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Hey patrons!

I've been playing a lot of turn-based games on Board Game Arena on my phone, lately - because it's easy to fit them, just taking my turn when I have a spare minute. And I thought - why don't I play them against you lot!

So if you'd like to play a turn-based game with me, please add "jonpurkis" on BGA, and invite me to a game, or leave your username in the comments so we can get a group together in one game. These are the games I'd be up for playing:

  • Azul
  • Similo
  • Patchwork
  • Alhambra
  • Splendor
  • Railroad Ink
  • Sobek
  • Incan Gold
  • Welcome To
  • Parks
  • For Sale
  • Letter Tycoon
  • Trekking The World
  • Concept



Luís Henrique Mello

Hey Jon! Is this still the current list of games you're up for playing? Anything more or less? Wanted to invite you for a game! Cheers!

Luís Henrique Mello

And if anyone wants to add me as friends or to a game, username is lulibr