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[Image: Neji Hyuga]

[Image: Hinata Hyuga]

[Image: Temari]

At this moment, Li Zhongzhi began to tell his story. Li Zhongzhi was originally a Hong Kong police officer. In his early years, his wife died in a car accident due to an accident.

Getting the responsibilities of both a father and a mother, he raised his daughter on his own. His daughter, about to enter university, fell in love with a young man who dropped out of school and worked in a coffee shop.

They came to him and announced their intention to get married, revealing that she was already pregnant.

Angry at his daughter being so naive, Li Zhongzhi called his police colleagues and, under the pretext of needing assistance in the investigation, took the young man away. He arranged for his daughter to undergo an abortion at the hospital.

Due to this incident, the relationship between father and daughter became strained. In an effort to help his daughter overcome the trauma, Li Zhongzhi took a leave of absence and brought his daughter to New York for a vacation.

However, when the vacation ended, his daughter did not return to Hong Kong with him. Instead, she went to Thailand and, after staying for three days, suddenly lost contact.

The information about her disappearance came from a friend of his daughter in Thailand. Concerned and anxious, Li Zhongzhi went to Thailand to search for his daughter and found her missing upon arriving.

For several days, there was no clue, and Li Zhongzhi sought help from various sources.

Finally, he learned from a friend in New York that seeking assistance from Charles agency in New York would likely yield results.

According to rumors, Pepper Potts once came to the agency to commission a task, and Tony Stark, who had been kidnapped by terrorists for a month, was rescued the next day.

Hearing Li Zhongzhi's story, Charles understood the situation and recognized it as a plot from a movie, "Kill Zone - Greedy Wolf," which depicted a father seeking revenge after his daughter was kidnapped by an organ trafficking organization during her trip to Thailand.

[T/N: No idea if the movie title is correct or not. If someone have watched it, let me know.]

Thinking of the real-life scams where people were deceived into traveling to the Golden Triangle region, including Burma, Laos, and Thailand, only to become victims of organ harvesting.

Although Charles is not a good person, he cannot accept such a thing. This time, he decided to personally lead a team to take down these criminals and deliver a profound lesson to those involved in this trade.

With a determined mind, Charles opened a blank mission scroll and said, "I've accepted your task. I'll help you find your daughter. How much are you willing to pay?"

Upon hearing that Charles was willing to take on the task, Li Zhongzhi remembered his friend mentioning that Stark Industries paid a price of one billion dollars for rescuing Tony Stark.

This expenditure was even disclosed in the company's financial reports, revealing the true cost of the rescue.

After a moment of contemplation, Li Zhongzhi said, "I sold my house in Hong Kong and have $2 million in hand. If it's not enough, I can sell the last property too, as long as I can find my daughter."

Hearing that Li Zhongzhi had two houses and had already sold one, Charles said, "Two million is enough. Once we find your daughter, you'll owe me a favor.”

Afterward, Charles wrote down the details of the mission on the mission scroll and handed it to Li Zhongzhi.

Li Zhongzhi signed his name on it and then asked, "Where can I make the payment?"

"At the service desk; you can use your credit card there."

Without hesitation, Li Zhongzhi headed straight to the service desk.

Charles, seeing him leave, submitted the mission scroll to the mission guild.

As per the assessment of the mission guild, it was categorized as a C-rank mission.

Seeing that it was a C-rank mission, Charles was somewhat surprised. He thought it might be a D-rank mission at most, but it seemed that the involvement of the organ trafficking mercenary organization elevated it to a higher rank.

Approaching the front desk of the agency, Charles said, "Iruka, inform Neji, Hinata, and Temari. We're going on a mission, and I'll lead this one."

Seeing that Lord Charles was personally leading the mission, Iruka hesitated for a moment before saying, "Lord Charles, this mission might not be worth your personal involvement. You can send any low-level ninja, and with Parker's assistance, they should be able to handle it."

"Iruka, I'm taking them to see the world and experience the darkness here."


With that, Iruka picked up the phone to notify the three genins to assemble.

Meanwhile, Li Zhongzhi, observing their conversation, found it a bit strange. However, having received information from his friend and trusting the agency, he felt reassured.

"May I join you when you go to Thailand?"

Charles glanced at Li Zhongzhi and replied calmly, "We'll leave once everyone is ready. If you want to come along, feel free to join us."

"You need to provide some of your daughter's personal belongings; it will greatly help in finding her."

"The items are stored at the police station in Thailand. We can retrieve them once we get there."

Charles nodded and, not long after, Neji, Hinata, and Temari all arrived at Charles's side.

"We have a C-rank mission now, and I've decided to have you all join me in completing it."

"Yes, Lord Charles!"

Seeing the ninja carrying their equipment, Charles knew they were ready for battle. He directly said, "Alright, let's depart immediately."

Observing the young trio, Li Zhongzhi furrowed his brow; they seemed even younger than his daughter.

"Mr. Charles, it might not be appropriate to bring them. They are still kids, and we're not going on a vacation."

Although Li Zhongzhi had gathered information about Charles's agency, he had little knowledge about the ninjas under its command.

Charles smiled, "It's fine, I'm with them. And don't underestimate their strength; even a hundred of you wouldn't be their match."

At this point, Li Zhongzhi recalled the information he found, and he couldn't help but wonder, "Is it because of the serum?" Were these kids injected with the serum? Didn't Stark Industries deny any plans to develop a super serum?

Li Zhongzhi still felt uneasy, but for the sake of finding his daughter, he kept his concerns to himself.

Soon, the five-member team boarded Charles's Rolls-Royce, driven by John Wick, and swiftly headed to the New York airport.

A private plane with staffs belonging to high table was already waiting at the airport, ready to comply with Charles's orders.

The reason for such a swift action was that Charles knew time was limited. Li Zhongzhi's arrival in New York had already cost them a significant amount of time.

If they didn't move quickly, there was a high possibility that Li Zhongzhi's daughter might have already met a tragic fate.

John Wick drove the car directly onto the airport premises and parked it beneath the plane. Charles and the others got off the car and boarded the plane, which immediately took off for Thailand.



What is the word count for the typical chapter? I feel like it’s less than 800 words :/


Most of the chapters are around 1000 words. Sometimes it's around 2000 words. Word count for this chapter was 1203 words.