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Tony had no interest in Nick Fury's invitation.

"Get out before I get angry!"

Seeing Tony's direct refusal, Nick Fury continued, "Tony, don't you..."

"Get out, now!"

"J.A.R.V.I.S., connect me to the phone of the federal senator. I want to know when a head of a special agency has the right to intrude into my home and talk nonsense!"

"Sir, please wait!"

Witnessing Tony Stark's reaction, Nick Fury realized that it was impossible to communicate under these circumstances. He reluctantly said, "OK, OK, I'm leaving."

"But I believe we will meet again."

With that, Nick Fury left Tony's mansion.

"Sir, the call has been connected."

After the call, Tony wasted no time and directly complained to the federal senator about S.H.I.E.L.D's intrusion into his residence.

He demanded a complaint be filed against S.H.I.E.L.D and requested suggestions for dealing with the matter.

Evidently, Nick Fury's act of sneaking into the room had angered Tony Stark.

After hanging up, Tony instructed, "J.A.R.V.I.S., blacklist this guy. My mansion will never receive him again!"

"Understood, sir!"

Having driven away Nick Fury, Tony decided to upgrade the defense system of the room.

He couldn't allow just any agent to sneak into his room and uncover the secrets of his Mark series armor. He couldn't afford to become someone who worked for others.

What he invented was his own, and he wouldn't let others take it away.

After the incident with Obadiah, Tony had heightened his vigilance.


At Charles's agency, the conversation had given Charles a more direct understanding of Tsunade, not just the Tsunade in memory, but a more vivid and real presence.

Likewise, Tsunade also gained a slight understanding of this world, Charles, and their current situation.

During their conversation, they tasted various wines, not just finishing a bottle of whisky but also trying red wine, sake, and even oriental liquor.

Under the allure of multiple alcohols and Tsunade's trust in Charles, they both got drunk without using chakra to sober up.

As a result, they ended up falling asleep on the table.

As the two of them were completely intoxicated, the waiter informed Shizune, who was guarding the front desk. With her arrangement, they were carried to separate rooms for rest.

When Charles woke up from a nap, he groggily opened his eyes and looked around, realizing he was lying on the bed. Not finding anyone else beside him, he didn't know if he was disappointed or relieved.

If someone had really been there, this building would probably have been completely demolished today...

Shaking off such thoughts, Charles entered the system space.


"Ding! Check-in successful. Reward: Ninja Art Secret Scroll X2!"

Indeed, a beautiful day always starts with checking in. Glancing at the eight ninja art secret scrolls he already had, Charles prepared to collect ten.

After a simple wash-up, Charles took out a suit from the storage space and walked out.

It was nearly noon, and Charles went downstairs to the front desk, where he saw Tsunade chatting with Shizune.

Tsunade had changed out of her combat uniform and was now dressed in clothing selected by Shizune, looking no different from when she was in Konoha.

"Good afternoon, you two."

Seeing Charles approaching to greet them, Shizune and Tsunade greeted back, with Shizune using honorifics.

"Good afternoon, Lord Charles."

Tsunade raised her palm and said, "Good afternoon!"

Observing the different forms of address, Charles didn't mind.

"Let's have lunch together."


"Lord Charles, I still need to be in the front desk."

Seeing the two different responses, Charles smiled and said, "Come with us. It's alright to leave the front desk for a while. Besides, there are no clients with scheduled appointments now, right?"

With that, he led the two of them to the dining area.

Arriving at the dining area, Charles didn't bother the chefs but directly took out three bowls of delicious ramen from the storage space.

Seeing Charles's action, Shizune opened her mouth to say something but ultimately remained silent.

However, Charles's actions caught Tsunade’s attention.

"How did you store the food? It's still hot."

It was surprising to Tsunade that Charles had made the ramen appear on the table just by waving his hand, without using a storage scroll or any other means.

Charles smiled and explained, "This is one of my abilities. I can store items, and they appear the same way they were put in, without any passage of time. You don't have to worry about the items getting spoiled."

Hearing about this ability, Tsunade was amazed. "If we had this back in the village, the logistics pressure would have been much lighter, and the war might have ended more quickly."

After the surprise, Tsunade's eyes lit up, and she asked, "Can I learn this ability?"

Upon waking up, Tsunade had discovered that she had lost several abilities, as if they were sealed.

However, she had gained a few more skills. After communicating with Shizune, she understood what had happened.

Therefore, Tsunade wanted to learn Charles's ability.

Charles waved his hand and said, "This ability cannot be bestowed upon you."

"Let's taste the delicious ramen quickly. You will have a different experience."

Hearing that it couldn't be given to her, Tsunade didn't show any change in her expression. Instead, she lowered her head and glanced at the delicious ramen in front of her.

"Is this the delicious ramen from Ichiraku?"

Shizune explained, "Lady Tsunade, it's different. You'll know once you try it."

Hearing Shizune's words, Tsunade smiled and then picked up the chopsticks to start eating.

"Slurp, slurp, slurp~"

Feeling the changes and the restored physical strength and chakra, Tsunade was surprised.

"This is not Ichiraku's ramen. It's magical ramen."

"While resting after the war and temporarily reorganizing, it's not bad to eat this. However, it's not suitable for replenishing energy during combat."

"After all, the enemy won't give us time to eat ramen."

Not minding Tsunade's continuous references to war, Charles understood it was a normal reaction, considering she had just come down from the battlefield.

Shizune quickly explained, "I am currently familiarizing myself with the herbs here and their properties. After I am familiar, I will try to prepare pills that can restore chakra."


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