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Nick Fury arrived at the monitoring room, looking at the personnel inside, then spoke, "How is it now?"

"The target disappeared from the surveillance point after entering this building. The instruments couldn't detect that energy anymore."

Looking at the pictures of the building presented by the staff, Nick Fury frowned slightly and asked, "Can't detect him anymore?"

"The energy value is too low, and the instruments can't detect him. Besides, the current equipment only covers the main city area of New York. The outskirts haven't been covered yet."

Upon hearing the report, Nick Fury said, "Let the scientists at the institute continue researching. I need equipment that can detect even a slight leakage of chakra energy."

"Cover the entire globe. I don't believe we can't find out where they are hiding."

"Coulson, record this building and check who lives inside."

After instructing the agents, Nick Fury turned and left.

On the other side-

Balthazar parked the car at the entrance of the park, then said, "They are activating a magic array in the center of the park. After we go in, you guys take care of the members of Morgana, I'll try to disrupt Morgana's resurrection ritual."

Charles looked at Balthazar and asked, "Maybe it doesn't need to be so troublesome!"

Balthazar looked at Charles and asked, "Do you have a better way?"

"Kill him, and all the troubles will be solved."

After speaking, Charles got out of the car, followed by Balthazar and David.

At this moment, the magical circuit in the sky was still under construction. Maxim was about to burn the doll, but he sensed something and looked towards the park gate, where he saw Charles and the others.

"Balthazar, I knew the magic mirror prison couldn't trap you for long."

Then, pointing his wand at his two subordinates, Maxim said, "You go and stop Balthazar's two disciples. As for Balthazar, leave him to me."


At this moment, Drake took a look at David and Charles, then rushed towards David. He knew he couldn't afford to provoke Charles.

Seeing Drake rushing towards David, the nun could only target Charles. She teleported like a ghost and appeared in front of Charles.

However, as soon as the nun reached out her hands to cast a hypnotic spell on Charles, a big foot appeared above, kicking towards her.

The nun gave up attacking and directly erected a magical shield.


Charles's kick, while not using his full strength, was still powerful. Though it didn't break the magical shield, it left a crack.

Seeing that one kick didn't resolve the situation, Charles quickly closed in, accumulated power in his right hand, and delivered a powerful punch, covering it with a bluish chakra.


The light blue magic shield was instantly shattered. The nun, due to the shield's destruction, leaned backward.

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique!"

Charles quickly formed hand seals, and a reddish-brown flame surged out, burning towards the nun. The speed and size of the flames exceeded the nun's imagination.

Under the influence of the Dragon Ring, Charles's Fire Release showed a tendency to evolve into Melting Release.

The nun's protective shield suddenly shattered. Faced with the oncoming flames, she immediately erected a vacuum sphere in front of her.

However, Charles's flames were not ordinary fire but Chakra-fueled Fire Release. The vacuum sphere was instantly pierced, and the colossal Fireball, with a diameter exceeding ten meters, engulfed the nun.


After a miserable scream, the nun was burned into a dried corpse and died on the spot.

On the other side, Drake intercepted David and grinned, "David, if you don’t want to cry from being beaten, I advise you to surrender."

Looking at the guy in front of him, David's face showed a hint of annoyance. It was this person who bullied him in the bathroom, leading to Maxim locking him inside the Matryoshka doll.

Thinking about this, David's anger ignited, and his whole body burst into flames. David extended both hands, and in the next moment, two fireballs appeared, thrown towards Drake.

"Boom! Boom!"

Watching the incoming flames, Drake's figure flashed, avoiding the flames, which hit the lawn behind him.

Seeing David actually using magic, Drake exclaimed, "Unexpectedly, the little apprentice can use magic now. Take my move."

Drake waved his hand, and a magical missile flew out, instantly attacking David. Fortunately, David promptly erected a magical shield to fend it off.

This confinement in the Matryoshka doll allowed David to advance significantly in his abilities. The two engaged in magical combat, and for a while, it was challenging to determine a clear winner.

On another side, Maxim looked at Balthazar's two disciples being led away. Then he spoke, "Balthazar, although we have been evenly matched all along, you are destined to lose this time."

Maxim pointed his wand at Balthazar, and a plasma lightning bolt shot towards him.


The massive lightning bolt instantly sent Balthazar flying. Looking at the fallen Balthazar, Maxim spoke, "I wonder how many hits you can endure. What if I add a bull to the mix?"

At this moment, the tip of Maxim's wand glowed, pointing towards a bronze bull on the side of the park. In the next second, the bronze bull came to life and charged towards Balthazar.

Seeing the charging bull, Balthazar quickly got up and ran under a nearby parked car.

The magical power on Balthazar's ring flickered, summoning his Steel Eagle.

The bronze bull charged towards the car, ramming it and flipping it into the air. Balthazar, behind the car, reacted quickly and ran out. However, before he could get away, Maxim controlled an airborne trash can and smashed it onto Balthazar.

Watching Balthazar fall once again, Maxim walked over unhurriedly and said, "The energy ring is about to converge; it must be very powerful."

"Balthazar, for so many years, you've been trying to prevent this, but it's about to happen."

As the final column of energy rose, the magic circle in the sky above the city instantly took shape and activated.

At the moment the array started, a surge of black mist mixed with lightning emerged from the center of the magic circle and shot in all directions.

The released black mist seemed to traverse space, instantly appearing all over the world. Shadows of the mist appeared beneath the ancient Great Wall, in the tomb forests of tropical jungles, and even around the statues in front of the pyramids.

As the mist was inhaled, the statue in front of the pyramid instantly exploded, as if a figure was about to step out from within.

The skulls on the skeletal wall, after absorbing the black mist, also revived, reaching out with a claw as if about to break free.

With the help of the resurrection spell, evil mages from Morgana around the world began to awaken.

Triskelion Tower-

In the Global Hazard Monitoring Center, alarms blared instantly.

At this moment, a satellite in the sky captured a photo of New York City and sent it to S.H.I.E.L.D.

A S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, staring at the satellite image on the computer, exclaimed in fear, "What is this?"

Agent Phil Coulson, who had just left the Chakra Detection Lab, heard the alarm and rushed to the Global Hazard Monitoring Center.

"What's happening?"

The agent looking at the photo spoke, "Coulson, there's something... over the skies of New York City."

The agent paused for a moment and continued, "It looks like some kind of magical array?"

Upon hearing the agent's words, Coulson quickly walked over to the computer. Although Coulson didn't believe in magic, the thing covering half of New York City, viewed from above, indeed looked like a magical array.

"Turn all the satellites towards it. I want to see what's going on."

Coulson immediately called Director Nick Fury, urging him to come to the Global Disaster Monitoring Center because of a major situation.


At this moment, Charles had defeated the nun and approached her lifeless body. He reached up and removed the magical necklace from the nun's neck.

During their confrontation, Charles had noticed that the necklace around the nun's neck emitted a dazzling magical light each time she cast a spell. Charles knew it was a magical accessory.

As soon as he grabbed the necklace, the system prompted with a sound.

Ding! Detected rechargeable item. Do you want to recharge?


Because they were on the battlefield, Charles didn't recharge on the spot but stored it in his storage space.

Surveying the square, Charles noticed that Morgana was still performing a magical ritual. David and Drake were engaged in a balanced battle, and without his mentor Balthazar, it seemed a bit challenging.

Seeing the situation, Charles didn't hesitate. He recalled that Balthazar had told him lightning was the most damaging to mages, be it plasma or regular lightning.

Charles faced Maxim, rapidly forming hand seals.

Lightning Release: Lightning Strike!

At that moment, Maxim was about to strike Balthazar as his wand emitted a brilliant magical light, mimicking a striking motion.

Suddenly, a lightning bolt descended from the sky, sending Maxim flying. Balthazar hadn't even had a chance to breathe when the bronze bull charged towards him again.

In the nick of time, a steel giant eagle flew in and snatched the bronze bull away.

Watching the taken bull, Balthazar turned to the flying steel giant eagle and said, "Thank you!"

Charles walked over to Balthazar, helping him up.

"Charles, let's go stop Morgana."

Charles nodded, looking at Morgana still maintaining the magical array in the center of the square. He recalled the original story where the female lead kicked a satellite dish to disrupt magic. But he thought it was a bit implausible.

Moreover, due to his presence, Morgana had come out early, and changes had occurred with David and Becky. Now, there was no one to kick the satellite dish.

But since changing the satellite dish could alter the magic circuit, Charles decided to give it a try. He focused on an antenna on a building, then formed hand seals.

Lightning Release: Lightning Strike!

A lightning bolt struck the support of the antenna, instantly burning it, and the antenna fell from the building, crushing a parked car below.

However, the magic array in the sky showed no change. Morgana, casting the spell, noticed and laughed, "Hahaha, as long as the magic array is complete, these things are no longer important."

"Merlin's descendant, you don't think destroying a few satellite antennas can break the magic array, do you?"

Watching Morgana laugh heartily, Charles couldn't help but feel a bit awkward. Back when he watched the movie, he already found this scene a bit far-fetched, and now it turned out to be a deception.

In the sky, hidden in the dimensional gap, the Ancient One saw Charles's actions and couldn't help but smile.

The little one's thoughts were really amusing...

Seeing that his previous move had no effect, Charles had a new idea. Since the attacks from above were ineffective, he decided to destroy the magic array beneath Morgana's feet.

Charles clapped his hands on the ground.

Earth Release: Earthquake!

The ground beneath Morgana instantly collapsed, forming a deep pit. However, Morgana, standing above it, didn't move and remained suspended in the air.

Morgana looked at the two in front of her and said, "Is this your idea?"

Then Morgana waved her hands, and flames erupted, waving toward the two like a raging fire.

Seeing the rushing flames, Balthazar stood in front of Charles, creating a massive vacuum wall that prevented the flames from harming them.

"Use your lightning technique!"

However, before Charles could act, Morgana's spell transformed into plasma lightning and shot towards them.

"Boom! Boom!"

The sudden appearance of two lightning bolts caught Balthazar off guard. He was hit instantly, sent flying, and collapsed on the ground unconscious.

But at the critical moment, Charles used the Body Flicker Technique to dodge, appearing behind Morgana.

Lightning Release: Lightning Strike!

Two consecutive purple lightning bolts descended from the sky, enhanced by Charles's Dragon Ring.

"Boom! Boom!"

The lightning bolts struck Morgana, piercing through her protective barrier and leaving her paralyzed for a second.

Seizing this opportunity, Charles used another jutsu. With lightning flickering in his hand, he used the enhanced Chidori.

Charles gripped Chidori, appearing instantly in front of Morgana. He looked at the body that belonged to Veronica and pierced it through the abdomen.

As Chidori penetrated her abdomen, lightning danced across Morgana's body, causing her to emit a painful scream.



kakashi x rin style 😻