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As the lanyards arrive to the patrons backing at $5 and above, it's about time you knew the power that wearing it bestows. This is a silly video detailing the sorts of things you can say while wearing an Actualol lanyard, that takes a turn...

Please make use of your new powers! Remember, you aren't truly wearing an Actualanyard until you've told someone you're wearing it.

Actually yours,



Things You Can Say Wearing an Actualol Lanyard

These are the things you can say whilst wearing an Actualol Lanyard. Get your own lanyard by supporting the channel at http://patreon.com/actualol Board Game Geek: https://boardgamegeek.com/user/jonpurkis Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/actualol Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/actualol Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/actualol Thank you for watching! And thank you for all your comments, I love making videos for you all! If you're new to Actualol, my name is Jon Purkis. My two passions are writing comedy and playing board games, so I decided to combine the two in this YouTube channel. I make all my videos on my own, in my flat in London, UK, with the help of a diverse selection of wigs.


Ceedee Doyle

ActuaLOL back on form. doesn't have to be a big production Jon, go simple 'cos it works!

Roland Suljic

Today, I got my ActuaLANYARD. Yay. ^^