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Hi patrons,

I've been informed by Patreon, that there may be changes to some of your pledges, as certain countries and US states have changed their laws regarding online sales tax.

Patreon have asked me to detail the benefits that patrons receive, so it can be determined whether they are taxable. Thankfully, the system has allowed me to weight the value of different benefits, and since the primary purpose of this Patreon is to support the YouTube channel (not to access exclusive content), that should work in our favour. Most countries don't tax general financial support.

This may not affect you at all, and for some of you who already pay tax on your pledge, it might actually decrease (fingers crossed!). For those of you which it does adversely affect, I'm sorry. Unfortunately there's nothing I or Patreon can do about it. In fact, Patreon are lobbying for clearer tax laws for online artists to avoid this. (These laws were aimed at Amazon and co.)

In better news, this month's newsletter will be along later today. And there'll be a new video this week.

Actually yours,



Derek Foote

Appreciate the heads up!