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Are reviewers pressured to do positive only reviews? Why do you play board games? What TV shows inspired you to become a writer?

I answer those questions, and many more, from you wonderful patrons in this month's Q&A. 

Please leave me your questions for the next Q&A in the comments!

Actually yours,



Actualol Answers Your Questions - December 2019

I answer your questions, such as "Are reviewers pressured to do positive only reviews?", "Why do you play board games" and "What TV shows inspired me to become a writer?" Support Actualol: http://patreon.com/actualol or http://paypal.me/actualol Board Game Geek: https://boardgamegeek.com/user/jonpurkis Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/actualol Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/actualol Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/actualol Thank you for watching! And thank you for all your comments, I love making videos for you all! If you're new to Actualol, my name is Jon Purkis. My two passions are writing comedy and playing board games, so I decided to combine the two in this YouTube channel. I make all my videos on my own, in my flat in London, UK, with the help of a diverse selection of wigs. Actualol is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.


Roland Suljic

Which game/s was/were your personal disappointment/s of 2019?

David Scott

Thanks as always for your insights Jon! One question I had: do you have any clever tips/hacks for reviewing rulebooks and coaching new players through a game you haven't yet played yourself? I often find myself in this position!