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Well, I originally set out to review Burgle Bros 2 and Railroad Ink Challenge, but then it became something a little different. Have a watch and see!

I'd be interested to hear what you patrons think of this one - it feels like a little departure for me.

Actually yours,



The Problem with Board Game Sequels | Burgle Bros 2 and Railroad Ink Challenge

I talk about the problem with sequels of popular board games, and review Burgle Bros 2 and Railroad Ink: Challenge, two recent ones. Fund more videos like this: http://patreon.com/actualol Links to buy: Railroad Ink - https://geni.us/railroadinkgame Railroad Ink Challenge - https://geni.us/railroadinkchallenge Burgle Bros - https://www.fowers.games/collections/direct-price/products/burgle-bros Burgle Bros 2: The Casino Capers - https://www.fowers.games/collections/direct-price/products/burgle-bros-2 Support the channel: http://paypal.me/actualol Board Game Geek: https://boardgamegeek.com/user/jonpurkis Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/actualol Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/actualol Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/actualol Actualol is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.


Dave Nattriss

I think this style of presenting (your opinions) is more interesting than straight reviews.

Andrew Farrow

Hi Jon. I liked the approach, found it entertaining and informative, and wanted more - would have been happy to watch another 5 mins if there had been a third sequel game. I know he can't appear in every video, but would like to see more of Timmy. Keep up the good work, and enjoy the summer.