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#Bonus Chapter(3/10)

Outside the Continental Hotel-

Winston had been waiting for a while now.

It had been three days since the adjudicator spared him after answering the Elder's call the last time.

When he received the name of the new Elder announced by the High Table, Winston's expression was one of shock. He couldn't fathom how a killer, even a legendary one, the most elite in the United States, could become a figure beyond those rules.

However, no matter how incomprehensible it was, the fact was right in front of him, and he could only accept it. At the same time, he couldn't help but sigh. As one grows older, they struggle to keep up with the pace of the times.

As Winston was contemplating, three Rolls-Royce cars arrived and stopped at the entrance of the Continental Hotel. The welcoming staff rushed forward, opened the car doors, and respectfully invited the occupants out.

Charles Doyle stepped out, with the adjudicator on his left, and his secretary, Ginny, on his right. Behind them were Umino Iruka, Rock Lee, Uchiha Sasuke. Following them were John Wick, Cross, and Wesley.

Winston saw Charles Doyle approaching and hurriedly stepped forward, bowing respectfully. "I'm greatly honored by your presence, Elder Charles Doyle."

Charles Doyle walked up and greeted Winston with a light hug, saying with a smile, "Winston, we're old friends. No need to be so formal."

Seeing Charles's usual attitude, Winston relaxed a bit but still maintained a respectful demeanor.

He replied, "You are now an Elder of the High Table, so these formalities are necessary. Rules must not be disregarded."

Hearing Winston mention the rules, Charles smiled but didn't comment. At this moment, the doorman, with keen insight, opened the hotel's grand entrance.

Winston bowed slightly and extended his hand, saying, "Please, Elder Charles Doyle."

Charles didn't stand on ceremony, and with his two beautiful companions, entered the Continental Hotel.

Winston remained outside, watching Charles Doyle's party enter the hotel. When John Wick came up to him, he whispered, "Thank you."

John Wick didn't say much, just nodded in acknowledgment, and entered the hotel with Cross and Wesley.

Inside the Continental Hotel, the adjudicator led Charles Doyle to the main podium in the banquet area.

The banquet was filled with numerous guests. All the leaders of the factions under the High Table in the United States had gathered here, including senators and dignitaries who supported the High Table.

As for lone wolves and assassins, they didn't have the qualifications to attend. Otherwise, with such a massive crowd, they could have easily overcrowded the entire Continental Hotel, which wouldn't be able to accommodate everyone.

When they saw someone appearing on the main podium, and realized it was Charles Doyle and the adjudicator, the entire banquet fell silent.

Observing the sudden hush in the crowd, the adjudicator stepped up to the microphone and began to speak, "Today is a special day as the High Table welcomes its new Elder, Charles Doyle!"

With the words of the adjudicator, the spotlight shone on Charles Doyle. At this moment, the audience's gaze was all on him, filled with curiosity.

For this newly appointed Elder of the High Table, those below had mixed feelings.

In the past month, Charles Doyle had caused quite a stir in New York. He first eliminated the formidable Assassin's Brotherhood, then massacred the Russian syndicate's headquarters, and finally, outside the Continental Hotel, he took down numerous assassins.

A person with such immense power now stood at the highest position, and those below were filled with curiosity, admiration, and contemplation. They seemed to see a new path unfolding.

Seeing the crowd's gaze fixed on Charles Doyle, the adjudicator didn't waste any time and directly announced, "Next, we invite Elder Charles Doyle to give a speech."

Then she gave up the microphone's position, and Charles walked up to the microphone, looking at the people below. He slowly spoke, "Becoming a High Table elder is a very happy thing."

"Now, the entire area in the United States is designated as my sphere of influence, and the previous rules remain unchanged."

"But I will bring something new to all of you in the days to come."

Charles paused for a moment, and at this point, his secretary Ginny controlled the central screen to play a video. In the video, the injured John Wick walked into a wax bath and emerged completely healed after just one night.

Charles explained, "The wax bath, a miraculous item that can stimulate white blood cells and accelerate the recovery process. Here, bruises, cuts, and fractures can heal in a matter of hours."

"And I, Charles Doyle, will bring this miraculous item to construct a specialized recovery room in the Continental Hotels. Apart from New York and Morocco, two more Continental Hotels in different cities will have recovery rooms for now."

"In the future, any faction or individual under the High Table will be able to enjoy this service."

Hearing Charles's words, the audience burst into applause. Everyone welcomed this opportunity to quickly recover with open arms.

Although the rooms wouldn't be built right in front of their homes, as long as the New York Continental Hotel had them, they would still be able to benefit.

After all, nobody could guarantee they would never get injured, and even if they themselves were unharmed, what about their top enforcers?

Charles raised his hand to signal for everyone to quiet down, and the applause soon subsided.

With a smile on his face, Charles said, "Now, I declare that the banquet is officially underway!"

Without further ado or long speeches, Charles announced his identity and the upcoming new services at the Continental Hotel. Then, he stepped down from the podium.

In the banquet area, Ginny handed Charles a bottle of The Macallan Lalique Series 55-Year-Old Single Malt Whisky and asked, "This is a gift from Winston, would you like to try it now?"

Charles took the bottle of The Macallan Lalique 55 and asked, "Ginny, is it a complete set, or just a single bottle?"

Ginny smiled and replied, "Boss, it's a complete set. This bottle is an extra. Would you like to try it now?"

Upon hearing that it was a set plus an additional bottle, Charles chuckled and said, "Please thank Winston for me; he's very thoughtful."

This set of The Macallan Lalique Series 55-Year-Old Single Malt Whisky was not cheap, costing $800,000 for the whole set. More importantly, it was a limited edition, with only 420 sets available worldwide.

Ginny took the whisky and went to open it for Charles. At this moment, a burly man, who appeared to weigh over 200 pounds and was dressed in a suit, approached.

Seeing this large man in a suit, Charles smiled and said, "Ah, Kingpin."

"You're not one of the High Table's subordinates. How did you come to today's banquet?"

Kingpin walked up to Charles, extended a hand, and said, "Congratulations, Charles, on becoming one of the leaders of the High Table."


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