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And heres your early peek at the finished TF battle page enjoy~




is this comic ever going to be finished?


I know it has to, but I never want this comic to end. You two make great rivals for each other and the transformations have been a pleasure to see. Thank you Kobi! ^-^ (I'm still pulling for my Mistress though. XD)

Donald Diehl

can you please upload pages 15, 20 and 23 as well as pages 13, 16, 18, 19 and 38 completed?


Well all the papges are uploaded to my DA in a folder if youd like to view them all

Donald Diehl

how many more pages left for this? have you considered doing animations of breast expansion, inflation? and what do you plan to do with object in the last panel?


Just a few pages left really. And yes I have considered those~ And you'll find out~

Donald Diehl

how many pages will this comic be? 60 or close to 60?