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[Image: Nick Fury]

After discussing one of the photos, Nick Fury pointed to another one featuring a man who had won several consecutive Best Magician awards, Drake Stone.

"This is the building where Charles unleashed his energy yesterday. At the top of the building resides this globally renowned magician, Drake Stone."

"Based on the information you obtained today, we speculate that Charles might have been going to see him. However, according to our investigation, Drake Stone is currently missing, with no trace of his whereabouts."

"Based on surveillance video, he was recently seen at New York University and Battery Park. So, we have a good chance of assuming that he is a magician."

"Unfortunately, the only downside is that Drake Stone's trail vanished last night, and his agent hasn't been able to contact him. We currently have no idea what happened."

Coulson looked at the protagonist in the photos, lost in thought. At this point, Nick Fury spoke again, "Arrange for personnel to gather information on all well-known magicians or those who have performed seemingly unexplainable and incredible magic tricks. Assign agents for observation and communication."

"We want to expose all these extraordinary individuals hiding within the magician industry."

"Understood, Director. I'll immediately arrange for the investigation into magicians."

"As for the cooperation request Charles mentioned, what are your thoughts, Director?"

Referring to Coulson's proposal, Nick Fury responded without hesitation, "Impossible. We cannot agree to his request."

Coulson was unaware of the importance of the Cosmic Cube, but Nick Fury was well aware. It was a treasure that even powerful empires in the universe sought after and its value is incalculable.

Even exchanging the Cosmic Cube for ownership of an entire planet wasn’t a worthwhile deal. Moreover, SHIELD was currently researching the Cosmic Cube for weapon development.

The only thing Nick Fury could think of as a weapon to counter superhumans was not something he would give to Konoha Village in exchange for a few spots in an exchange program.

However, this matter confirmed something for Nick Fury—that the other party also hoped to obtain the Cosmic Cube.

"Coulson, you can talk to him about other requests or offer an increased quantity of energy cubes. These are not issues."

"Or, allow some ninjas to enter SHIELD on a special contract. We are willing to use energy cubes as payment for their salaries and provide additional energy cubes as a reward."

Hearing the director's suggestion, Coulson had already mentally sentenced this matter to death. He had already sensed during the communication that even if SHIELD were willing to give up the Cosmic Cube, the other party might still not agree.

Under the current conditions, there was even less hope. In the field of selling intelligence alone, Konoha could obtain a large number of energy cubes, and SHIELD had no choice but to accept their intelligence sales.

Because, apart from Charles Doyle, SHIELD currently had no other means of obtaining intelligence about the supernatural world.

"Director, I'll do my best to negotiate with him, but the probability of success is not high."

Nick Fury looked at Coulson, pondered for a moment, then continued, "Do your best. I believe in you.”


After that, Coulson immediately left Nick Fury's office to arrange for his subordinates to collect and go through information on magicians.

At this moment, Nick Fury was alone in his office. He took out his last hope from his pocket—the pager of Captain Marvel.

Looking at the pager in his hand, Nick Fury's thoughts drifted away. He muttered, "Supreme Merlin, the ruler of magicians, protecting humanity?"

"If they really exist, why have they never shown themselves? Even during World War I and World War II, we never found their traces."

"During the time of the Red Skull preparing to destroy the world..."

"I don't believe in their existence, and I certainly won't entrust the safety of humanity to someone like them."

"The safety of humanity should be guarded by SHIELD. I won't entrust it to others..."


Since Coulson's visit for intelligence consultation, three days had passed in the blink of an eye.

In these three days, Charles obtained 50 gold coins, 60,000 copper coins, and 200 reincarnation stones through the sign-in system.

As for the ninja store, it had refreshed some special ninja fragments, such as Hanabi, Tenten, and Haruno Sakura. However, they were either challenging to obtain or rarely refreshed.

Charles wasn't sure if it was the blessing of Merlin ending or just fluctuating luck. Currently, luck seemed to be at a low point.

This led to Charles not spending gold coins to purchase any ninja fragments.

At this moment, Charles sat in the car with Ginny by his side. They were heading to the conference room of the continental hotel to conduct a remote video conference.

"Boss, these are the gold coins produced by the foundry according to your requirements for the recovery room's exclusive currency."

Seeing Ginny open a small box of gold coins, Charles took one out and examined it in his palm. The front of the coin still bore the emblem of the mainland hotel, but the back had been changed to the Konoha symbol.

Weighing the gold coin in his hand, Charles said, "Good, put them into the market."

Then, Charles inserted the gold coin back into the box.

Soon, John Wick drove to the hotel's entrance. Winston, the hotel manager, was waiting at the gate. Seeing Charles's car stopping at the entrance, he immediately approached and opened the car door.

"Welcome, Elder Charles."

"Everything in the conference room is ready for you."

Charles got out of the Rolls-Royce, patted Winston on the shoulder, and smiled, "You've worked hard."

Winston smiled and said, "It's what I should do. It's an honor for the New York Continental Hotel to have you choose to hold a meeting here."

Charles nodded without saying anything. Instead, he patted Ginny's and John Wick's shoulders and walked into the Continental Hotel with them.

Entering the Continental Hotel, Charles noticed that all the killers along the way looked at him with respectful eyes—the legendary figure in the world of assassins.

The killers wearing hats all performed the same action of removing their hats, while others placed their right hands over their chests, bowing to show loyalty.

Observing the respectful attitude of the many killers in the hotel, Charles didn't stop to say much. Instead, led by Winston, he went straight to the meeting room on the top floor of the hotel.

As Charles walked through the corridors of the hotel's public area, the hotel once again echoed with commotion.

A newly joined novice in the continental hotel curiously asked, "Isn't he a superhero? Why is he appearing in our continental hotel, where only assassins gather?"

At this moment, the nearby assassins began to explain the legendary story of the Ninja Immortal, Charles, to this new recruit.


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