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The Great Elder was extremely shocked, realizing that Hun Mie Sheng had been so polite to her all this time.

She was left speechless by the revelation. Her head was spinning, and she felt her legs give way, causing her to fall backward.

Fortunately, Hun Douluo was quick and appeared behind her, catching her in his arms. He asked with concern, "Elder, are you alright?"

"I... I'm fine!" The Great Elder shook her head, indicating that she was okay.

However, the thought that a Dou Sheng, especially a Five-Star Dou Sheng, had been so courteous to her left her feeling as though she were dreaming. Everything seemed too unreal.

Hun Douluo continued to support her until she regained her composure. As he saw that she wouldn't faint, he let go.

Trying to calm herself, the Great Elder looked at Hun Douluo and asked, "I wonder, sir, what is your strength?"

Me? Hun Douluo pointed to himself and, after getting the Great Elder's nod, replied, "I'm just a bit weaker than the Lord."


"Is it weaker?" The Great Elder breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed normal since the person in front of her was either a Dou Zong or a Dou Zun.

That's what she thought.

Hun Douluo corrected, "I'm a Three-Star Dou Sheng in the late stage, a bit weaker than the Lord."

"What the hell..."

Hearing this, the Great Elder's head buzzed, and she fell backward, completely fainting.

"Elder... Elder..."

Seeing her faint, Hun Douluo was shocked. If something happened to her, he wouldn't know what to do.


On the other side, Hun Mie Sheng arrived at the Soul Clan but didn't see the Clan Leader, Hun Tiandi. Instead, he went to meet with one of the top authorities of the Soul Clan, Hun Sha.

Seeing any of the Four Demon Saints of the Soul Clan was not easy. Without the Clan Leader's orders, the Four Demon Saints might not even grant an audience.

"My Lord, I have completed the task as ordered by the Clan Leader," Hun Mie Sheng said respectfully.

"Hmm," Hun Sha nodded indifferently, "I know. You may leave; I will inform the Clan Leader."

"Yes, I take my leave!"

Hun Mie Sheng didn't say much and left. As a member of the Soul Clan, it was best to do more and speak less. Listen to orders, and that's it. If one didn't follow orders, there were plenty of others who would.


After Hun Mie Sheng left, Hun Sha murmured to himself, "I should probably inform the Clan Leader."

A while ago, Hun Sha didn't know the details as he was in seclusion.

However, after investigating for some time, he had learned about the situation. Although the matter might not be crucial to the Clan Leader, it was vital to the Clan Leader's wife.

Though her strength was not outstanding, she had a significant connection with Clan Leader.

The Clan Leader regarded her pregnancy very highly, even to the extent that he personally used his own bloodline to nourish the child when he heard that the child was malnourished.

A significant portion of a Dou Di's bloodline was contributed to the child, maybe even more.

From this, one could see the importance the Clan Leader attached to his wife and the child in her womb. Even Hun Feng and Hun Yu had never received such treatment!

Hun Sha couldn't help but wonder!

Once this child was born, there would be no doubt that he would inherit the position of the next Clan Leader.


"Clan Leader, Hun Mie Sheng was here to report! The migration of the Snake-People Tribe has been completed, and they have fully relocated to the Abyssal Snake Mountain Range!" Hun Sha lowered his head and reported to Hun Tiandi and Medusa.

"Hmm!" Hun Tiandi nodded and said, "I know. You may leave now! Instruct Hun Mie Sheng to keep a close eye on the Nine Serene Ground Python Clan. If they show any signs of rebellion, suppress them immediately."

Although the Nine Serene Ground Python Clan seemed to have submitted to the Soul Clan, their sincerity was still questionable.

They used to be the overlords of the Abyssal Snake Mountain Range, and now they were forced to relocate to make way for a weaker Snake-People Tribe. They probably harbored resentment.

Therefore, Hun Tiandi believed it was best to be cautious. If necessary, the high-ranking members of the Nine Serene Ground Python Clan would be replaced entirely, provided they didn't obey.

Keeping them around would be a waste of resources if they refused to comply.



Hun Sha nodded.

Hun Tiandi continued, "Also, keep an eye on the Phoenix Clan. The Phoenix Clan members can serve as good means of transportation. Make sure they don't end up killing each other, understood?"


"I will pay attention to it."

From Hun Tiandi's words, Hun Sha deduced that Hun Tiandi intended to use the entire Phoenix Clan as transportation tools. In the future, Soul Clan's experts could almost have a Phoenix as their mount each.

This idea was quite exhilarating just thinking about it.


Hun Sha left.


After Hun Sha left.

Medusa said, "Husband, can I go and see the Snake-People Tribe's new territory?"

Her bright eyes sparkled with anticipation.

Hun Tiandi caressed Medusa's hair and replied, "Not in a hurry. Let's wait a few more days until the Snake-People Tribe settles down completely, then I'll take you there."


Medusa didn't object and agreed.

After all, she had waited for so long; a few more days wouldn't make a difference.


Three days later-

The Snake-People Tribe had completely settled down in the Abyssal Snake Mountain Range. The Nine Serene Ground Python Clan didn't cause any trouble, partly because the Soul Hall's Lord and Vice Lord were stationed there.

Even if the Nine Serene Ground Python Clan wanted to cause any trouble, they would think twice about it. The Soul Hall's presence was a deterrent.


Inside a secret chamber of the Nine Serene Ground Python Clan-

Yao Xiao Tian and the Tribe's Elders were discussing something secretively.


Discussing something secretly?

What were they plotting?

The Tribe's Elder said, "Clan Leader, those Soul Hall experts have been constantly guarding the area. We simply don't have a chance to make a move. Should we... give up?" He probed cautiously towards the end of his sentence.


Yao Xiao Tian immediately rejected the idea of giving up when he heard the Elder suggesting it.

As a generation of inhabitants in the central region of the Abyssal Snake Mountain Range, the Nine Serene Ground Python Clan was unwilling to accept their expulsion from the core area.

They were once the overlords of the Abyssal Snake Mountain Range. How could Yao Xiao Tian be content to let the Soul Hall or Soul Clan take their place?

Yao Xiao Tian would never agree to such a proposition.

Moreover, he soon realized that the core area of the Abyssal Snake Mountain Range had been given to a group of weak Snake-People Tribe. The strongest among them were at most Dou Hunags.

With such strength, this Snake-People Tribe managed to take over the central region and force them out. How could Yao Xiao Tian be content with that?

The Nine Serene Ground Python Clan, one of the Three Great Sovereigns of the Demon Beast World, was making concessions to a group of weak Snake-People. He couldn't accept it!

Although he didn't know how these Snake-People managed to climb to the Soul Hall, Yao Xiao Tian believed that if they could do it, the Nine Serene Ground Python Clan could do it too, and even do it better.

Once this thought took root in his mind, he couldn't shake it off.

The idea gradually germinated and took firm hold, becoming a desire that couldn't be pushed away. Once desires began, there was no end to them. It was like a giant boulder rolling down a mountain, unstoppable.

So, Yao Xiao Tian began to contemplate the idea of completely replacing this group of Snake-People.

If they could do something for the Soul Hall, the Nine Serene Ground Python Clan could do it as well, and perhaps even better.


"They're just an ordinary group of Snake-People. They actually want to take over our Abyssal Snake Mountain Range? They must be dreaming! I absolutely won't allow such a thing." Yao Xiao Tian's voice almost sounded mad, filled with a hint of roaring rage!

The Elder recognized Clan Leader Yao Xiao Tian's determination, but he didn't show much reaction. After all, if Yao Xiao Tian didn't take risks, how would he have a chance?

What they needed was for Yao Xiao Tian to take risks.

Only then would they have a chance to completely replace Yao Xiao Tian as the Clan Leader.

In the past, they didn't have such an opportunity, so they had chosen to cooperate with Yao Xiao Tian.

But now they have a chance.

Naturally, the Elders also wanted to become the leader.

They had long wanted to experience the joy of being the leader.

Seizing this opportunity, they could use the help of the Soul Hall to completely destroy Yao Xiao Tian!


The Elder said, "Clan Leader, I understand your discontent, but that group of Snake-People has strong Soul Hall experts protecting them, even the Soul Hall's Master personally came to protect them. We simply don't have a chance to act against them."

Yao Xiao Tian replied, "While the Soul Hall is present, we indeed cannot make a move. But I don't believe that Soul Hall experts will always be guarding them. Once the Soul Hall experts leave, we can take action against them, right?"

The Elder praised, "Clan Leader, you are wise!"

"Do you think so, Elder?" Yao Xiao Tian heard the flattery from the Elder and smiled, his mouth curling up.

The Elder pretended to accept the praise humbly, but inwardly, he sneered, "You're such a fool. Let's see who will have the last laugh!"



"Clan Leader!"

Hun Tiandi appeared in the Abyssal Snake Mountain Range with Medusa.

As soon as Hun Mie Sheng saw Hun Tiandi, he immediately knelt down without hesitation. The other Soul Hall experts also followed suit, bowing their heads with an awe-filled expression.

"Clan Leader!"

Upon seeing Medusa, the Snake-People's experts also knelt down, addressing her as "Your Majesty."

"Please rise."

Hun Tiandi spoke, and Hun Mie Sheng respectfully replied, "Thank you, Clan Leader!"

Medusa walked towards the Snake-People Tribe, while Hun Tiandi beckoned Hun Mie Sheng. Seeing this, Hun Mie Sheng quickly approached Hun Tiandi, behaving like an obedient "puppy."

He played his role as an obedient subordinate perfectly!

"Clan Leader, what are your orders?" Hun Mie Sheng asked.

Hun Tiandi said, "It's time to change the leaders of the Nine Serene Ground Python Clan. Send their Leader and Elder to the Soul Clan and inform Hun Kongzhu that I want two Ninth-grade Profound Elixirs."


"Understood," Hun Mie Sheng nodded and quickly affirmed.

As he was about to leave, Hun Tiandi cautioned, "Wait, don't startle the snake, be subtle, and strike quickly! Understand?"

"Understood." Hun Mie Sheng replied obediently.

Hun Mie Sheng could easily suppress Yao Xiao Tian and the Elder, but he didn't want any unexpected incidents.

Therefore, he decided to bring Hun Douluo along with him. This way, they had a better chance of success and minimized the risk of any mishaps.

Seeing them going, Hun Tiandi thought to himself, "They dare to scheme in my territory? Do they really think I'm a fool?"


In a flicker, Hun Tiandi disappeared from his original location and reappeared beside the Underworld Yellow Spring Pool in the Abyssal Snake Mountain Range.

The Underworld Yellow Spring Pool was a frigid substance between heaven and earth, and only the Abyssal Snake Mountain Range had this Pool in the entire Dou Qi Continent.

The Yellow Spring Pool had once been the cultivation ground for the Nine-Star Dou Sheng Peak-level beasts.

The Yellow Spring Pool's water was extremely cold, even for the naturally cold-blooded Snake-People, and they didn't dare to approach it too closely.

The Yellow Spring Pool was known to have affected an entire era when the Demonic Beasts trained there.


Hun Tiandi gazed at the Yellow Spring Pool before him with an unusual calmness.

Chilly qi rose from the pool, and the entire cave reached its freezing point, with the temperature plummeting to the extreme.

Hun Tiandi murmured to himself, "I hope Yao Ming won't be so ignorant as to not know what's good for him!"

Saying that, Hun Tiandi immediately dived into the Underworld Yellow Spring Pool. The blood-red energy barrier enveloped him, shielding him from the chilling effects of the water.

Not even a trace of the cold Yellow Spring Pool water was able to approach Hun Tiandi's body.

As a result, Hun Tiandi easily descended to the bottom of the water.

There, he saw Yao Ming, who appeared haggard, with disheveled hair, and shackled by fist-sized iron chains. He lowered his head, and behind him was the source of the Underworld Yellow Spring Pool.

Being confined in such a place, with no day or night, enduring the erosion of the Underworld Yellow Spring Pool every minute and every second, this level of suffering was something ordinary people couldn't bear.

Fortunately, Yao Ming's strength was not bad; otherwise, he would have perished long ago.

Upon Hun Tiandi's arrival, Yao Ming sensed it. He slowly raised his head and looked at Hun Tiandi, saying, "Who are you? Did Yao Xiao Tian, that beast, send you to finish me off?"

"Yao Xiao Tian?" Hun Tiandi sneered, "You think he can command me to do things? He's not worthy!"


"Then who are you?" Yao Ming was surprised by Hun Tiandi's words. He could tell that this person was not from the Nine Serene Ground Python Clan, as there was no hint of respect for Yao Xiao Tian in his words.

Hun Tiandi replied, "Who I am is not important."

"Do you want to get out or not?" Hun Tiandi asked.


"Can you help me get out?" Yao Ming became interested when he heard Hun Tiandi's question.

"Do you know who I am?" Yao Ming asked in return.

In Yao Ming's opinion, he didn't think this person had the ability to rescue him.


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