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Casablanca, Morocco-

"Welcome to the Continental Hotel in Morocco."

"Is there anything I can assist you with?"

Charles Doyle took out five gold coins from his pocket and placed them on the front desk, saying, "We need five rooms."

The hotel staff accepted the gold coins and began processing the check-in procedures for Charles and his group.

After Charles distributed the room keys to everyone, just as they were about to go upstairs to their rooms, they heard someone calling out.

"Charles Doyle!"

Hearing his name being called, Charles turned around and saw a familiar face. He smiled and said, "Berrada."

Berrada walked up to Charles Doyle and extended his hand, saying, "Hello, it's great to see you."

Charles shook Berrada's hand and then said to Ginny and the others, "You all can go to your rooms first."

He then went with Berrada to the hotel's lounge area and sat on the couch.

Berrada looked at Charles and said, "It's been over a year since your last visit to Morocco."

"And I've heard about your actions in New York."

Charles smiled and replied, "Those are just small matters, nothing significant."

Hearing Charles Doyle's response, Berrada asked, "You're not here to kill me, are you?"

Charles looked serious and replied, "NO!"

Although in his mind, he couldn't help but think, "After you deal with your underlings, you might be in danger."

Hearing Charles's answer, Berrada visibly breathed a sigh of relief. Then he remembered something and asked, "Are you going to meet the Elder?"

Charles nodded without denying it.

Berrada took out a room key from his pocket and placed it on the table, saying, "This is the best room in my hotel."

"Thank you," Charles replied without rejecting his offer.

"I wish you a pleasant stay!"

Then Berrada got up and left.

Charles Doyle picked up the room key from the table and also left the hotel lounge.

He went to the hotel room that had been prepared earlier and found that everyone was already inside one room. He walked in.

Seeing Charles's arrival, Ginny asked, "BOSS, what do we do next?"

"We wait."

"We wait for John Wick to arrive, wait for him to seek out the Elder who stands above the High Table."

Then Charles turned to Iruka and asked, "Did you bring the blood-stained shirt that John Wick changed out of earlier?"

Iruka quickly replied, "Lord Charles, I've brought everything with me."

Charles nodded in satisfaction and continued, "The High Table's headquarters are in the desert near Casablanca. The exact location, apart from themselves, is unknown to others."

"Even if we meet, they always make sure their target is exhausted and unconscious in the desert before bringing them to the location. Their security measures are very tight."

"We can't waste time exploring on our own. Let John go find him, and someone will bring him to the Elder. That's when we'll attack the High Table."

Ginny asked in surprise, "BOSS, how are you so sure that John Wick will be able to meet the Elder of the High Table?"

"Is this another secret you can't talk about?"

Charles Doyle smiled and said, "Smart!"

Then he took out the room key that Berrada had given him, claiming it was the best room in the hotel, and said, "Ginny, this is the best room in the hotel that Berrada gave us.”

“You're the only lady here, so enjoy the best accommodation for the next few days. If you find it unsatisfactory, you can ask Berrada to renovate it properly instead of giving it away."

Ginny didn't refuse and took the room key. She threw a flirtatious look at Charles and said softly, "I'll be waiting for you in the room~"

After saying that, she turned and left the room.

Seeing this scene again, Sasuke Uchiha rolled his eyes.

Then he left the room as well.

Rock Lee, seeing Sasuke leaving, shouted, "Wait for me!"

He immediately got up and ran out of the room.

Now the room was left with only Charles Doyle and Iruka Umino.

Iruka glanced at Charles and said awkwardly, "Lord Charles, this is my room."

Feeling the awkward atmosphere, Charles Doyle took out the room key he had obtained at the front desk and said, "I'll go to my own room."

Watching Charles leave, Iruka wanted to laugh but dared not. He just endured it silently.

Back in his original room, Charles Doyle sighed, "I've been teased again. Ginny is really audacious. Doesn't she know I can transform into a wolf at any time?"

By the way, what was the room number on that room key?

He seemed to have forgotten to check it.

No longer thinking about these things, Charles Doyle entered the system interface and selected the training ground. He wanted to practice his ninjutsu.

In the evening, John Wick arrived in Casablanca.

He was heading towards the Continental Hotel in Morocco when he was once again surrounded by a group of assassins under a triple bridge tunnel.

Seeing three assassins brandishing their knives, John Wick decided to strike first. He attacked one of them instantly.

John Wick moved left and right, dodging the slashing knives. He took the opportunity to grab one of the assassin's wrists, delivered a punch to his face, and followed up with an elbow strike.

Two more assassins rushed in to help but were swiftly kicked down by John Wick.

He then performed a turning back throw, tossing the assassin whose wrist he had grabbed earlier.

As the assassin who had just been knocked down got back on his feet, he raised his knife and lunged at John Wick.

John Wick, quick on his feet, instantly grabbed the assassin's wrist, and the two engaged in a struggle.


Outside the bridge tunnel, a man's voice interrupted the standoff. He walked out from the darkness, lit a cigarette, and approached them.

He came to the two men who were in a stalemate and said, "I'm afraid this friend is off-limits."

The assassin looked at the bald man who had spoken and explained, "But he's been excommunicated."

The bald man stared at the assassin and said, "I heard the manager has granted him a pardon."

Hearing the word "pardon," John Wick looked at the bald man with surprise.

The bald man then gestured for John Wick to follow him.

John Wick released the assassin and ended the standoff. He also returned the knife he had taken from the assassin.

The bald man made a please gesture to John Wick and then looked at the three assassins before turning to lead John away.

Seeing John and the bald man turning away, the assassin who had just spoken felt reluctant. He quickly pulled out his knife, preparing to throw it at John Wick.

However, before he could throw it, the bald man swiftly turned around and shot him.

Having killed the assassin who was about to attack, the bald man holstered his gun and turned back to John Wick, saying, "Welcome to Casablanca, Mr. Wick."

"Thank you!" John said, expressing his gratitude for the assistance earlier.

The bald man smiled and then led John away from the scene.


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