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With the installation of the power source, the lights at the eye sockets of Charles's Mark 2 armor lit up, and the suit officially powered on.

"Hello, Mr. Charles. I am J.A.R.V.I.S."

"Hello, J.A.R.V.I.S."

Looking at the virtual projection in front of his eyes, Charles felt cool. After moving his fingers slightly, he opened the faceplate.

Meanwhile, Tony, in his Mark 3 armor, looked at Charles, who had already adapted to the suit, and said, "Let's go outside for a spin."

With that, Tony closed his faceplate and flew out first.

Seeing Tony piloting the Mark 3 armor out of the underground lab, Charles followed suit without hesitation, closing his faceplate and joining him.

Although it was his first time using the Mark armor, Charles quickly mastered flying. After all, in his previous life, he had watched Tony's flying maneuvers many times. With J.A.R.V.I.S.'s assistance, he soon caught up with Tony.

Once outside, Charles wasted no time and immediately tried some fancy flying maneuvers. With J.A.R.V.I.S.'s assistance, moves that were challenging for most fighter jets became remarkably simple.

Whether it was the Cobra maneuver, aerial somersaults, or sudden stops and ascents, Charles thoroughly enjoyed experiencing them all.

Although these maneuvers were not as challenging as operating a fighter jet and lacked the feeling of strong wind blowing, the change in perspective allowed Charles to experience the joy of flight.

Charles flew over the sea and even attempted some palm blasts. Although the Mark 2 armor was not equipped with a weapon system, it was still easy to perform these actions.

While having fun, Charles received a call request, which he promptly accepted.

"Ha ha, how is it? Do you feel something different?" Tony's voice came through.

"Tony, your inventions are great and very creative, but I prefer your intelligent butler."

Apart from the energy core and other core components, the Mark armor was equipped with advanced shock absorption systems and assisted by artificial intelligence. Among these, what interested Charles the most was the AI.

In his base, he needed a reliable artificial intelligence to handle some trivial matters.

"Have you considered selling me an artificial intelligence? I think it's fantastic."

"Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Charles," J.A.R.V.I.S. responded inside both of their armors.

Hearing Charles's immediate interest in his invention, Tony smiled, "J.A.R.V.I.S. not up for sale, and creating an AI is not simple. It requires a considerable amount of computing space and corresponding equipment."

"I can consider it, though manufacturing an intelligent AI is no easy task."

Tony considered his spare AIs. Besides Dum-E and Friday, he hadn't developed any other backup AIs yet.

Although Tony didn't give a direct response, Charles understood that there was potential in this request.

Charles's main purpose for wanting an AI was to manage daily tasks at his base, allowing him to experience only the high-tech lifestyle without needing the AI to do experiments or armor operations.

It was like a man who sees a fascinating new toy and buy to thoroughly enjoyed it, if he is able to.

Who could resist artificial intelligence? This was genuine artificial intelligence, not some artificial idiot.

"OK, I'll await your message."

"Tony, shall we spar now?"

Looking at the Mark 2 armor floating on the sea, Tony said, "No problem, but do you need to go back to the mansion first and take off your armor? You don't intend to spar with me wearing that suit, do you?"

"No need for that trouble, Tony."

Charles enveloped the entire Mark 2 armor with chakra and then, with a single thought, retrieved it into his storage space.

It was a simple way that Charles had come up with to remove the armor. While putting on the armor might not be so easy, storing it in the storage space was convenient.

Tony's eyes widened as he watched the Mark 2 armor disappear from Charles's body and then saw Charles descend from the air.

This sudden scene gave Tony a lot of inspiration. Perhaps he also needed to consider the portability of the armor.

"Sir, I've lost the signal of Mark 2," J.A.R.V.I.S.'s voice sounded in the armor.

Hearing J.A.R.V.I.S.'s words, Tony didn't hesitate and immediately sped over. He wasn't worried about the whereabouts of his Mark 2 armor, but rather about Charles possibly drowning from the fall.

After retrieving the armor, Charles landed smoothly on the sea. He let chakra flow under his feet, standing steadily on the water's surface.

As Tony arrived, he witnessed this scene and exclaimed, "Man, how did you do that?"

"I stored the armor in my storage space. It's more convenient and saves time."

"No, that's not what I'm asking."

"I'm asking how you managed to stand on the sea's surface, just like standing on the ground."

Charles smiled and took a few steps, completely concealing any support under the sea. Furthermore, this wasn't even the seaside, and there were no reefs below.

"Sir, after scanning, there is nothing but seawater below. No support whatsoever," J.A.R.V.I.S.'s voice rang in the armor.

At this moment, Charles said with a smile, "This is a basic technique of a ninja."

Basic technique? Tony couldn't comprehend what kind of ninja used walking on water as a basic technique.

Then, Charles assumed a sparring stance and said, "Tony, let's start sparring now."

"Wait until we finish fighting before we talk."

"OK, but be careful." Tony's expression also became serious, but he wasn't very worried. After all, his armor was made of the same material as the tactical satellite, Angel of Light, which was titanium gold alloy.

Charles then produced several shurikens between his hands and immediately launched them at Tony in the air.

"Clang, clang, clang!"

The sound of metal clashing sparked numerous sparks.

Feeling the force of the shurikens' impact, Tony was stunned. The shurikens thrown by Charles at the armor were even more powerful than bullets.

After recovering from the surprise, Tony didn't stand still as a target but instead piloted the armor to fly over.

Not knowing how strong Charles's defense was, Tony didn't immediately use missiles or palm blasts but instead prepared for close combat.

Seeing Tony getting closer, Charles seized this opportunity and directly used Rock Lee's taijutsu.

"Endless Barrage!"

With a flash, multiple afterimages appeared behind Charles. He then appeared in front of Tony and delivered a series of eleven punches, all hitting Tony's armor. The final punch was a charged strike, producing a sonic boom.


Tony was directly blasted away by Charles, tumbling uncontrollably on the sea's surface. Fortunately, with J.A.R.V.I.S.'s assistance, he didn't fall directly into the ocean.

Just as he stabilized his armor, Tony heard J.A.R.V.I.S.'s voice in his ear.

"Sir, external armor is damaged, the damage is eleven percent."Top of Form


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