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Hey there patrons!

My episode of 5 Games for Doomsday is now online to listen to. It is basically Desert Island Discs for board gamers. I picked five games that I would happily play over and over again if stuck in a cabin in the woods forever.

But it's more personal than your average board game podcast because the host Ben Maddox asks me a lot of questions about my life, my careers, and some thoughtful questions about how I see games, the industry, and being a YouTuber. 

If you want to give it a listen, you can here: https://fivegamesfordoomsday.libsyn.com/jon-purkis

Actually yours,



Jon Purkis

This week's guest is the host of YouTube channel Actualol, Jon Purkis. We talk about his career in TV, the demands of being a full time YouTuber and what it's like to be a DJ...but which games did he choose?



Absolutely loved listening to you, Jon. I'm one of those people who consume board game media mostly for entertainment and to hear what "that person" has to say about games, and you are definitely one of "that person"s for me. Very glad to see Codenames on your list (we *have* to play it together some day!); and the philosophy behind your choices has me wanting to try some of the others you picked, especially The Mind.


Yes, we do have to play Codenames! You should definitely check out The Mind. It is a marmite game, but I suspect you'll love it.