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At this moment, Nick Fury, who was at the headquarters, hung up the phone and began to speculate in his mind.

"Could it be that the purpose of this emergence from the Hidden Leaf Village is related to the Tesseract?"

"Or perhaps they have a more efficient way of harnessing this object?"

"Since you want these energy blocks, what will you offer in exchange? I want to see how you plan to use these things."

Nick Fury was confident enough to directly trade energy blocks for intelligence. The small quantity of these things was at most used for the energy magazines in laser guns.

And the source was under his control. If they wanted more, they would have to play by his rules.

For the Tesseract, it seemed like it could produce as much energy as one wanted, from their observation, the energy of this object seemed endless and inexhaustible.

Since he could fish out more useful things through the energy blocks, it’s worth it.

Most importantly, Nick Fury had a bottom line. No matter what happened, as long as he called his good friend, captain marvel, he believed she could solve the problem. The Hidden Leaf Village wouldn't be able to turn the tables.


After gaining Nick Fury's support, Coulson reentered Charles Agency and returned to his previous position.

At this point, Natasha had already stopped communicating with Charles and had secretly left a phone number for him.

"Mr. Charles, our director has agreed to your request to use energy blocks as the commission fee."

"But is this price too high? I think a single energy block would be more appropriate."

Charles directly refused, "Charles Agency is fair in its pricing and does not negotiate."

"If you are not satisfied with the price, you can go to another agency for a paid investigation."

Coulson thought to himself: Apart from your Charles Agency, where else can one find information? Do you realize you're monopolizing the market?

"Okay, Mr. Charles, then we will follow your commission fee," Coulson said, conceding.

Seeing that the other party agreed, Charles didn't hesitate. He quickly wrote the content of the commission on the scroll and handed it to Coulson for signature and confirmation.

Taking the commission scroll in hand, Coulson didn't sign immediately. Instead, he touched the texture of the scroll with his hand, carefully examining the patterns on the scroll and even flipping it over to check.

After confirming that the miniature camera concealed in his chest suit button had captured all the footage, Coulson finally signed his name on the commission scroll.

"Mr. Charles, the director has already sent someone to deliver the commission fee. It will arrive shortly. Can you complete the commission first?"

Taking the commission scroll back and securing it, Charles said, "I am a person of principle. I will not undertake the task until I have received the commission fee."

At this point, Charles held the initiative, and Coulson did not insist, sitting on the sofa waiting.

During the wait, Coulson was not idle. He began to discuss the agency's fee standards with Charles, what kind of commission would be paid for with what. Charles was equally straightforward, outlining the fees involved in extraordinary affairs.

In the tasks involving of extraordinary individuals, all commissions required energy blocks as payment. Only the most mundane tasks would be charged in regular currency.

But even in the case of monetary payment, the price was extremely high. Even if the other party was wealthy, they wouldn't consider entrusting the routine tasks to Charles Agency that ordinary agents could easily handle.

Without making Charles wait long, Coulson's phone rang soon after, and he walked out of the office, then returned with a box in his hand.

Coulson carried a briefcase, not very large but seemingly heavy.

After performing three verifications such as fingerprint recognition, facial recognition, and iris recognition, Coulson opened the box.

He then took out three cubic energy crystals from it and placed them in front of Charles. "This is your commission fee for the task. Can we proceed with the task now?"

Upon receiving the commission fee, Charles immediately submitted the task to system in his mind.

Task assessment in progress...

Ding! Task assessment successful. B-level task. Completing the task will reward 2000 reputation, 200,000 copper coins, and an ordinary treasure chest.

Receiving the system prompt, Charles didn't hesitate. He stacked the three energy blocks together in front of him and began to explain, "The pet dog in your photo is a ninja dog."

"Its name is Parker, raised by ninjas from a young age, possessing extraordinary powers as a ninja dog."

"You can consider this ninja dog as a superhuman creature, having immense strength and obeying its master's commands."

"As for why it appeared by Tony Stark's side, it's very simple."

"This ninja dog named Parker was hired by Tony Stark as a bodyguard in the form of a commissioned task for a month."

Upon hearing Charles's explanation, Coulson finally understood what was going on. It turned out that this dog was currently Tony's bodyguard.

Superhuman creatures? It seemed that the Hidden Leaf Village not only had a system for cultivating superhumans but also had the ability to train superhuman creatures.

"Mr. Charles, how strong is this Parker, the so-called ninja dog?" Coulson asked.

After pondering for a moment, Charles answered, "Defeating your special operations team outside should be a piece of cake."

Coulson laughed awkwardly. Hearing Charles say that defeating his deployed special operations team would be a piece of cake, he was shocked.

On one hand, he was shocked that the other party knew about his deployment, and on the other hand, he was amazed that such a small ninja dog could take down their entire special operations team.

After all, it was a fully armed special forces team, which apparently couldn't match the ninja dog. Could it be that you're lying to me?

But then Coulson thought that even the proud Tony Stark would specifically commission a mission, so he must have recognized the strength of this ninja dog.

"Now that the first task is completed, can we proceed with the second task, Mr. Charles?" Coulson asked.

Clearly, the purchase of the first piece of information had left Coulson quite satisfied.

On one hand, it dispelled his concerns and provided information about the ninja dog's general information and abilities.

On the other hand, it revealed the reason for its appearance by Tony's side, not that Tony was being controlled or that he had joined another organization, which relieved him somewhat.

Upon hearing that the other party wanted to proceed with the second task, Charles knocked on the table, then looked at the briefcase and began to ponder.

It was evident that he couldn't let the other party continue asking questions endlessly, but he also wanted to know how many energy blocks were in that box. However, Charles didn't see any need to directly resort to snatching.


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