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I'd be lying if I said that the news of Patreon cracking down on NSFW art wasn't wieghing on my mind.  As such I have a Subscribe Star account that I will be posting up the same content under the same tier price as here.    I am also trying to set up a payment option on my personal site but thats taking time also.
If any of you feel inclined you can move over to my Star account here, Starting today it will feature all the same content moving forward. Sadly my past works are not on there.

I don't want to have to do something like this but under the curcumtances of my lively hood. I need a back up plan of some kind.  And I also don't know what the policies are if my account were to get flagged. In case suddenly no one can access it or what have you.   

I would prefer to just stay as is but I don't want to be left in the rain.  If you have any questions, concerns, or even advice you can put it in the comments or even direct message me.



Kieran Hale

Cracking down on NSFW? Seriously? Did they learn nothing from what happened to tumblr? Ironically I only use Patreon to subscribe to NSFW content so if they do remove it all then I'm gone and I'm sure I'm not the only one, have fun losing many users Patreon.


So what’s happening to the old stuff? If Patreon dies, is it lost if we don’t preserve it? Cuz DA def isn’t caught up