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Think I'm feeling a little burnt out on all the large projects I've been working on in the background, its looking like the ITL will probably end up a little larger this time around too. Been making slow progress, but nothing's in a state that I can really show off too well. I feel a little bad for the lack of updates recently, so thank you all for sticking with me, your support is invaluable <3

I think I just need a moment to reset and get some ideas out of my head. Been wanting to draw a Ranni quad handy since Elden Ring's launch XD Glad I've got the skills to realize the idea now that eh DLC is coming up too. Its kinda crazy how much I've improved since the old Melina piece. Time for an animation speedrun. We'll see if I can knock this one out before the weekend.



Koni Toon

Best of luck with the Ranni animation!! I'm curious as to what ideas you've had swirling in your head for a while... xD Hopefully your other projects are going smoothly! Ultimately they'll last longer when they're finished then when they're in production so just be sure to do your best, man!


Got a couple other ideas with OCs too, had a couple calico animations bonking around in my head for a little while btu I gotta make sure I get some work done on my commissions too XD