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Upon hearing that Charles intended to conduct a graduation exam for Naruto, Iruka was taken aback for a moment. He glanced at the forehead protector in Charles's hand and decided not to say much.

After breakfast, while everyone was still in the dining area, The gang leader of the Belarusian gang approached Charles respectfully. She greeted him, "Elder Charles, I hope you were satisfied with this morning's breakfast?"

Charles glanced around at the others and replied, "It was quite good, thank you."

The gang leader smiled even more at Charles's response and handed him a box containing six new cell phones. "Elder Charles, your phones were damaged during yesterday's attack. These are new phones I've prepared for you."

Charles took one of the unopened phones and thanked her. He then instructed him, "Please distribute the rest of the phones to the others."

She followed his orders and handed out the phones to the remaining people under Charles. She then asked respectfully, "Elder Charles, do you have any further instructions?"

"If you don't have other plans, I've organized a ballet performance for you," The gang leader added.

Hearing this, Charles glanced at her and said, "We can skip the ballet performance. Instead, bring the ten strongest fighters you have to the stage. I want to conduct an assessment for one of our students."

The gang leader nodded and replied promptly, "I'll arrange it immediately."

Charles retrieved his damaged but still functional phone from his storage ring, removed the SIM card, and inserted it into one of the new phones. He watched as the gang leader left to prepare for the assessment.

Once she was gone, Charles stood up and addressed the group. "Now that everyone has had breakfast, let's proceed with Naruto's assessment. If he passes, I'll reward him with the Genin headband."

With that, he led the group to the stage area of the opera house.

Iruka approached Charles and asked, "Lord Charles, how do you plan to assess Naruto?"

"Testing him against these ordinary civilians might not yield meaningful results."

Charles smiled and replied, "Iruka, I remember the graduation exam from the Ninja Academy often involved mastering the clone Jutsu, right?"

"I believe Naruto will easily pass that test. However, I want him to understand the abilities of ordinary people in this world. Don't worry; we'll be here to ensure their safety."

Hearing Charles's explanation, Iruka nodded in agreement. Indeed, the Ninja Academy's graduation exam often required mastering the clone Jutsu. He also had confidence in Naruto's abilities.

As they reached the stage area, Charles addressed Naruto, explaining the assessment. "Naruto, you'll face ten warriors in this assessment. Your goal is to defeat them without causing serious harm. Your performance will be graded based on how quickly you defeat them."

Naruto listened attentively, ready to take on the challenge.

After hearing Charles's assessment task, Naruto's face lit up with excitement. For him, tasks involving transformation and clone jutsu were relatively hard.

"Don't worry, Lord Charles. I'll definitely defeat them all and come in first."

Having given Naruto his instructions, Charles waited for the assessment to begin.

Suddenly, his phone rang, and Charles answered it promptly. "Hi, Ginny."

"Boss, are you okay? I received news that the agency and the Continental Hotel were both attacked in the early morning."

Hearing Ginny's concerned tone over the phone, Charles smiled and replied, "Ginny, you have to trust your boss. How could those enemies harm us?"

"The enemies have all been eliminated, and apart from significant casualties at the Continental Hotel, we're all fine."

"However, when you return, there will be a big task at hand. The agency has been reduced to ruins, and I need you to organize manpower and start rebuilding immediately."

Ginny's anxiety lessened upon hearing that everyone on their side was unharmed. Although she trusted Charles and the team's abilities, the news of significant losses at the Continental Hotel and the ruined agency still concerned her.

"Understood, Boss. I've met with Wesley, and we'll rush back together when it's time."

"As for rebuilding the agency, I'll arrange for manpower immediately and start the initial cleanup. We can discuss the specifics once I return."

Charles had no objections to Ginny's arrangements, and he trusted her to handle things efficiently.

"Ginny, transfer 10 million to my account. I'll need it."

"Of course, Boss!"

After discussing things with Ginny, Charles hung up. Not long after, his phone rang again. This time, it was a call from an old acquaintance, Kingpin.

"Charles, is everything okay on your end?"

"It seems you've already learned about the attack I suffered last night, Kingpin."

On the other end of the line, Kingpin looked at a photo on his desk showing Charles's agency reduced to ruins.

"Old buddy, your actions keep getting bigger and bigger. This time, it's not just me who knows about the attack on you."

"I believe all the underground powerheads in New York are aware by now."

"After all, your agency was quite clearly the scene of a fierce battle."

Charles shrugged; there was no way to hide it, especially with the intense events of the previous night. His damaged agency was a testament to what had transpired.

"Kingpin, is there something specific you're calling about?"

Kingpin sighed and replied, "Well, old buddy, with your recent actions, I think it's time for us to accept your offer regarding the Japanese market. When the time comes, there will be a substantial reward waiting for you."

Charles listened attentively, knowing that Kingpin was referring to their previous discussions about expanding into the Japanese market.


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