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Happy Pride month everyone! <3 Oh god its June already X-X I'm juggling so many things right now, I should join a circus. I'll keep it pretty brief this time since there's just... so... much... stuff to do T^T

Upcoming work

Slowly whittling down the queue, there's so many big projects in there it barely feels like it moves at all, but it has been moving.

  • Finally got the voice work in for the Eryxx + Aylen piece so that one should be finalized sometime tomorrow. I'll probably do the public post is segments to buy myself a little more time to put into some of the longer projects

  • Second loop for the Tohru animation is in the works as well. Haven't been putting too much time into it since the completion of the first loop but I should be pivoting back to it after wrapping the Eryxx + Aylen stuff.

  • Been working on the big Zoey ref sheet the past couple days which is why things have been a little slower, but I've been making a ton of progress on it. I want to make sure I get it done by the 28th or so I can post it with enough time for people to make me some birthday art if they like. At the very least, I've already go the main turnaround pretty much good to go so at least I can default to that XD. Probably about 3/4 of the way through it but that's still a LOT of work to get done.

  • The recent Lovense sponsorship featuring Alex is going to be a pretty big time sink so that'll be slow progress over the next month or so. I'll throw together a progress tracker once I'm back to putting more time into that and completing more scenes.

  • I mentioned a private comm last month and I still haven't gotten that one sorted but that one should be on the quicker side once we hash out the details.

  • ITL 2 has been decided! I'll try to get the WIPs started for that soon so I can figure out exactly how much time I'll have to sink into it XD I am so tempted animate way more than I need to.

  • The Belle comic should be wrapping up next week. Its been taking a bit of extra time to get everything all polished up, but I'm glad I'm finally able to make some steady progress on it. After that I want to do a doodle page for pride month featuring a bunch of my girls. So many of them are queer in some way and it'll be nice to have a convenient reference spot for all that XD And then a sponsored page being lined up after that.

  • Oh yeah, did I mention I'm also doing daily traditional art sketches of Cynthia? They're primarily a thing that me and one of my art friends do for each other, but I figured I oughta share them somewhere so I made a channel in the discord for them. There's a few cool ones in there so far! If you're interested, pop into the discord and grab yourself the Cynthia simp role to get access to the channel.

If you're wondering how all that will fit into a month? Geez I dont know either XD I just gotta make sure I stay on top of the work and keep making progress on items and push them towards completion.


Koni Toon

I look forward to the pride month doodle page! And the Cynthia doodles have been awesome so far, too! And Zoey's ref sheet, that's gonna be the most comprehensive thing imaginable. I wonder if you'll hold a poll for the next refsheet? or maybe you'll just pick on your own? xD I keep saying it a lot, but you're one hell of a workhorse. I hope you've been taking breaks, man!! (Also holy fuck I cant believe it's already June.)


I got like Two ideas for your Birthday Gift Art


yeah other ref sheets definitely wont be nearly as comprehensive XD but I had to go all out for Zoey