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This is just a image from me working on that Android 18 piece that I thought Id share as a sneek cause she looks sooo cute and Silly~



Jaiden Fedele

Great work when will we be getting her?


Thanks, Do you mean the whole thing? Im still working on her, she'll take a bit of time since there are multiple step to her change and Im trying out some new thing at the same time. Thats why I thought Id send this your way~

Jaiden Fedele

Ah ok and I meant the whole Tf. Also are we going to see more of this style like with the tysu one?


Yeah I should be doing more step by step Tfs in the future I like the process of seeing the TF happen~

Jaiden Fedele

Great can't wait to see it.

Sandiramon (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-12 12:05:41 Very cute & silly!
2017-10-02 07:40:54 Very cute & silly!

Very cute & silly!