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Observing Cross's hesitation due to financial constraints, Charles chuckled, "Aside from the 5 million, how much more can you afford?"

Cross paused and replied, "I can come up with an additional 1 million, but that amount won't cover the fee for your assistance."

He was well aware of Charles's price – starting at a million dollars for a standard assassination. If the opponent was formidable, the price could easily go up to four million or even higher.

Considering the size of the Assassin Brotherhood – such a massive organization – it wasn't merely killing one person; it was about annihilating the entire organization's active force.

And on top of that, it was about eradicating a group of assassins. No assassin would accept such a mission.

Even putting the mission on the Continental Hotel wouldn't work unless the High Table got involved.

Seeing that Cross had 1 million left, Charles proposed, "Here's an idea, Mr. Cross. You provide 3 million for hiring us to protect your son, and an additional 3 million along with the recipe for the healing bath. This will be for hiring me to eliminate the Assassin Brotherhood."

"As for the protection time for your son Wesley, we'll use the eradication of the Assassin Brotherhood as the endpoint. But I must mention that after eradicating the Brotherhood, I'll claim the spoils as well."

Upon hearing the term "healing bath," Cross glanced at Ginny, assuming she had informed Charles. After a moment of contemplation, he said, "All of this is acceptable. My goal is to destroy them, and I don't care about their inheritance."

"But if you and I go to eradicate the Assassin Brotherhood, who will protect my son? After all, the assassins the Brotherhood sends out are not ordinary people."

Charles exuded confidence and seriousness as he said, "Mr. Cross, this is an agency, and it's not just me. We also have two incredibly skilled ninjas here, and you've already met Iruka. He'll be part of the team protecting your son."

"I will dispatch Iruka as the leader, accompanied by Rock Lee and Uchiha Sasuke, to provide comprehensive protection for your son. Their strength is even greater than you might imagine."

While Cross didn't know who Rock Lee and Uchiha Sasuke were, he had a deep impression of the scarred man from earlier.

Although the man's face didn't reveal any murderous intent and even carried a sense of being a teacher, Cross sensed danger emanating from him.

Yes, he was sensing danger, not only from the Asian man but also from Charles himself.

Over the years, his safety wasn't solely because of Bullet Time or his Gun-Kata techniques; it was also due to his inexplicable sense of danger.

Despite knowing the other's formidable strength, Cross still looked at Ginny for assurance. He wanted a definitive answer from her.

Seeing Cross's questioning gaze, Ginny spoke, "Cross, you can completely trust their abilities. They'll protect your son without any problems."

"If you're still worried, I'll join Iruka's team as well, and we'll protect Wesley together."

Hearing Ginny's words, Cross felt reassured and said, "Alright, then let's split the task into two commissions."

Seeing Cross agree, Charles said, "Ginny, bring in two sets of task scrolls for us to sign."

Ginny left the meeting room to notify Iruka to prepare the task scrolls for signing.

"Mr. Charles, how do you think it's best to pay for the task rewards?" Cross asked, seeking Charles's opinion on the matter.

Charles looked at Cross and said, "Credit card, cash – we accept both. After all, my agency is a legitimate business, and we pay our taxes on time."

"Then let's go with a credit card. I'll pay the entire sum upfront. As for the recipe for the bath, I'll give it to you after the operation."

Charles shrugged, indicating it was fine. After all, no employer would pay the entire fee all at once.

At that moment, Iruka entered the room with two sets of task scrolls. After writing down the task details, rewards, and other relevant information, Cross signed the task scrolls, paid the fees, provided some information about his son, and then left Charles's agency.

The protection mission for Wesley would begin tomorrow, and as for the eradication mission, they would need to wait for Cross to give the green light, as he needed to make some preparations first.

As Cross left, Ginny's brow furrowed slightly, and she asked Charles, "Charles, are you really going to join Cross in eradicating the Assassin Brotherhood?"

"Even though I introduced Cross here, the eradication of the Brotherhood…"

"It's not without risks, and lives could be lost. They're not like the assassins from the Continental Hotel. Their shots are lethal, and their bullets can't be stopped by your bulletproof vest."

Charles chuckled and said, "Ginny, you have to trust your boss. I wouldn't have proposed this task if I didn't have confidence in completing it. Don't worry."

Seeing Ginny still worried, Charles didn't linger on the topic and said, "Starting tomorrow, you and Iruka will form a four-person team to protect Wesley. You should also stay safe."

"I have an additional task for you. Keep an eye on news about John Wick. If you hear anything about his house getting blown up, make sure to inform me immediately."

"John Wick? I heard he killed Viggo last night. Despite that, someone still dared to blow up his house?"

Charles smiled and said, "There will always be some daredevils, just like Viggo's son."

Ginny sighed and said, "Alright, boss, but remember to give me a bonus!"

"No problem."

After seeing Ginny off, Charles picked up the two sets of task scrolls from the table, entered the system interface, opened the Task Assembly, and submitted the protection mission for Wesley.

Soon, the Task Assembly evaluated it as a B-rank mission, offering 2000 reputation points, 200,000 copper coins, and a common treasure chest upon completion.

Satisfied with the prospect of getting a treasure chest, Charles submitted the mission.

The other mission could only be submitted after Rock Lee and Sasuke completes their task today. However, Charles had a hunch that the eradication mission would be classified as an A-rank mission.

Leaving the meeting room, Charles saw that Ginny and Iruka were discussing the protection of Wesley and the potential strength of enemies the Assassin Brotherhood might send, while formulating a preliminary battle plan.


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