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So I hope I'm not jinxing myself by saying this early, but I'll be switching to making nsfw animation full-time after June~!

Some rambling and thoughts behind this (if you wanna read XD)

  • Firstly, I am VERY, VERY behind on rewards. A whole damn year. Not to mention my old commissions too. I wish I had been more honest and transparent about it from the start like showing a progress sheet similar to my commission slots, but I kept putting it off and of course, that just snowballed till now. It's definitely not something I'm proud of, especially with the loving and patient audience I have been blessed with. I'm really sorry for this mistake.

    It's gonna definitely take a while, but I will make the time and catch up. By hook or crook ( I really wanted to type cock 😂) I'm very grateful especially for all the older subscribers, and I refuse to let all that patience and support be in vain.

  • Secondly, this obkk animation video is taking a lot longer because I bit off way more than I can reasonably chew 😅 Though honestly? Weirdly I don't regret it that much, being my first proper video project and everything. I do wish I had been less cocky and planned better 😩 Alas, I'm really glad I crammed as much nipple-loving as possible 🤭

  • I had originally planned on doing this in August instead. With the recent increase in patreon subscribers and a new subscribestar, it gave me way more guts ( and money of course) to do so earlier.

  • Yes, even though patreon is ...effy about things, I still want to take this risk. I had been trying to find a way to leave my dayjob without burning bridges in case I need to go back (which is very possible) and telling my senior that I want more time to work on a growing side hustle sounded pretty alright (well, at the very least he seemed chilled about it😖)

So yeah, TL;DR - I'll be leaving my daytime freelance work by the end of June to have more hours working on catching up with rewards, commissions and of course nipple-loving animations 😏 Hopefully I don't crash and burn, but at the very least there should be waaaaay more horny stuff coming out in July 🤭 For now, let's just hang on for dear life 😂

Cya whenever~ ❤️💖 Remember to send your character suggestions (if you are still around after reading all that 😅)


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