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Hey everyone and Happy Holidays! I'm so happy to see so many new faces joining the community this past month and I look forward to working on more projects in the future! Thank you so much for your support <3

Little late for the usual battle plan but there's some fun stuff to talk about so figured I'd throw one together!

Patreon Stuff
Don't worry, nothing's changing XD With the holidays coming up It'll be a little slower in the next week or so. I'm going to try and clear out a few comms before Christmas weekend so you'll probably see a couple of those in the feed, then I should be back to the regular schedule next week. Hopefully the extra birthday gift animations this month have sated your palettes enough for me to take a little break XD I'll see if I can schedule the doodle that would be coming out on Christmas ahead of time so I don't have to worry about it. 

Commission Stuff
Aww man I'm so booked right now T^T I really got get cooking and clear out more comms before January rolls around. I've got a couple illustrations to take care of, then a short animation I should be able to take get done of before the end of the year. Next month is going to be just so, so busy, but at least I've got a good amount of work lined up for myself XD I've been slowly whittling away at eh sketch comics including YSSS 2 and another I have yet to post anything for and I'd love to get them sorted out before the new year but that's quite a bit of work XD

Upcoming Projects
I've got the VO in for the Dec 2023 MoEx so I'll be doing a little extra edit for that too! Be on the look out for an updated version in the near future! Meanwhile I'll be kicking off the next MoEx thread some time next week!

I've also been brainstorming an idea for a short VN and looking into what it'll take to get that put together. The plan is to get it released around Zoey's birthday late February so you'll probably be seeing a lot of extra Zoey content leading up to that. If you want to stay updated or give input, there's a thread in the writing and literature channel in the discord!

Meanwhile the next big project is underway! One of my big goals for next year is actually working on the 2B x 9S animation I started preproduction for back in august. I'm pretty confident in my animation ability since the release of Head Estate, so I think I can get a part done each month if I just take a week to crack away at it. I want to get all (or at least the first couple parts) of the storyboarding done by the end of the year so I'll have a much better idea of the total time. 


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