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[Image: Natasha]

Charles raced back to the Agency, and on the way, he had David call Iruka, who was on duty at the Agency, to be prepared.

As soon as the car stopped at the entrance, agency staff with two stretchers pushed Veronica and Balthazar in and sent them to the recovery room.

At this point, Tsunade was already prepared in the recovery room. Seeing the two being pushed in, she first checked them and then said, "Balthazar is not a big problem; he just fainted."

After giving the instructions, Tsunade began to treat Veronica. Seeing this, Charles didn't disturb and left with David.

"Senior brother, do you think Master's lover won't die, right..."

Charles glanced at David and then said, "With Tsunade here, she can save her."

Hearing Charles's words, David breathed a sigh of relief, but then he thought of something and exclaimed, "Oh no, I made an appointment with Becky, and now I stood her up. I'm done for."

Seeing David anxious, Charles slapped his forehead and then shouted, "Go call her, you idiot."

After saying that, Charles even kicked David in the leg.

Prompted, David hurriedly ran to the side to call Becky, apologizing and explaining.

Time passed by, and after about an hour, Tsunade came out of the recovery room and said, "Both of them are out of danger and will wake up tomorrow."

Then Tsunade looked at Charles and asked, "What's the deal with that woman? The wound seems to be a pierced wound left by Chidori. Since you intended to kill, why did you decide to save her?"

Charles then explained the situation to Tsunade and talked about the conditions of Morgana and Veronica.

Hearing Charles's narration, Tsunade was also stunned for a moment and then said, "Two souls in one body, that's interesting."

At this point, Tsunade recalled Orochimaru. If that guy saw this situation, he would probably find it even more interesting.

She also wondered if Orochimaru would be brought to this world by Charles. Presumably, everything here could attract Orochimaru's curiosity.

Shaking off these thoughts from her mind, Tsunade said, "Kakashi and the others have brought back the werewolf ancestor, William. I still have some research to do, so I'll leave now."

Hearing that Tsunade had something to do, Charles nodded, not following to see the research. Instead, he took a glance at Balthazar and Veronica in the recovery room and then turned back to his room.

Back in the room, Charles did a simple wash-up and then lay down on the bed to rest.

Today's battle consumed all of his chakra for the first time, and he felt a bit tired. As for the issue of spoils of war, he planned to deal with them with David tomorrow. After all, Drake was not killed by him.

Without thinking too much, Charles soon entered the dreamland.


On the other side-

In the headquarters of the Northern European vampire branch, Kakashi was leading the others to clean up the battlefield.

Over the past few days, the vampires were ruthlessly exterminated, and their stronghold was successfully seized. Following Tsunade's instructions, two vampires were spared for experimentation, while the rest met their demise.

Selene and Michael entered carrying a stainless-steel coffin and placed it on the floor of the castle's hall.

"Captain Kakashi, these two steel coffins are more than sufficient to detain the two individuals."

Kakashi nodded, then instructed, "Lee, Sasuke, both of you seal these two vampires in the coffins, and later, I'll use the summoning jutsu to send these two vampires back to the Agency."


Sasuke and Rock Lee placed the bound vampires into the coffins and sealed them. The collected blood cores were handed over to Kakashi.

Now, Kakashi formed hand seals, summoning all eight ninja dogs. Observing the numerous ninja dogs before him, Kakashi patted each one on the head before saying, "Bull, you will take these two coffins back to the Summoning World. Lady Tsunade will take care of them later."

Kakashi then took out a backpack, filled to the brim with blood cores, the loot from this operation—three hundred cores in total.

He tied the backpack to Parker's body, patting Parker's head before saying, "This is something for Lord Charles. Remember to give it to Lord Charles."

With his instructions completed, the eight ninja dogs, carrying the two coffins and the backpack of blood cores, returned to the Summoning World.

Seeing Kakashi complete all the tasks, Selene inquired, "How should we handle the assets of the Northern European clan?"

"There are many immovable properties here, as well as controlled businesses. Replacing them will also take some time."

After a brief contemplation, Kakashi said, "Notify the High Table and have them send people over to assist you in taking over the assets.”

“Pack up anything that can be taken away. Leave some locations as bases for a foothold, and let the High Table be responsible for selling the rest to recover the funds."


Sasuke, on the side, took out his phone and contacted personnel from the continental hotel and the High Table to initiate on-site cleaning and asset disposal.

On the other side-

At Battery Park-

Hawkeye Barton and Black Widow Natasha, along with two squads of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, had already arrived at the scene. The park's entrance was now cordoned off with caution tape, and the entire park was under the control of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Barton and Natasha walked to the center of the park, surveying the scene.

The gates were barricaded, and the park was in chaos, with twisted lampposts scattered around, trees near the park uprooted, and even the tiled ground on the park flipped over, revealing the soft soil beneath.

Barton, observing the chaotic scene, muttered to himself, "What exactly happened here?"

A SHIELD agent approached with several photos in hand, saying, "These are pictures taken when the park square was completed. There was also a huge bronze bull at the scene, but currently, we haven't found it."

Natasha and Barton took a look at the photos and then glanced at the current scene, finding it hard to believe it was the same place.

Natasha spoke, "Search for all traces at the scene. Record any footprints and suspicious information."

"Yes!" X

Several agents, equipped with tools, started examining the scene with flashlights, searching for any signs or clues.

Natasha walked to the spot where the bronze bull was originally placed, examining the traces on the ground. She followed them all the way to the area where cars were parked.

Observing the overturned cars, Natasha stood beside one, looking at the holes in the car body as if pierced by bull horns, lost in thought.

Barton approached and, seeing Natasha deep in thought, asked, "Did you find any information?"

"Barton, do you believe a bronze bull could turn into a living creature?"


Seeing Barton's confusion, Natasha showed him the imprints left on the ground by the running bronze bull. Due to the bull's weight, each step left a deep pit in the cement, and there were hoof prints on the soft soil. The imprints were clear.

Looking at the running tracks and the overturned cars, along with the obvious horn-pierced holes in the cars, Barton also fell into contemplation.

"It seems we need to find this bronze bull, if it's still possible..."

In the early morning, the first rays of sunlight entered the room, and Charles woke up on time. After stretching lazily, he directly proceeded to sign in.

Ding! Sign-in successful. Received 50 servings of delicious ramen!

After collecting the sign-in reward, Charles opened the system's shopping interface to check if there were suitable ninja fragments.

Opening the ninja section of the system store revealed four ninja icons.

Young Kakashi Hatake Fragments: Daily purchase limit 0/4, gold coins 180/1 piece!

Susanoo Kakashi Hatake Fragments: Daily purchase limit 0/4, gold coins 420/1 piece!

Shisui Uchiha Fragments: Daily purchase limit 0/4, gold coins 420/1 piece!

Shikotsumyaku Fragments: Daily purchase limit 0/4, gold coins 300/1 piece!

Looking at the recently refreshed four ninja fragments, two Kakashi, one young and one Susanoo, along with Shisui and the newly appeared Shikotsumyaku, Charles examined the fragments of the four ninjas.

Glancing at his gold coin balance, which now had only 6,384 coins left, even with the expected arrival of three magical items, Charles still felt it was not enough.

Considering his current needs, Charles spent 1,680 gold coins to purchase four Shisui fragments, reaching a total of 16 fragments, after which he stopped buying.

Regardless of whether it was Susanoo Kakashi or Shikotsumyaku, both were valuable to Charles. However, four fragments were still a considerable distance from summoning them, so he temporarily gave up.

After exiting the system space, Charles got up, freshened up, and walked out of his room toward the dining area.

Descending the stairs, Charles saw Iruka already working at the service counter and asked, "Where's David?"

"Haven't seen him come down yet; he probably hasn't woken up."

"Would you like me to arrange for someone to wake him up?"

Iruka asked respectfully.

"Tell him to come to the dining area and find me; I need to talk to him about something."

After instructing Iruka, Charles headed to the dining area, ordered breakfast, and then turned on the nearby television.

The television was broadcasting a news report.

"CBA reporter Julia Barthia is reporting."

"The phenomenon that appeared over New York City yesterday, according to meteorologists' analysis, is a type of light refraction, a very rare occurrence. According to records, the last time such a peculiar phenomenon occurred was centuries ago."

"So, we urge our citizens not to panic, as this phenomenon can be replicated through scientific means."

"Now, we are connected to Professor Errol Bain, an optical expert at New York University."

At this point, the television screen switched to a laboratory where a middle-aged professor in a white coat was manipulating an instrument.

Soon, under the professor's control, a light column similar to the resurrection array from last night appeared on the experimental table.

"Please take a look. This is a phenomenon that occurs under specific conditions due to multiple refractions of light. It is not inherently special, so we hope citizens do not panic. For those interested in this phenomenon, you are welcome to attend my lectures at New York University."

"At that time, I will explain the special phenomena of light, light oscillations, and the color changes that occur when it comes into contact with air."

Then the TV screen switched back to CBA reporter Julia Barthia, who began discussing the cause of this phenomenon and romanticizing it as Earth's gift to the people of New York.

As the camera switched, Professor Errol Bain in the laboratory turned to a special agent beside the experimental camera and said, "Sir, is this introduction acceptable?"

The agent stepped forward, removed a miniature projection device hidden on the experimental table, and turned to the professor, saying, "Thank you for your cooperation, Professor Errol Bain!"


At this moment, Charles watched the news on TV, chuckled, and then shifted his focus away. He concentrated on finishing his breakfast.

Just as Charles finished breakfast, David finally emerged from his room. He yawned, sleepily making his way towards Charles's location.

Obviously, after being imprisoned by the Matryoshka and then experiencing a battle with Drake followed by an apology to his crush, David was physically and mentally exhausted, and he did not rest well last night.

Approaching Charles, David pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Senior brother, what do you want from me?"

Charles extended his palm, revealing a ring—Drake's magical equipment.

"David, you killed Drake yesterday, and this is your spoils of war."

"I don't know if you have any need for this magical item. If you don't, can you transfer it to me?"

As David looked at the ring in Charles's palm and heard his words, he was momentarily stunned. Then, as if realizing something, his face turned pale, and he covered his mouth, making a vomiting motion.

Apparently, he just realized that he had killed someone last night. He thought he had only knocked the person out.

With so much happening last night, he hadn't processed it. Now, hearing it from his senior brother, all the physiological reactions after killing someone rushed to him.

Observing David's unusually long reaction, Charles had a wry expression.

"Senior brother, will I be arrested for killing someone? Will there be consequences?"

Looking at David, who appeared nervous, Charles took a deep breath before speaking, "There won't be any issues. There's no body at the scene, and we have cleanup personnel."

"Besides, you killed a member of the Morgana, who wanted to destroy the world. You can even become a superhero yourself."

"Of course, if that's what you desire."

Upon hearing that there wouldn't be any consequences and that he could even become a superhero, David's complexion gradually returned. Then, somewhat uncertain, he asked, "Really, no consequences?"

Charles nodded, continuing, "What about this magical equipment?"


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