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Today Discord is unveiling their new subscription options that are only available to select partnered channels for alpha testing, directly on discord! Unfortunately, this feature is not available on mobile. But, if you're on a computer, you can click directly on the channel to find a subscribe button.   

My Discord: https://discord.gg/chosenarchitect   

My goal is to try and move away from Patreon over to this system! If you are already a Patreon and would like to move it's a fairly simple process that can be found here https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360005502572-How-to-cancel I know the 1$ Tier on Patreon exists but I will be removing it soon. I would have it with this system but the lowest a Tier can be is $2.99. This will better help support the Discord however and provide new perks to come! I will also be converting my Patreon end of video list to this new Discord Supporters list. This will happen within the next month or so to give people who are interested time to move.   

If you are already a supporter you will not lose out on any channel you already had access to. Twitch subs will still have access to all the channels you already had + the new channels.   You can subscribe at the various tiers in a similar way to how Twitch or Patreon already works, except now you'll see the channels beforehand, but you can't see the contents unless you're a supporter of any type!




tbh i would like it if you kept the $1 cause its better for me to do so otherwise i may not be able to support anymore and that would suck cause i like to keeping able to get world downloads and play along :(


World download are on the Discord now and if you are a $1 tier here you still have access to it on the discord so long as you patreon account is linked there. The only thing I did was removed new users from starting the $1 tier.


I'm sorry for the inconveniences... Having the 1$ tier on patreon is just not working as the fees that they hit me with are just too much.