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I haven't done one of these in a little while so I figured I'd do an update following the recent poll trial run.

Patreon Stuff
Some small changes to polls, mainly all tiers get to vote in the MoEx with voting power proportional to the price of the tier. If you were here for last month's MoEx Poll, I did a little trial run for running weighted polls. It would certainly be easier if Patreon supported it more directly, but its actually not that bad to set up so I think I'll continue that moving forward.

I'm also looking for suggestions or ideas for more BSS Tier ($5) benefits since I don't always do alts for stuff it feels like that tier is a little lacking at the moment. Right now the main draw is the extra voting power, but I feel like I need to do more polls for that to be more impactful. I have been considering running a second (or possibly more) thread/poll combo specifically for fan art since I feel like I've been lacking on that front too. I feel so out of the loop with current shows and games and it could be a fun way to stay up to date with current trends and strike while the iron is hot. Let me know what you think.

Commission Stuff
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! Sorry I just had to get that out.... The comm queue is so backed up right now, I'm really going to crack down on them this month. I've been realizing I need to be better about managing my time since I know how much I can actually get done when I put my mind to it. There's also quite a few animations in the queue and a lot of larger projects, but if I stay on top of things I can get them done in a reasonable timeframe! You should be seeing more of that soon!

Art Stuff
I'm slowly assembling ref sheets for my girls. The Zoey ref sheet has been so much fun to work on but its also waaaaaaaaayyyy too much work to do the same amount for all my other OCs, that said, I do want to do some for characters I haven't made one for (Pandora) or ones that have had major design updates (Beatrix). I'll make sure to post them here as I work on them! The Zoey one is a bit too large for that though XD

I've also been trying to work more on my backgrounds, props, and rendering. I picked up a couple new books that I need to find time to read more of but its already been a huge eye-opener for me. You'll probably see a little more practice in the weekly doodle pages from time to time. I've also been thinking about world building more too since I feel like that never really comes up in my usual work, maybe I'll try incorporating some of that into future animations


Koni Toon

Interesting!! I like the fan art poll idea, though as long as you're into the topics or fandoms for them! Basically don't try to force yourself to keep up with the trends. And don't be afraid take more nicher options, too! I'm sure it'll be very much appreciated. :) As for other BSS benefits... I'm not sure. From what I've seen artists usually put voting for a poll in a lower tier and poll suggestions + WIPs in a higher tier. I guess there's comm discounts, maybe? Or you can give commission priority, but that could also be for all subs. You can also make a handy archive of all of your works. There's definitely options, I'll be sure to try and think of more!


Commission Priority is something I've definitely thought about before, but I'm not sure how many patrons would really make use of that. As for fanart polls, I'm so out of the loop most things because I'm always cooped up in my little artist cave drawing titties so I'm really bad about keeping up with current stuff. There's a lot of cuties out there that I'm completely missing out on XD