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[T/N: I was attending a class. That's why this chapter was kinda late.]

Thinking about Charles's earlier actions, where he killed one to warn the others, Murakami didn't hesitate and asked, "If I tell you the whereabouts of the Dragon Bones, can you spare my life?"

"And I will lead the Hand to pledge allegiance to you."

Seeing Murakami's willingness to surrender, Charles smiled and replied, "I don't need your surrender, I only need to know where the Dragon Bones are."

"Not every piece of trash is eligible to join my ranks. I am not running a recycling center."

"Moreover, I believe that even if you don't tell me, the other two will."

"If you do tell me, I can make your departure easier. If you don't, I think you understand the meaning of living in more agony than death."

After speaking, Charles glanced at Shizune.

Shizune immediately understood. For a medical ninja like her, torture and healing were equally familiar territories.

Approaching Murakami, each of Shizune's footsteps echoed with an intimidating closeness.

Hearing the approaching footsteps, Murakami didn't persist any longer. He knew the Hand was finished, and his resistance was futile.

Whether he was tortured into revealing the information or died in agony before someone else spilled the beans, he chose to make it easier on himself and shouted, "I'll talk!"

Hearing Murakami's cry, Shizune stopped her approach.

Charles nodded and said, "Very well, now tell me where the Dragon Bones are."

"The Dragon Bones are in the minibus. There's a black briefcase on the front passenger seat, and that's where my Dragon Bone is."

"Alexandra's is in the minibus that you destroyed. The four of us brought our respective Dragon Bones this time."

Hearing that there were four Dragon Bones, Charles was secretly delighted. His gains were greater than expected. He initially thought there was only one Dragon Bone left in the Hand, but now there were four.


In the next moment, Shizune's figure disappeared and reappeared beside Charles, carrying two black briefcases in her hands.

Shizune placed the briefcases in front of Charles and stepped aside.

Charles looked at the quickly retrieved briefcases and nodded. At this point, Iruka came forward and reported, "Lord Charles, apart from the basement, the rest of the floors are completely destroyed."

Having just inspected the damage to the office, Iruka reported that the first and second floors were completely ruined.

Charles frowned and said, "Iruka, take care of him."

Iruka didn't hesitate and immediately took out a kunai. With a swift motion, he stabbed it into Murakami's heart.

Murakami fell to the ground, lifeless. His heart had been pierced, and he died instantly.

Seeing Murakami's lifeless body, Charles picked up one of the briefcases but didn't open it yet, as he heard the system's notification sound.

Ding! Found rechargeable items. Do you want to recharge them?

No, Charles chose not to recharge them for now.

Outside the Charles Agency, only Charles, Shizune, and Iruka remained.

Looking at the two briefcases in front of him, Shizune hesitated for a moment before asking, "Lord Charles, can Dragon Bones really extend one's lifespan?"

With Shizune's question, Iruka also turned his gaze toward Charles.

Nobody was indifferent to the matter of lifespan, not even Shizune and Iruka, who had come to this world from another.

As a highly skilled medical ninja, Shizune understood the importance of extending one's life. In just a few days in this world, she had realized that it was relatively peaceful, and unless something unexpected happened, one could live a full life.

At this moment, the importance of extending one's lifespan became evident. This place was not like Konoha, the Fire Country.

Although there was peace there, it was always short-lived. The destinies of most ninjas led them to battlefields, and few lived to a ripe old age.

So, in that world, most ninjas didn't worry about their lifespan. They were concerned about improving their skills and how to stay alive.

Unless they remained in a village at the rear and never ventured into combat, they wouldn't consider the possibility of dying of old age. That was a luxury they couldn't afford.

But this world was different.

Hearing Shizune's words, Charles also knew what was on their minds. However, he had a different plan and said, "Dragon Bones can indeed extend one's lifespan."

"These two people, including Madame Gao who Iruka executed earlier, are all over 400 years old."

Hearing the number four hundred, both Shizune and Iruka gasped in shock. They had to remember that Konoha Village, from its founding to the time they left, had only experienced a few decades, and it had gone through the leadership of the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Hokages.

In contrast, these two seemingly weaker individuals had lived for over four centuries. It was simply unbelievable.

"Lord Charles, then you must safeguard these Dragon Bones. If they have no side effects, then they..."

Seeing Shizune's envious expression, Charles smiled and said, "While Dragon Bones can extend lifespan, I won't use them for that purpose. To me, Dragon Bones are a source of power, a power that can bring other comrades to this world."

"Comrades?" Shizune and Iruka murmured.

Charles answered seriously, "Yes, comrades. You are all my comrades."

Hearing Charles's words, Iruka's eyes welled up with tears. He had been in this world the longest, teaching Charles from the beginning and eventually being surpassed by him.

He had always considered himself Charles's subordinate, but today, hearing Charles call them comrades, he was deeply moved.

As for Shizune, who had just arrived in this world, she was curious. Comrades? Weren't we all your subordinates, just like Lord Hokage's subordinates?

Although Shizune had recently arrived, she didn't fully understand the depth of their relationship, but the seed of camaraderie was planted in her heart.

Now, Iruka, overwhelmed with emotion, said, "Lord Charles, wherever we can obtain such things, I will find them for you."

Charles smiled and was about to respond.


However, Charles's figure flashed as he appeared on top of a nearby rooftop, clutching Erica, who had come to assassinate him.

Erica saw that Charles's agency, which had been intact during the day, had turned into ruins and exclaimed in shock. Although Erica's voice was low, Charles still heard it.

Lifting Erica, Charles returned to his previous location, and with a single blow, he knocked her unconscious.

Seeing the woman in red clothes fainting in front of them, Iruka was surprised and asked, "Erica?"

Hearing Iruka call out this person's name, Charles was puzzled and asked, "Do you know her?"


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