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It’s yet again that wonderful time of the month—insert obvious joke about menstrual pads’ insane commercials here—in which I race to do at least a portion of what I set out to do at the start and give you all the chance to vote upon what I’ll try to get done (and get stressed at) next month.

Also, in which I take the chance to… well, to tell you how much I appreciate you all being here. Really, as trite as it may sound, this wouldn’t be possible without your support. Heck, I’ve been flagging a bit as of late, second-guessing myself, my prose, and all that good stuff tortured artists are supposed to do (though it feels a bit like amateur-hour material now that dying of pneumonia is no longer in vogue), and… just seeing that you’re still here, enjoying my work, is enough to get me to push past it. I may not be pushing out my best writing ever, but I’m at least motivated to try.

Speaking of trying, the options for this month’s poll include, by quasi-popular demand, the option to try and catch up with all those little things I need to catch up on. And by little, I mean “colossal beings looming above me, their cyclopean proportions obscuring any meaning that I may have inferred from their alien forms.”

I kinda feel like writing some Demonbane now…

At least a teensy bit of Saya No Uta.

Anyway, and before this culminates in Lisa and Hachiman’s inner voices doing a fusion dance and taking over my psyche once and for all, here are this month’s options!


Crimson Grave

I think the vote make it clear what we think about you and your health Agrippa. XD


Sleep is for the weak! In a completely unrelated segue, could somebody please help me open this pickles' jar?


I mean, the week is still young! Plenty of time for me to convince you all that I'm actually managing things perfectly okay and I can add more to my plate! Really, I can stop whenever I want to!