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In the hotel's executive lobby, Justin Hammer changed his position and was currently being interviewed by Christine.

"I and Tony, we admire each other. We're not competitors."

"After he withdrew from the arms sales industry, it accelerated the development of Hammer Industries. Between me and Tony, it's a healthy competition."

At this moment, Tony's voice came from the TV behind Justin. He turned around curiously.

On the TV, Tony was answering a reporter's question: "Having a racing car means racing. Otherwise, why own a racing car?"

Watching Tony's response on the TV, Justin Hammer said in disbelief, "He wants to race?"

A top-notch billionaire actually wants to race, and he even participates in such a dangerous sport himself. This truly challenged Justin Hammer's values.

Pepper Potts, who was currently looking at the menu, also saw Tony on the TV. She immediately turned her head and questioned Natasha, "Natalia, do you know he wants to race?"

"I just found out now."

"He can't race."

"I understand. How can I help you?"

"Where's Happy?"

"He's outside."

"I need Happy, right now."

Natasha didn't hesitate and immediately got up, rushing out.

At this moment, Tsunade looked at Charles with some confusion and asked, "Is there a problem with this sport?"

"There's nothing wrong with the sport. It's just that for ordinary people, this sport has some risks. In case of an accident, it could be life-threatening."

Tsunade nodded thoughtfully and then turned to Pepper Potts, saying, "Tony isn’t an ordinary person. It should be fine."

Pepper Potts opened her mouth to speak, but at this moment, Happy walked in, holding a red suitcase. He gestured at Pepper Potts by the door.

"Sorry, I have to leave for a moment."

After saying that, Pepper Potts rushed out and directly got into the car with Happy, heading towards the runway.

Tsunade looked at the two departing figures, pondered for a moment, and said, "Do we need to go with her?"

At this moment, on the TV screen, Ivan Vanko, dressed as a racetrack staff member, appeared on the runway and was broadcast live on TV.

Charles looked at the person on the TV screen, frowned slightly, and said, "He's here."

"Who?" Tsunade asked curiously.

"A guy who wanted to join me but wasn't accepted."

"Let’s go and take a look."

In the next moment, Charles and Tsunade left the hotel and headed towards the racecourse.


Ivan Vanko raised his arms, and two whips extended from the sleeves. After pressing a switch, his work clothes were instantly burned by a powerful electric current, revealing the simple armor underneath – the Whiplash, version one.

Ivan held the two whips and walked towards the racecourse. An F1 car with a roaring engine came speeding towards him. Ivan Vanko waved one of the whips towards the oncoming race car.


Sparks accompanied by lightning flew, and the F1 car was easily defeated by the whip. The car's front end disintegrated in an instant.

The car was split in half as the whip struck it. The racing car soared through the air and crashed onto the track ahead.


The racing car that flew out was instantly wrecked, fortunately without any explosion.

At this moment, the on-site security personnel began evacuating the spectators, and the rescue team rushed towards the wrecked car with fire extinguishers.

However, Tony, who was focused on driving, was unaware of what was happening at the racecourse and continued forward.

Ivan waited for Tony's racing car to approach, seized the opportunity, and swung one of the whips towards the front. Due to the high speed of the racing car, the whip didn't hit Tony in the driver's seat but directly sliced through the position of the front wheels.

The racing car lost its front wheels, resulting in an instant roll. Fortunately, Tony's choice of racing car was of high quality. Despite the rollover, it did not suffer much damage.

Ivan approached Tony's racing car, and targeting the right moment, he swung one of the whips towards the direction of the driver's seat. However, due to the flames and smoke obstructing the view, Tony managed to climb out quickly.

When Ivan reached the front of Tony's racing car, he lashed out with the whip at the driver's seat. The racing car was once again split into two, but when he looked down at the driver's seat, Ivan did not find Tony.

Just as Ivan Vanko was puzzled, Tony appeared behind him, holding the door frame of the racing car. He then swung a forceful blow towards Ivan's head.

Watching this scene from the spectator stands, Tsunade shook her head. "It's a pity, such a good opportunity for a sneak attack."

Tony's blow did not knock Ivan Vanko out, just made him stagger a little.

Ivan swung the whips towards Tony, and in one swipe, the racing car's door was sent flying. Then, with continuous lashes, Ivan attempted to strike Tony. However, Ivan's aim was poor, and each time Tony managed to roll on the ground to dodge.

When Tony turned to escape, Ivan swiftly turned around for a counterattack. He lashed out with the whip, hitting Tony's feet. The powerful plasma current sent Tony flying.

Watching the fight unfold, Tsunade, sitting in the spectator stands, found it quite boring. "This guy's combat abilities are even worse than the students at the ninja school."

"I think the senior students at the ninja school fight better than him."

"But the weapon he's using seems interesting. A whip enveloped in lightning. I just wonder if its power is only this much."

"But I think Lord Second's Thunder god Sword should be much more powerful."

Observing the battle, Tsunade's commentary was acknowledged by Charles. However, he still spoke, "Their physical fitness is indeed lacking, but we shouldn't underestimate the technology they have developed for combat."

"Once Pepper Potts brings the battle armor over, the situation will change immediately."

"I hope so!"

Meanwhile, Ivan brandished the whips in his hands. Visible plasma currents flickered as he approached Tony, who was knocked to the ground.

The two whips were wielded by Ivan, creating a fierce wind, and the plasma currents intersected in the air.


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