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 Like hai everyone! My name ith Kobiko Brathefathe! (Braceface)

I wath in the middle of teathing one of my thupporterth about how nerdy they were for following my work tho pedantically (That meanth that theyre thuper particular if you didn't know) when I thuddenly found mythelf theeing thingth exthactly from their pertphpective. I mean, life lookth tho muth better from behind big glatheth and thethe thtylith bratheth! I'm gonna have the thraitetht teeth in town!! Do you think I need a new thirt? Thomeone wath thtaying thith one ith too big and that i thould open thome more of the buttonth. Apparently youre meant to let people thee thome of your bra. And can you thee my boob freckleth? I don't know anyone elth who hath them tho i feel pretty thpethal!

My thpethal interetht ith art by thith total hottie called Kobi! I hope i can meet him one day, heth like my idol but no one hath theen him in a long time! If you thee him pleathe let me know! If you thee him pleathe tell him my favorite colorth are bule and pink! And that I LOVE him tho muth! Oopthy dooopthy! There goeth another button! 



Saxton White

*i feel confused because i feel masochist but i want to wedgie her* hey *i try to not act on my urges* how’th it going my fellow newd? I have a few quethionth like do you enjoy wedgieth, awe you a lethbian, and do you have gf?


Heehee I see you are enjoying my nerd girl pics~ Have fun~


what a cute, lil dork. ^_^


Oh my. Looks like you're showing yourself there. Hmmhmm~


Looking adorable there Kobiko~

(R)Owen(a) Hero

Denice: I have boob freckles, still feel special?


You're very cute, Kobiko! I'll make sure to keep an eye out for Kobi for you. ^-^


She’s soooo adorable and sexy~