.


The fuckery! So uncool!