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The next day-

As the morning sun shone through the window glass into the room, Charles slowly opened his eyes.

The first thing he did when he opened his eyes was to check in!

Ding! Check-in successful, reward of 30,000 copper coins!

Hearing that it was 30,000 copper coins, Charles didn't pay much attention. Currently, he didn't really need this amount. Some time ago, Ginny transferred ten million into his account, and he hadn't converted it into copper coins yet.

Of course, not needing it didn't mean he didn't want it. Charles still hoped for more wealth. After all, several hundred million copper coins might not be enough.

After getting up, washing up, and tidying up a bit, Charles walked out of the room and headed downstairs. Because it was a temporary office, he had to pass through the lobby's service desk to get to the dining area.

Passing by the service desk at this moment, Charles saw that instead of Umino Iruka, who should have been standing at the service desk, there was now a blonde beauty.

Charles walked curiously to the service desk and spoke to the woman in front of him, who seemed somewhat familiar: "Who are you?"

"Hello, Boss, I am Elena Morse. Secretary Ginny arranged for me to take over the reception work at the service desk."

Looking at Elena Morse's outstretched hand, Charles shook it gently and then let go.

"So you are in charge of taking over Umino Iruka's work. I'll leave this place to you."

After saying that, Charles turned and left the service desk, heading towards the dining area.

He sat down at a table in the dining area, and immediately a waiter came over with a menu in hand.

"Sir, what can I get for you?"

Charles took the menu handed over by the waiter, glanced briefly at the breakfast page, and then said, "A sandwich and a cup of hot milk, please. Thank you!"

"Please wait a moment!" The waiter took the menu and walked away.

Seeing the sudden addition of people in the office, Charles knew it was Ginny's arrangement. However, Elena Morse at the service desk always felt somewhat familiar.

But for the moment, he couldn't remember where he had seen her.

Although the appearance of Elena and Barbara Morse was similar, their demeanor and attire were quite different, making it difficult for Charles to overlap the two in his mind.

Soon the waiter came over with a tray.

"Sir, this is your breakfast."

Looking at the sandwich and hot milk in front of him, Charles took a bite of the sandwich, which surprisingly tasted good.

It was even better than the sandwiches in restaurants. It seemed that Ginny had really put some thought into selecting the staff.

Although he hadn't tried other dishes yet, Charles believed that the chef's skills were not low. A sandwich was enough to give him a glimpse of the chef's talent.

After finishing breakfast, before Charles could do anything else, the phone rang.

"Is this Mr. Charles Doyle?"

"I'm Happy, Tony's bodyguard. We have met before."

"Tony asked me to bring this thing to you, but it seems like your office has changed addresses."

At this moment, a truck stopped by the old site of the office, which was being rebuilt. Happy, looking at the sign of Charles's Agency, was somewhat surprised.

"Tony sent me something? Alright, I'll come out right away."

Upon hearing that it was something from Tony, Charles immediately thought of Mark 1. After all, it wasn't the date to deliver the dog food for Parker, and there was no need for Happy to be dispatched for that either.

Walking out of the office door, Charles gestured for Happy to stay there.

Soon, several workers pushed a trolley with a rectangular box on it that looked like a refrigerator.

Happy walked up to Charles and curiously asked, "Sir, is your agency under reconstruction?"

Charles nodded and replied, "Yes, Happy!"

Seeing the workers pushing the box over, Happy said, "Tony said the item is assembled and not painted, but he said it had been polished."

"Happy, please thank Tony for me!"

"Would you like to come in for a drink?"

Declining Charles's invitation, Happy said, "No, Mr. Charles, I'm still on duty."


Charles didn't mind and walked up to the workers. He grabbed the wooden frame on the outside of the box and easily lifted the box, then turned and went into the office.

Meanwhile, the three people pushing the cart with the box were somewhat dumbfounded.

Others didn't know the weight of the thing, but the three people responsible for handling it were very clear. This thing weighed tons, and when unloading it, they used a hydraulic trailer.

It was unbelievable that the man in front of them could just lift it up without any effort. Was he Hercules?

Seeing Charles receiving the item, Happy left with the workers. His task was to witness Charles signing for the item.

On the service desk side, Barbara, alias Elena, watched Charles walk in with a huge box. She quickly walked out of the service desk and came to Charles's side to help.

While appearing to help, Barbara was guessing what exactly Charles was holding.

"Boss, what is this thing? Do you need me to call a few people to help lift it?"

Charles smiled and said, "This is a figurine, no need for others to help. I can carry it to the room myself."

Barbara grabbed the frame and tried to lift it, but found that she couldn't lift it at all. Even with all her strength, there was no lift. She then gave up the idea of helping.

Watching Charles Doyle easily carry it upstairs, Barbara made a guess about Charles's strength.

Despite being a woman, her strength was not low, and even she couldn't lift it with all her might. This thing was probably not light; it must have weighed at least a ton.

However, Barbara didn't know that the box Charles was carrying contained something that weighed several tons.

Seeing Charles Doyle's figure disappear in the staircase, Barbara had a guess: A powerlifter?

Impossible, even a world champion powerlifter could only lift around 500 kilograms, and the way Charles just lifted it effortlessly was not something a powerlifter could lift.

A super warrior?

Could it be someone trained by a secret organization? British? Russian? Or some freak from a laboratory?


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