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It’s been three years since I ran through my entire board game collection, so it’s time for an update! I pick out certain games and tell you why I’ve kept them.

And if you see a game on the shelves that you want to know more about, I’ve put links in the YouTube comments to the video I talked about it in.

Next up on Actualol, after much deliberation, is my Top Games of 2020. See you then!



Top 323 Board Games - My Collection

I talk you through my board game collection and my reasons for owning certain games. If you want to learn more about them, there are links to my videos below. - Get the monthly newsletter: http://patreon.com/actualol Links to videos for each game (they don't all fit here, so I've put them in the comments!) 13 Days: The Cuban Missile Crisis - https://youtu.be/JzsHIDw7adE 20 Second Showdown - https://youtu.be/jIuT5Wtgy98 6 nimmt! - https://youtu.be/L24JI9rbSLA 878 Vikings: Invasions of England - https://youtu.be/Dhfs4jp9A-Q A Fake Artist Goes to New York -https://youtu.be/PkejNDp8624 A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition) - https://youtu.be/hF4WGHgV5F8 Aerion - https://youtu.be/iyOHR6Kfe90 Age of Dirt: A Game of Uncivilization - https://youtu.be/x_Uk5XThUW0 Air, Land, & Sea - https://youtu.be/1KwIiviUFkA Anomia - https://youtu.be/AWfQ4nkeviQ Arboretum - https://youtu.be/470Zk9TcmZM ARGH - https://youtu.be/OdxE2rvzrIw Avenue - https://youtu.be/CWohJ9kY0zo Balderdash - https://youtu.be/CWohJ9kY0zo Banned Words - https://youtu.be/-lpQra4di8Q Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game - https://youtu.be/dHpVtR26JqY Between Two Cities - https://youtu.be/-UOsf9su43Q Bites - https://youtu.be/88PTrUxaGmA Blockbuster - https://youtu.be/smbV9qB7Y4g Blue Lagoon - https://youtu.be/hF4WGHgV5F8 Blurble - https://youtu.be/RqYeJ2pVxbM Bohnanza - https://youtu.be/OdxE2rvzrIw Brick Party - https://youtu.be/-UOsf9su43Q Brikks - https://youtu.be/hF4WGHgV5F8 Bring Your Own Book - https://youtu.be/3lmZDkejJxY Broom Service - https://youtu.be/5H_6XlF8d64 Burgle Bros. - https://youtu.be/JasuCclZ1v0 Ca$h 'n Guns (Second Edition) - https://youtu.be/R8krNmon8Bk Camel Up (Second Edition) - https://youtu.be/J4mAPX-43UA Captain Sonar - https://youtu.be/JBmNZ2GatSw Carcassonne - https://youtu.be/470Zk9TcmZM Cartographers - https://youtu.be/AWfQ4nkeviQ Cat Lady - https://youtu.be/smbV9qB7Y4g Catch the Moon - https://youtu.be/yvuPWgZmyaY Celestia - https://youtu.be/LlIcmrWyXVk Champions of Midgard - https://youtu.be/_qzOOUc5DqI Chronicles of Crime - https://youtu.be/hF4WGHgV5F8 Chronicles of Crime: 1400 - https://youtu.be/hMyZgkEE7ug Circle the Wagons - https://youtu.be/1KwIiviUFkA Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated - https://youtu.be/x_Uk5XThUW0 Clank!: A Deck-Building Adventure - https://youtu.be/utbifW--vdY Cockroach Poker - https://youtu.be/J4mAPX-43UA Coconuts - https://youtu.be/yim5LbD2E6g Codenames - https://youtu.be/dHpVtR26JqY Codenames: Pictures - https://youtu.be/LlIcmrWyXVk Colour Brain - https://youtu.be/CWohJ9kY0zo Colt Express - https://youtu.be/s3AqIGzPBcQ Concept - https://youtu.be/J4mAPX-43UA Corporate America https://youtu.be/BFjjUIJs7ac CrossTalk https://youtu.be/CWohJ9kY0zo Cube Quest https://youtu.be/yim5LbD2E6g CV https://youtu.be/470Zk9TcmZM Dan and Phil's Truth Bombs https://youtu.be/XoaYvOjOxuI Dark Moon https://youtu.be/cdPC86VZbtE Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game https://youtu.be/L34bVnPDAEM Debatable https://youtu.be/XoaYvOjOxuI Deception: Murder in Hong Kong https://youtu.be/wjh2SMTjUfA Decrypto https://youtu.be/Wujn-PheAqg Deep Blue https://youtu.be/x_Uk5XThUW0 Detective Club https://youtu.be/Wujn-PheAqg Dice Forge https://youtu.be/JNZqKqLy4no Divinity Derby https://youtu.be/Dhfs4jp9A-Q Do De Li Do https://youtu.be/JBmNZ2GatSw Don't Get Got! https://youtu.be/Wujn-PheAqg Doodle Rush https://youtu.be/AJyffBOW7ps Dragon's Breath https://youtu.be/-TldTl2qMTs Dream Home https://youtu.be/LlIcmrWyXVk dude https://youtu.be/Wujn-PheAqg Duplik https://youtu.be/PkejNDp8624 Escape from the Aliens in Outer Space https://youtu.be/IDMhrux6wt8 Ex Libris https://youtu.be/wn68NByIIU0 Eye My Favorite Things https://youtu.be/Wujn-PheAqg Famous Last Lines https://youtu.be/wn68NByIIU0 First Contact https://youtu.be/-lpQra4di8Q Forbidden Island https://youtu.be/tL9wCYTWTDw Forbidden Sky https://youtu.be/N3g0DcePp68 Fugitive https://youtu.be/pXaDTbJqGxw Funemployed https://youtu.be/6odfAAVWEN4 Fungi https://youtu.be/pXaDTbJqGxw Gods Love Dinosaurs https://youtu.be/hMyZgkEE7ug GoodCritters https://youtu.be/4w2MlnVCP18 Happy Salmon https://youtu.be/LlIcmrWyXVk Herd Mentality https://youtu.be/SAxc3c0gWoQ High Society https://youtu.be/OdxE2rvzrIw Hive Mind https://youtu.be/CWohJ9kY0zo Hive Pocket https://youtu.be/W4OqMcHajqY Hollywood Golden Age https://youtu.be/OdOX4X-Hwos Huh? https://youtu.be/R8krNmon8Bk ICECOOL https://youtu.be/OdxE2rvzrIw Board Game Geek: https://boardgamegeek.com/user/jonpurkis Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/actualol Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/actualol Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/actualol


David Scott

I really loved this video, so personal, thanks for sharing!

Birgit Langley

Very nice Video 😊 I didn't see Targi in the Kosmos shelf. I am surprised.