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Upon hearing that Shizune had already eaten, Charles didn't extend the invitation further and instead walked to the dining area to have the staff prepare breakfast for him.

While having breakfast, Charles looked at the TV hanging on the wall.

Col. James 'Rhodey' Rhodes's was giving the official report of the previous night's events.

"According to unconfirmed reports, a prototype robot malfunctioned, causing significant damage."

"Fortunately, one of Tony Stark's private bodyguards used Stark's top-secret technology to resolve the situation."

Watching the Colonel on TV discussing the matter, Charles took a bite of his sandwich but paid no attention to what Rhodes was saying. He was waiting for Tony's appearance.

In the backstage room of the press conference, Pepper Potts was touching up Tony's makeup.

Tony looked at the newspaper and chuckled, "Iron Man, that's an interesting name."

Looking at the picture of himself in the Mark III armor on the street, he remarked, "I do look pretty handsome!"

"But how come there's no mention of Charles Doyle in the report?"

"Didn't they capture it?" Tony curiously asked.

Coulson, who had walked over at this moment, spoke, "His speed was too fast at the time. From the beginning of the fight to the end, not even two seconds had passed. Perhaps no passersby managed to capture it."

"That's your alibi, Tony."


As Coulson handed over the note to Tony, he continued, "At the time, you were on the yacht. The port authority confirms that you were docked at Avalon Harbor all night, with testimony from 50 guests."

Tony looked at the item in his hand and then said, "It's more accurate to say that only Pepper and I were on the island that night."

Coulson said expressionlessly, "We can't fake that information. Just read it as instructed."

Upon hearing Coulson's words, Tony raised an eyebrow.

"We can't fake? Are you serious?"

After confirming the content in his hand, Tony was surprised, "No mention of Obadiah?"

"We took care of it. He went on vacation. You know, small planes are not always safe."

"But how do we explain the fabricated bodyguard? He is me."

"How do we explain this weak link?"

"What about Charles Doyle? In fact, he defeated Obadiah. Although I was confident that I could beat him, you know, Charles's power was stronger and he resolved the issue faster."

Coulson didn't directly answer Tony's question but said, "You know, we've done this kind of thing before."

"As long as you follow the official statement, everything will be fine."

"You only have 90 seconds."

With that, Coulson turned and left directly.

As Coulson walked away, Pepper Potts hurried a few steps to catch up and immediately expressed her gratitude, "Agent Coulson, I sincerely thank you for all the help you've provided. I deeply appreciate it."

Coulson smiled, "It's what I should do."

"There will be more cooperation in the future."

Pepper Potts thought for a moment and said, "Your Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and..."

Hearing the somewhat stumbling name, Coulson interrupted, "We're now called S.H.I.E.L.D."

"That's great; that name sounds good."

After a smile, Coulson turned and left.

Seeing Coulson's departure, Pepper Potts picked up her suit from the sofa and said, "It's your turn, Tony."

Tony, holding the cue cards, walked over and said, "It seems that falsifying information isn't that difficult, although I can't believe I'm Iron Man."

Pepper Potts helped Tony put on his suit and said, "Of course, you're not Iron Man."

"I am."

"Okay, it's up to you."

At the press conference, Rhodey announced, "Next, Mr. Stark has prepared a statement, but he won't be answering any questions. Thank you!"

At this point, Tony stepped onto the podium and looked at the reporters below.

"I've been out of the limelight for a while, so I'll just read from the script."

At this moment, Charles leaned back in his chair, watching Tony Stark appear on TV with a smile on his face.

"Some people have speculated that I was personally involved in the incidents that occurred on expressway and in the industrial park."

At this moment, a journalist familiar to Tony interrupted, "I'm sorry, Mr. Stark."

"Do you really think we'll believe that a bodyguard conveniently appeared in armor when the truth is usually..."

Tony stared at this beautiful journalist who had a history with him and said with a smile, "I know what you mean. Questioning the official version is always necessary."

"But it shouldn't be baseless speculation, calling me some kind of superhero for no reason."

Christine immediately raised her hand and said, "I didn't say you're a superhero."

"You didn't?"

"That's good. It would be absurd if it were that way."

"It would be too outrageous."

"I, I, I'm not cut out to be a superhero. Clearly, I have too many character flaws and have done too many wrong things, which would set a bad example."

Seeing Tony getting a little off-topic, Rhodey hurriedly reminded him, "Just read from the script and don't say anything else."

Tony took the script and looked at the content.

"In fact."

Tony paused for a moment, put down the script in his hand, and said, "I am Iron Man."

Upon hearing Tony's response, the venue erupted into a commotion.

"Are you serious? Did you just say you're Iron Man?"

"Mr. Stark, why did you admit it? How did you create that armor?"

At this point, countless reporters were asking Tony about the armor, the Iron Monger, and other questions. However, Christine stood up and said loudly, "Mr. Tony."

"According to the latest information I've received, it wasn't you who dealt with that giant robot, right?"

With Christine's words, the venue instantly fell silent.

Numerous media people looked at Christine, who was sitting in the front row. After all, this news was also explosive, although not as big as Tony being Iron Man.

In the middle of speaking, Christine even produced a photo and continued, "Mr. Tony, according to an eyewitness at the scene, it was a person not wearing any armor, the person in this photo, who defeated the giant robot, is that correct?"

In a corner of the press conference venue, Coulson slapped his forehead, feeling frustrated. "Damn it, there really was an eyewitness who took a photo."


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