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Xiao Xuan's current state was that of a soul, a mere energy entity attached to the Celestial Tomb and only existing by harnessing the power within it.

As a mere energy entity, how could he be a match for Hun Tiandi?

With a single thought, Hun Tiandi could easily annihilate him or suppress him effortlessly.

Self-destruction was out of the question.

Hun Tiandi said, "Xiao Xuan, do you wish to self-destruct? Have you asked my permission? I have not consented to your self-destruction!"

Seeing his former enemy standing before him, devoid of any resistance, Hun Tiandi felt an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

At this moment, Hun Tiandi greatly desired to burst into laughter, to laugh heartily towards the heavens.

But in the end, Hun Tiandi held back.

One should not be too arrogant in life, as it may invite calamity.

Xiao Xuan glared fiercely at Hun Tiandi and said, "Hun Tiandi, you can only bully me because of my current state. How despicable!"

Since self-destruction was not an option, it meant that he was likely to become Hun Tiandi's nourishment, fueling his advancement towards the Emperor Realm soul.

Xiao Xuan felt extreme unwillingness, but he was helpless. In the face of absolute strength, any resistance was futile, meaningless!

The thought of becoming the nourishment for his enemy's advancement towards the Emperor Realm soul filled Xiao Xuan with great resentment.

After striving and surviving within the Celestial Tomb, only to become someone else's nourishment, especially when that someone else was his enemy, how could he accept such a fate?

He was unwilling!

But he was helpless!


Hun Tiandi ignored Xiao Xuan's words and said indifferently, "Xiao Xuan, become my nourishment and aid me in reaching the Emperor Realm soul!"

As he spoke, Hun Tiandi sat cross-legged and formed seals with his hands. Underneath him, a blood lotus emerged, transforming into a lotus platform that slowly lifted Hun Tiandi. Countless streams of blood-colored Dou Qi permeated the surroundings.


A soul-like figure emerged from Hun Tiandi's body. It glanced at Xiao Xuan, grinned, and then opened its mouth wide. A terrifying devouring force emanated from the figure's mouth, engulfing Xiao Xuan.

At the same time, the soul-like figure began to distort and eventually transformed into a black hole.

The black hole exuded a terrifying devouring power, attracting more and more soul-like figures from various parts of the Celestial Tomb, uncontrollably converging towards the depths and being swallowed by the black hole.

"What the... What is happening? Where is this devouring force coming from? Why am I losing control?"

"What is going on? Can someone explain this? What is happening?"

"Oh my god! This direction seems to be towards Xiao Xuan's territory. Will we offend Xiao Xuan if we head towards the depths like this?"


The energy entities engaged in heated discussions, unaware of what their fate would be.

"What is this black hole? Where is Xiao Xuan? Where did he go? I feel like my body is being uncontrollably swallowed by this black hole."

"Brother, be confident and stop using 'seems like.' It's not that you seem to be swallowed; you are actually going to be swallowed. Not only do you have this feeling, but I also have the same feeling."


In the end, these energy entities were swallowed, unable to understand the situation. They couldn't comprehend why more and more energy entities were being devoured.

As more and more energy entities began to realize something was wrong, they struggled, but their efforts were in vain. No matter how hard they fought, they couldn't break free from the constraints.

They could only watch helplessly as they were consumed by the black hole, heading towards the unknown!

The spirit of the Celestial Tomb also sensed the abnormality within the tomb. It tried to intervene, but in the face of absolute power, all efforts were futile.

It failed.

In the end, it sacrificed itself as well.


The indignant roar of the Celestial Tomb's spirit echoed, but ultimately, it couldn't escape the fate of being devoured.

Within the Celestial Tomb, there were two great sources of assistance to break through the Emperor Realm soul: Xiao Xuan, the energy entity at the Nine-Star Dou Sheng level, and the spirit of the Celestial Tomb itself.

Both were invaluable nourishment to aid in the breakthrough.

These incredible treasures, even if they didn't come out on their own, Hun Tiandi would have found a way to obtain them. However, he never expected that they would foolishly come out to meet their own demise.

Hun Tiandi couldn't find the words to describe it.

While Hun Tiandi was madly devouring energy entities within the Celestial Tomb, on the other side, Gu Yuan gathered the strong members of the Gu Clan in the hall to begin their discussion.

Gu Yuan: "You've all witnessed the strength of the Soul Clan. I'm prepared to use the Tuo She Ancient Emperor Jade to exchange for my daughter from the hands of the Soul Clan. What do you think?"

Silence fell among the crowd.

If they had been unaware of the Soul Clan's power before, considering it only mysterious, today they had witnessed its true strength. The Soul Clan's power was formidable and terrifying.

Their Gu Clan was truly no match for them.

To rescue Gu Xun’er from the Soul Clan's grasp or even to reclaim her? It was simply unrealistic. They could only comply with the Soul Clan's demands.

To offer the Tuo She Ancient Emperor Jade as an exchange.

No one voiced any objections or refutations.

In the silent silence, their response was clear.

Seeing no one speak up, Gu Yuan continued, "Since there are no objections, the matter is decided. We will use the Gu Clan's Tuo She Ancient Emperor Jade to exchange for Gu Xun’er. Rest up, all of you!"

"Three Immortals, stay behind!"


As the others departed, only the three immortals remained in the hall.

At this moment, Gu Ling spoke, "Clan Leader, can we postpone the exchange for Gu Xun’er? Because there were so many people present earlier and your resolute words, I didn't speak up."

Now that everyone had left, only the Clan Leader Gu Yuan and the three immortals were left in the hall, Gu Ling suggested giving the Clan Leader some time to reconsider, to not rush the decision.

Gu Yuan glanced at Gu Ling and could naturally discern his thoughts. He spoke, "You want me to wait because you intend for us to join forces with the other five clans to attack the Soul Clan?"

"That's right, Clan Leader!"

"The Soul Clan has displayed far greater power than the other ancient clans. Even our Gu Clan is no match for them. The other ancient clans, having witnessed the Soul Clan's strength, will soon send their own powerful individuals to our clan to discuss forming an alliance."

"While the Gu Clan may not be a match for the Soul Clan, with the support of the other five clans, it shouldn't be difficult to wage war against the Soul Clan and overthrow them. So, I advise the Clan Leader to wait and not rush into giving away the Tuo She Ancient Emperor Jade."

Upon hearing this, Gu Yuan sighed and shook his head. "Gu Ling, things are not as simple as you imagine. You only see the surface and not the deeper layers."

"The fact that Hun Tiandi can refrain from attacking the Gu Clan, don't you think he has considered the possibility that the Gu Clan would join forces with the other ancient clans to attack him?”

“You underestimate Hun Tiandi. While you think he's standing on the first floor, he's already reached the tenth floor!"

Gu Yuan's words left Gu Ling momentarily stunned, but he quickly regained his composure. He felt that his Clan Leader had been intimidated by Hun Tiandi or the Soul Clan's power.

Gu Ling responded, "Clan Leader, aren't you overestimating Hun Tiandi? I admit that he is formidable, and the Soul Clan's power is great. But I believe that if the Gu Clan and the other five clans join forces, we can crush the Soul Clan."

Gu Yuan understood the implications behind Gu Ling's words and continued, "The matters you're considering, Hun Tiandi has long anticipated them."

"Do you think Hun Tiandi fears the alliance of the Gu Clan and the other five clans? No... he doesn't fear us at all!"

"Moreover, in my opinion, Hun Tiandi is doing this intentionally. He intentionally spared the Gu Clan when he was absolutely certain, precisely to wait for the Gu Clan to unite with the other ancient clans, and then he would eradicate us all in one fell swoop."

"Gu Ling, you're still seeing things on the surface. Do you think what we witnessed today is the true extent of the Soul Clan's power?"

"Can Hun Tiandi, who spared the Gu Clan, truly fear the alliance of the Gu Clan and the other ancient clans?"

"Hun Tiandi has likely dug a huge pit, waiting for us ancient clans to fall into it, so he can eliminate us all in one fell swoop."

Upon hearing this, Gu Ling fell silent. After a long pause, he spoke, "Clan Leader, is the Soul Clan's power truly that strong? Can they truly be on par with our six clans combined?"

It has to be said that Clan Leader Gu Yuan's words made sense, but in Gu Ling's view, the Soul Clan's power wasn't that formidable. They may possess the power to overpower any individual clan, but could they really crush all six clans united?

If that were truly the case...

Wouldn't the Soul Clan's power be terrifying beyond imagination?

Gu Yuan replied, "Gu Ling, you are not of the Soul Clan, so you do not understand their true power. Even the Soul Clan members themselves may not fully comprehend their own power."

"Only Hun Tiandi knows how strong the Soul Clan truly is and how terrifying their power is."

"If someone had told us before that the Soul Clan possessed such immense power, would any of us have believed it?"

"Most likely, no one would have believed it."

Gu Yuan looked at Gu Ling.

Gu Ling fell silent.


Previously, they had always assumed that the Soul Clan's power was comparable to that of the Gu Clan. If someone had told them that the Soul Clan's power far surpassed the Gu Clan's, they would never have believed it.

In their eyes... it would have sounded like nonsense!

The Gu Clan was recognized as the foremost ancient clan, how could their power in terms of heritage be weaker than that of the Soul Clan? It was impossible... absolutely impossible.

They had always believed that the Gu Clan's power was formidable enough, but today they realized that the Soul Clan's power was stronger and more terrifying!

It was simply incomparable to the Gu Clan. The fact that the Soul Clan possessed such power was something the Gu Clan had never dared to imagine.

As time passed, the Emperor-level bloodline within the bodies of the ancient clans would gradually decrease and eventually disappear.

No Clan could possibly flaunt their power like this!

So many years had passed; it was impossible for the Dou Di-level bloodline to not have diminished in the slightest.

However, the display of power by the Soul Clan today made them understand that they had overestimated themselves before. The Soul Clan's power exceeded their imagination!

The heritage of the Gu Clan was indeed inferior to that of the Soul Clan.

Now someone was telling them that the power displayed by the Soul Clan this time wasn't their full power. They wouldn't deny it, but rather maintained their skepticism.

After all...

They were not of the Soul Clan, nor were they Hun Tiandi. They had no idea just how strong the Soul Clan's power truly was. Was what they saw today the extent of it?


Had the full extent of the Soul Clan's power not yet been revealed?

If it was the former, they would be shocked! If it was the latter, they couldn't put it into words; they could only silently think to themselves... the Soul Clan was incredible!

Seeing Gu Ling's silence, Gu Yuan continued, "In my view, we should observe the situation quietly. If the other five ancient clans want to confront the Soul Clan, let them. Our Gu Clan will not participate."

Gu Yuan then changed the direction of his words, saying, "In fact, there was once an opportunity that could have annihilated the Soul Clan right in front of us, but we didn't cherish it in time. Now, looking back, I regret it."

Upon hearing this, Gu Ling and the others fell silent. They naturally understood the opportunity their Clan Leader was referring to— the chance presented during the war between the Soul Clan and the Xiao Clan a thousand years ago.

If, back then, the Gu Clan had supported the Xiao Clan, the Soul Clan might have truly been destroyed. Although Xiao Xuan of the Xiao Clan was powerful, their Dou Di-level bloodline was nearly exhausted.

They couldn't inflict much damage on the other ancient clans, unlike the current Soul Clan, whose power and heritage were so formidable that even the combined strength of the six clans couldn't match it.

As long as the Soul Clan continued to exist, these ancient clans would live in fear under their dominion.


The three Gu Clan Immortals sighed. Now, after their Clan Leader's reminder, they finally realized what they had missed.

The opportunity that had once been so good was right in front of them, but they hadn't cherished it in time. They deeply regretted their past foolishness.

"If only we could go back..."

This thought briefly crossed the minds of the three Gu Clan Immortals but was quickly dismissed with a bitter smile.

Dreaming of going back?

That was just a joke!

They shook off those misguided thoughts and stopped indulging in unrealistic dreams.

"Go and rest. I've already decided to use the Tuo She Ancient Emperor Jade to exchange for Gu Xun'er. There's no room for negotiation," said Gu Yuan with a helpless expression on his face.

If it were possible, He didn't want to exchange that either.

But... he didn't have a choice!

His daughter, the hope of the Gu Clan, he couldn't let her stay in the soul clan forever, right?

The Soul Clan's despicable behavior had already caused some harm to his Xun'er, and he absolutely wouldn't allow his Xun'er to be harmed by that beastly Hun Tiandi again.


As Gu Yuan spoke, the three Gu Clan Immortals also left the scene.

Gu Yuan's figure flickered and disappeared from the Gu Clan's grand hall, only to reappear in the ancestral hall of the Gu Clan. The Tuo She Ancient Emperor Jade of the Gu Clan was placed there.

Gu Ling turned to Gu Xiu and asked, "Xiu'er, do you think the Soul Clan's power is really strong?"

Upon hearing Gu Ling address him, Gu Xiu gave him a disdainful look and replied, "Ling'er, who knows? I'm not the Hun Tiandi."

"Ling... Ling'er?"

Gu Ling was stunned. He hadn't expected Gu Xiu to call him "Ling'er."

Was he serious? He was already of such an old age, was it really appropriate to call him "Ling'er"?


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