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Poll Results and Immediate Plans

  • Keep editing stealthily. 9
  • Notify us of all changes. 11
  • 2024-02-13
  • 20 votes
{'title': 'Poll Results and Immediate Plans', 'choices': [{'text': 'Keep editing stealthily.', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'Notify us of all changes.', 'votes': 11}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 13, 2, 42, 43, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 20}


So, once again, and I can’t thank you enough, you managed to vote for me to get an actual break at some point—which is kind of bewildering, given my poor output since I started freaking out about finishing Wake-up Call.

Regarding that poor output? Good news, everyone!

I just finished the 9.6k words next chapter of Puella Monstrum, and I’ll post it as soon as the commissioner goes over it to make sure I didn’t make any embarrassing mistakes, like when I put an insufficient emphasis on the maid play in Ginosko; this means that, other than a lot of monstergirl smut being incoming, I seem to be regaining at least some capacity to write closer to my earlier speeds.

This, in turn, means that I should be pulling off a few things soon enough.

According to the priority poll, I’ll keep on planning the next few installments of Yui’s Lily Garden, but in the meantime, I’ll write the first chapter of Lacmere University, seeing as that’s properly planned (just, you know, making me feel inadequate due to how long it’s been since I actually studied archaic fencing manuals and how few of them I did read). Hopefully, I’ll manage a short introductory chapter by tomorrow or a meatier one by Wednesday, and then it’s off to either immediately diving into the artistic murders of Periodical Cicadas, pushing out Yui, or finishing the New Year’s Special.

Just, overall, aiming to get back to my best update rate, or at least a sustainable, non-burnout-inducing version of it.

Speaking of burnout.

You’re all terrible people.

Or, at least, those of you voting on the Extra 3k or Chapter poll, because guess who’s won this time around?

Komachi Points.

Look, I’m going to be completely honest with you: I’ve had the ending for this in mind for quite a while but haven’t tackled it out of a conjunction of overwork and the original commissioner not swimming in riches. They’ve offered to pay for it quite a few times, but, well…

Now they’ve got a 3k words discount.

So, here’s how things are going to go: I won’t prioritize it this month. If it wins the next poll as well? I think I can manage to wrap up the madness with close to 6k words, and I don’t mind that much throwing a few extra for free for a two-time winner. If it doesn’t win, I’ll talk with them and see when it will work best for them for me to tackle this madness.

In the meantime?

I’ve got a lot to catch up on. Wordsworth is still planned to make a brief reappearance for its final arc before the month’s over, but I’ll also have to devote a lot of time to Of Sisters and Shadows, which has the biggest accumulated word count out of all the current projects. I’ll also strive to make my updates a tad more regular as I work on making this all more accessible and comfortable to you—which a regular posting schedule should be a big part of.

Speaking of, remember when I said I would poll you on things going forward? Okay, here’s the first one: I usually reread chapters more than once when I have to write the next one in the series, and inevitably, no matter how thoroughly I think I edited them, there’s always something that I find myself polishing. At times, it may be a typo or two; more often than not, it’s rephrasing something awkwardly written, and, at the worst of times, it’s adding a couple of passages to combat my ever-present white room syndrome.

Thing is, Patreon always asks me whether to notify you of the changes or not.

I always, except the one time when I did have to substantially change a chapter, choose not to bother you with unnecessary clutter.

But, well, here’s the question: do you want me to notify you when I edit a chapter, no matter how minor the changes, or should I keep ninjaing things like I’m trying to gaslight you?

Also… breaking news! While I was editing this post, Puella Monstrum’s latest chapter got greenlit, so it’ll be a matter of minutes for it to appear. Look forward to it!


Crimson Grave

Seeing Komachi Points win just shows that I am not alone. Yatta!


I mean, I never thought about, precisely, what "community building" could entail XD


I think you should stagger notification on edits, i.e. every few edits, or if the edits get substancual enough


That makes sense, I shouldn't have made the poll a binary, particularly seeing how split the vote is. I'll likely make another one in the future to answer another question and clarify this one (maybe add an option not to bother you with mere typo-fixes?). Anyway, thanks!