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With all the vampires in the werewolf base cleared by Iruka's team, the surviving werewolves gathered together.

The werewolves had reverted to their human forms, abandoning their giant wolf appearances.

The leader of the werewolves, accompanied by the remaining members, arrived at the location where Iruka and the others had gathered.

As the leading werewolf entered, he quickly spotted Lucian lying on the ground. Rushing over, he shouted in pain, "Lucian!"

Witnessing this, the other werewolves expressed deep sorrow. Lucian was their leader and had always protected them.

Enraged, the werewolves spotted Selene crouched on the ground nearby and were about to vent their anger on her.


However, Sasuke swiftly kicked the approaching werewolf, sending him flying.

"This is my loot. You can't touch!" Sasuke declared.

Seeing this scene, the leader of the werewolf team shouted, "Quiet!"

"Lord Sasuke, I apologize sincerely. They acted recklessly due to overwhelming grief," the werewolf leader quickly apologized.

Sasuke accepted the apology and pointed to Michael and Selene, saying, "These two are our loot. Don't touch them."

Hearing Sasuke's words, the werewolf team leader said, "Everyone, don't harm them. They are loot claimed by Lord Sasuke."

Upon hearing that Sasuke and the others claimed the loot, the remaining werewolves suppressed their anger.

Though savage, werewolves admired strength, and Iruka and the others were perceived as invincible beings, especially since they had saved the werewolves during the assault.

Michael had mostly recovered by now and walked over to protect Selene.

Iruka looked at the werewolves and, with a slight frown, asked, "Where is Raze?"

One werewolf choked up and said, "Lord Iruka, Raze died in battle."

Hearing that their patron had fallen in battle, Iruka furrowed his brows, a result that left everyone feeling helpless.

"We were entrusted by Raze to protect you for three days. There's still one day left, but this place is not safe. Do you have another base or any plans?" Iruka inquired.

The werewolf leader, Lade, responded, "Currently, there are only fifteen of us left in the base. Our other comrades were killed. We have nowhere else to go."

Lade paused for a moment and continued, "Lord Iruka, if you don't mind, you can arrange for us, or if you are willing, you can shelter us."

Hearing Lade's words, the remaining werewolves nodded and said, "Lord Iruka, if you don't mind, you can take us in."

Iruka pondered for a moment and then spoke, "Do you have any gold coins from the Continental Hotel?"

Several werewolves in the group mentioned the number of gold coins they possessed.

"I have 2 coins."

"I have 1 coin."

"I have 3 coins."


Lade added, "Lord Iruka, I have 5 coins."

Iruka, after hearing the numbers, said, "Let me make arrangements for you. In the meantime, stay here."

The werewolves nodded gratefully, and Iruka proceeded to plan their next steps.

Iruka, pleased to see that half of the werewolves possessed gold coins from the Continental Hotel, nodded in satisfaction. "Gather 15 gold coins, and follow me to the Continental Hotel. Before leaving, take whatever valuables you can carry!"

After giving the order, Iruka pointed to Michael and said, "Carry Selene on your back and follow us!"

Michael, having witnessed the magical and powerful abilities of Iruka and the others, had abandoned any thoughts of escape long ago. He lifted Selene onto his back and joined the group.

Selene, still immersed in the overwhelming memories from Viktor, was unable to wake up.

Fortunately, with her several centuries of life experience, the vast memories did not affect her, though digesting them proved challenging.

With the remaining fifteen werewolves gathering some essentials, they followed Iruka and the others to the Continental Hotel in London to check in.

As Iruka led the werewolves away, within an hour, a heavily armed special forces unit arrived at the werewolf base. Carrying firearms, they collected the bodies of werewolves and vampires, then proceeded to clean up the battlefield.

The packaged bodies were then transported out via an armed helicopter.

Meanwhile, in the vampire castle-

As the werewolf doctor's blood flowed into the coffin, Marcus, who had been in a deep slumber, slowly woke up. Simultaneously, he absorbed all the memories of the werewolf doctor.

Without anyone activating the mechanisms underground, Marcus directly broke through the ground and flew out.

With enormous, hairless wings, Marcus revealed the difference between him and Viktor.

"This foul creature's blood awakened me..." Marcus muttered.

Checking the time, he found it was nearly dawn and summoned the remaining vampires in the castle. He inquired about the changes after Viktor's departure but remained unaware of the events at the werewolf base.

Soon, it was daytime.

In the Charles Agency in New York, Charles, awakened by a knock on his door, stretched lazily before opening it.

Standing there was Ginny, holding a custom-made suit.

"Boss, there's a Stark Industrial shareholders' meeting this morning, and you need to attend. I've prepared this suit for you," Ginny said.

Still yawning, Charles accepted the suit and replied, "Thanks, Ginny. Ask the chef to prepare me breakfast. I'll come down after freshening up."

Glancing at her watch, Ginny added, "The meeting starts in two hours."

After reminding Charles about the time, Ginny turned and went downstairs, instructing the chef to prepare breakfast for Charles.

After closing the door, Charles took a quick shower, performed a simple wash-up, and then changed into the suit prepared by Ginny.

Putting on his wristwatch, he picked up his charging phone.

As soon as the phone powered up, Charles received a call reminder and a MMS from Iruka.

Opening the MMS, Charles saw a photo of a rhombus-shaped red crystal. He then read the accompanying text, learning that Iruka had found a suspicious item on a vampire and handed it over to Parker.

As for the werewolves seeking refuge, the situation with Selene and Michael, and all other specific details, were recorded in a report attached to the email sent to Charles's inbox.


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