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 Elly still couldn’t believe her luck, asked to look after Kobi’s lab, she stumbled upon a box of miscellaneous assortments, the box simply had “Tf duels” written on it.  “What’s that mean?”  Elly wondered.  At first she felt a little guilty as she had promised she would just look after the house and not venture into the lab, However curiosity got the better of her and Elly couldn’t resist. Moving a strange love doll box which weirdly resembled someone she knew, elly lifted the box and placed it at her feet. “Oh wow” inside the box was all sorts of trinkets and gizmo’s but Just sitting on top of the pile, held there by some strange force, this coin which seemed to whisper to her. Did Kobi know he had this? Such a small thing, Elly picked it up and if by magic, the coin’s origin became clear. It was a wishing coin. 3 wishes. Made by a djinn who became bored with the world but left this as a gift to whomever was lucky enough to find it. “Blinking rapidly with this new information diving into her mind, Elly left the lab with the coin. “Kobi is going be thrilled abou”--- “With what, Elly?” Came Kobi’s voice at the stairs.  “Oh Hey, I found this in your lab” Elly replied, holding up her hand to reveal the shimmering coin Kobi walked over and took the coin, The same magic revealing to him what it had done to Elly. Kobi Smiled Elly woke up at the foot of her masters bed. Something Felt off. Elly looked over from the bed to see a large mirror revealing her body.. 34DD and naked like she was supposed to be, Master was naked next to her.. “Oh wait” Elly remembered  Wiggling down to masters cock she gently placed her hands around the shaft and began licking “Silly me I haven’t given him his morning blowjob” Elly smiled 

Story made by the requester~
