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As Ive been talking about these past few days Im updating Patreon with some new things and trying stuff out to be more involved with you and try out some new project ideas.
But also to help out my own workload and to entice you all to join the tier above you color posts will now be starting at the $5 tier and my comic pages when finished and colored will be available at the 10 tier   WIP pieces like drafts and linework's will be available to all tiers as normal~

Please let me know if you have any concerns as I would love to help and hear you out~
Thank you everyone for all your love and I hope to bring you more fun stuff soon~



As someone who loves being bullied, I signed up at the Pamper Packer tier... this means I won’t be able to see coloured pieces anymore?


Yes you will need to move up to the 5 tier for the color pics, But you wont lose your access to your role or anything. You can still be a silly pamper packer~


I can understand the move of color pictures to $5 tier, but why moving comic pages to $10 tier ? Even if I love your work, I can't afford the $10 tier, and I'm really sad to lose comic pages. Can't you let WIP comic pages at all tiers and start color comic pages at $5 tier ? After all, they're just pictures with dialogues bubbles


Thank you for letting me know your concerns of course nothing is set in stone in this trial period so I consider other options thank you letting me know