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Considering that the Felix Felicis potion's effects lasted for twelve hours, Charles did not immediately continue with the ninja recruitment. Instead, he took a moment to quickly assess the results of his recruitment this time.

Among the A-rank ninjas, the fragments for Itachi Uchiha reached 6, bringing the total to 32 fragments. It seemed that only two or three more recruitments would be needed to complete Itachi Uchiha.

For killer B, there were 4 fragments, totaling only 13 fragments. It would take a considerable amount of time to successfully recruit him.

Gaara, from Naruto Shippuden, yielded 8 fragments, totaling 13 fragments. Like Killer B, it would take some time to recruit him.

In the B-rank ninjas, Kimimaro's fragments increased by 4, reaching a total of 21 fragments. Charles planned to gather Kimimaro and the Sound Ninja Four, creating another ninja village for further benefits.

Naruto From Shippuden only provided 1 fragment. Although the total reached 27 fragments, Charles didn't have high hopes for recruiting him, considering its rarity.

As for C-rank ninjas, both Jirobo and Sakura Haruno each yielded 2 fragments. These two ninjas had already been successfully recruited, but upgrading them was still a distant goal.

After collecting all the ninja fragments, Charles looked at his remaining three ninja recruitment scrolls. Without hesitation, he spent 1,176 gold coins to purchase 7 more scrolls, completing a total of 10.

"Ninja recruitment, ten consecutive draws, go!"

The whirlpool symbol of the Land of Whirlpools appeared again. After a dazzling display of light, the recruitment results appeared before Charles Doyle.

Ding! Obtained B-rank ninja, Kimimaro, 4 fragments!

Ding! Obtained B-rank ninja, Naruto: Hinata Hyuga, 2 fragments!

Ding! Obtained C-rank ninja, Tayuya, 2 fragments!

Ding! Obtained C-rank ninja, Tayuya, 1 fragment!

Ding! Obtained B-rank ninja, Gaara from Shippuden, 2 fragments!

Ding! Obtained C-rank ninja, Rock Lee, 2 fragments!

Ding! Obtained B-rank ninja, Gaara from Shippuden, 2 fragments!

Ding! Obtained B-rank ninja, Naruto from Shippuden, 4 fragments!

Ding! Obtained B-rank ninja, Naruto from Shippuden, 2 fragments!

Ding! Obtained A-rank ninja, Itachi Uchiha, 1 fragment!

As the recruitment ended, Charles looked at the results. Surprisingly, the A-rank ninja Itachi Uchiha only yielded 1 fragment. This unexpected outcome left him puzzled.

It turned out that the Felix Felicis potion, as a magical potion, primarily boosted various abilities of the consumer, such as social skills, magical abilities, and reflexes, rather than providing actual "good luck."

Unaware of this fact, Charles thought it was just an exceptional case and didn't immediatelycount the ninja fragments this time. He boldly spent 6,720 more gold coins to purchase forty ninja scrolls, leaving him with 35,544 gold coins.

Charles believed that with four consecutive ten-draws, he could definitely recruit Itachi Uchiha.

Without any hesitation, Charles initiated a ten-consecutive draw, and after a dazzling display of light, the results of the ninja recruitment appeared before him.

Ding!Obtained C-rank ninja, Hinata Hyuga, 5 fragments!

Ding!Obtained C-rank ninja, Zabuza Momochi, 2 fragments!

Ding!Obtained B-rank ninja, Kimimaro, 4 fragments!

Ding!Obtained A-rank ninja, Shippuden Gaara, 4 fragments!

Ding!Obtained C-rank ninja, Tayuya, 2 fragments!

Ding!Obtained C-rank ninja, Zabuza Momochi, 2 fragments!

Ding!Obtained B-rank ninja, Naruto Shippuden: Hinata Hyuga, 1 fragment!

Ding!Obtained C-rank ninja, Hinata Hyuga, 1 fragment!

Ding!Obtained C-rank ninja, Shino Aburame, 2 fragments!

Ding!Obtained A-rank ninja, Itachi Uchiha, 1 fragment!

Even this time Charles didn't bother to check or tally the results. Instead, he continued with more ninja recruitments and performed three more sets of ten-consecutive draws.

Soon, all forty ninja recruitment scrolls were used up. Charles began to review the results of his 50 ninja recruitments.

A-rank ninjas: Successfully recruited Itachi Uchiha five times, totaling 5 fragments; Killer B successfully recruited twice, totaling 5 fragments; Shippuden: Gaara successfully recruited three times, totaling 12 fragments.

B-rank ninjas: Naruto: Hinata Hyuga successfully recruited four times, totaling 7 fragments; Naruto Shippuden: Naruto Uzumaki successfully recruited once, totaling 2 fragments; Naruto: Tenten successfully recruited four times, totaling 10 fragments; Naruto: Sakura Haruno successfully recruited once, totaling 1 fragment; Gaara successfully recruited five times, totaling 10 fragments; Kimimaro successfully recruited six times, totaling 24 fragments.

C-rank ninjas: Tayuya successfully recruited four times, totaling 6 fragments; Zabuza Momochi successfully recruited five times, totaling 8 fragments; Naruto: Naruto Uzumaki successfully recruited once, totaling 2 fragments; Hinata Hyuga successfully recruited twice, totaling 6 fragments; Shino Aburame successfully recruited twice, totaling 4 fragments; Jirobo successfully recruited two times, totaling 4 fragments; Hinata Hanabi successfully recruited once, totaling 1 fragment.

Looking at the results he had compiled, Charles's expression remained calm on the surface, but inwardly, he felt helpless. What kind of situation was this?

Apart from the first set of ten consecutive recruitments, which left him relatively satisfied, the results of the subsequent five ten-consecutive recruitments were extremely poor.

In the limited edition ninja recruitment, this was Charles's worst recruitment session so far. It was exceptionally bad, with only 5 fragments of Itachi Uchiha obtained from the last five ten-consecutive draws.

Regardless of A-rank ninjas like Killer B from the 4th Ninja War or Naruto Shippuden: Gaara, the number of fragments obtained was very low.

In the end, Itachi Uchiha's fragments, along with the ones he had previously, reached 37 fragments, Killer B with 18 fragments, and Naruto Shippuden: Gaara with 25 fragments. The three A-rank ninjas all had insufficient fragments for recruitment.

Charles sighed inwardly, realizing that sometimes luck could be elusive, even with the effects of the Felix Felicis potion.

Looking at the results, none of the recruited ninjas reached the required fragments, even Itachi Uchiha was missing three fragments.

Considering his luck with ninja recruitment this time, Charles decided to play it safe. He feared that it might take three more sets of ten consecutive draws to gather the necessary three fragments.

Therefore, he opted to spend a little over a thousand gold coins directly in the ninja shop.

Although Charles didn't get his initial target, Itachi Uchiha, he did manage to meet the recruitment conditions for the long-awaited Kimimaro. He had accumulated 49 fragments for him.

Additionally, the Shippuden: Tenten also met the conditions, as did the Konoha Twelve, shino and the sound ninja, Tayuya.

With this, except for Kidomaru, Charles had successfully recruited all the members of the Sound Four.

In the ninja section, Charles planned to recruit the four ninjas first. This would not only increase his strength but also add to the number of ninjas under his command.

Upon entering the ninja section, Charles noticed that four ninja avatars were now illuminated: Naruto Shippuden: Tenten, Tayuya, Kimimaro, and Shino.

Looking at these four ninjas, while the others were fine, Charles had no intention of learning the abilities of Shino. After all, he couldn't accept the idea of harboring a bunch of harmful insects inside his body.

He clicked on the avatar of Naruto Shippuden: Tenten, with fragments at 41/40. The recruitment prompt appeared.

The next moment, a new screen popped up.

Under the moonlit night, Tenten donned a bun on her head and wore a forehead protector with the leaf symbol. She dressed in white traditional Chinese-style attire, and behind her, she carried a giant scroll!

Congratulations! Successfully recruited a new ninja, B-rank: Naruto Shippuden: Tenten.

Opening the details of the ninja, Charles first checked the ninja skills.

Naruto Shippuden: Tenten: B-rank ninja

Skills: Weaponry · Exploding Crystal, Blade Strike, Weaponry · Giant Iron Ball!

Weaponry · Exploding Crystal: Unfurl a scroll to shoot several exploding crystals forward. The crystals will flash a warning upon landing and then automatically explode. (If the crystals collide with an enemy, they will explode immediately.)

Blade Strike: Dual-wielding ninja blades, spin forward, and finally summon a giant chain ball to smash down.

Weaponry · Giant Iron Ball: Unfurl a scroll to rain down a shower of weaponry, then hoist the scroll high and release the Giant Iron Ball, directing it to smash forward and finish off enemies.

Basic Attacks: Use kunai and weapons from the scroll to attack enemies.

With Naruto Shippuden: Tenten successfully recruited, Charles's ninja shop also updated to include the Weaponry Summoning Scroll.

Simultaneously, details about the Weaponry Summoning Scroll and Naruto Shippuden: Tenten's usage techniques were all imparted to Charles.

With the successful recruitment of Naruto Shippuden: Tenten, the amount of chakra in Charles's body increased by another 5 cards, reaching a total of 70 cards.

However, the chakra control ability gained through a period of exercise was once again pushed back to its original state.

Charles then shifted his focus to the second B-rank ninja, Kimimaro.

Charles held a significant interest in Kimimaro, partly because of his unwavering loyalty and formidable strength. Additionally, due to Kimimaro's unfortunate demise at a young age, it represented a significant regret.

Another reason for Charles's interest was Kimimaro's affiliation with the Kaguya Clan. After gaining his abilities, Charles's genes and cells would become more similar to the Kaguya Clan, achieving a revolutionary effect, making his Byakugan even more powerful.

With 49/40 ninja fragments, Charles clicked on "Recruit."

A new screen appeared the next moment.

Clad in Sound Ninja attire, a large snake mark-shaped knot adorned Kimimaro's back. He struck a pose with bone spikes in hand, ready to attack.

Congratulations! Successfully recruited a new ninja, B-rank: Kimimaro.

Opening the ninja details, Charles first focused on the ninja skills.

Kimimaro: B-rank ninja

Skills: Dance of the Willow, Dance of the Tang Thistle, Dance of the Seedling Fern.

Dance of the Willow: Swing a single blow forward. If it hits an enemy, follow up with a powerful cross slash and send them flying.

Dance of the Tang Thistle: Grow numerous bone spikes all over the body, lunge forward to attack enemies, and release a shockwave when the lunge ends, sending enemies flying. (Spin in place while attacking in mid-air, then release a shockwave upon landing.)

Dance of the Seedling Fern: Elevate oneself to the second stage of the cursed seal. Then, create numerous bone spikes on the ground to immobilize enemies. Jump to the sky, crush down heavily, shattering the ground and bone spikes, and release a shockwave to send enemies flying.

Basic Attacks: Use the bone spikes in hand for taijutsu attacks against enemies.

Charles was somewhat surprised to find that Kimimaro could directly enter Stage 2. This meant that Kimimaro's strength could potentially reach the level of a quasi-Kage at its highest and, at the very least, an elite Jonin.

If further strength enhancements occurred later, reaching the level of Kage would be a feasible goal.

As for his disease, Charles was not worried at all. The summoned ninjas had their bodies reconstructed from scratch, and the initial weaknesses would be eliminated.

Regarding the possibility of Kimimaro getting the disease again, based on the speculations of netizens from before the transmigration, it was likely caused by Kimimaro not discarding the bones he used in battle afterward, instead retracting them into his body.

This led to infections and then disease.

Charles didn't know the authenticity of these speculations, but considering the high probability, he decided to caution Kimimaro about this issue after recruitment. This way, he could prevent him from falling ill again in this world.

After all, that disease was indeed a tricky problem, and Charles was uncertain whether it could be easily resolved in this world.

With the successful recruitment of Kimimaro, his ninja techniques, the Kekkei Genkai Shikotsumyaku, and a chakra amount of 5 cards appeared in Charles's body.

As the Shikotsumyaku Blood Limit was added, the fusion of Charles's body with Kaguya's bloodline began its initial stages.

A faint blue chakra suddenly appeared from Charles's body, forming a chakra cocoon that enveloped him. Within it, his body gradually underwent some changes.

At this moment, Charles's body contained the genes of the Uzumaki Clan, the senju Clan, the Uchiha Clan's Sharingan, the Hyuga Clan's Byakugan, and now the Kaguya Clan's Shikotsumyaku.

It could be said that the five major bloodline genes related to Kaguya were all acquired by Charles.

Although Charles had not developed each bloodline gene to its extreme and, in terms of the acquired bloodline genes, they were not perfect, the preliminary collection can be said to be completed.



Noice maybe he is under going a bloodline evolution and merging into a base form of otsutsuki bloodline