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So, first of all, thanks to all of you for sticking with me this far. Sometimes I get discouraged when the numbers drop unexpectedly, or when it seems like a particular chapter I’ve poured a lot into doesn’t work, or a thousand other things that someone more resilient wouldn’t even notice, but this… Well, this is kinda the anniversary of the Patreon page, and seeing how far this has gone is nothing short of awe-inspiring.

Of course, I want more, that’s a given, but just… just knowing you’re all there, enjoying my work enough to support me like this… Really, I think I haven’t felt this good with my life in years, anxiety and deadlines included. There are more than a hundred regular subscribers, and I’ve got enough commissions that I’m almost making as much as I would on one of those “regular job” things that I‘m allergic to. And the thing is that this keeps growing, so… well, I’m hopeful, and enthusiastic, and…

Mostly? Grateful.

Damn onion-cutting ninjas, I swear…

Anyway! The poll results! This time around, Tales from a Lewd Fantasy World won the poll, which really contributes to improving my mood that much more, and the €5 poll gave me the Chef’s Choice option, which means I can do whatever the Heck I want.

A sane writer would now say, “Including taking a rest,” but I don’t think I’m fooling anyone by this point, so the plan is to write the “Demon Girl Next Door” fic, and maybe, if I have the time, add an extra thing to the schedule (it’s very tempting to write a second Konosuba chapter this month—or the second chapter of Hunger and Longing).

So, speaking of insanity, here’s my tentative schedule for the week. As usual, the disclaimer is that this is aspirational—and this time doubly so, because I couldn’t write anything today, tomorrow I need to do something with a friend visiting from the UK, Wednesday I need to help my Luddite parents with a robovacuum, and Thursday I need to go say goodbye to visiting Mexican relatives. Out of all this, the robovacuum thing is the one that inspires most dread in me (I used to play Paranoia).

- Monday: That is, today—at least until the sun rises. The idea is to write the missing All Right! Fine! I’ll Take You! chapter from last week. I’ve already thought it up, now to see if I can get it down on the page.

- Tuesday: I’ll finish the Oregairu chapter if I haven’t done it tonight and start working on the next April 17th.

- Wednesday: Finish April 17th.

- Thursday: Wake-Up Call.

- Friday: All Right! Fine! I’ll Take You!

- Saturday: Rest.

- Sunday: Momo’s Assured Defeat! (Title subject to change after writing the fic.)

So, that’s about it. Yet another overly ambitious schedule, let’s see just how much of it I manage.

And, again, thank you, everyone!


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