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So, my apologies because I just realized this should’ve gone up yesterday. I warned you about how I am at keeping track of time…

Anyway, you will notice something a bit different with the poll this time around: there’s no Konosuba option.

“What?!” you’ll say. “But, Agrippa, that is one of your most popular stories despite it only having three chapters! Why would you do this? Is it because you have absolutely no idea how to balance the mess of relationships you’re gleefully starting now that every possible haremette in Kazuma’s vicinity has decided he may not be that repulsive now that he’s no longer human? Is it because the orc jokes are likely to grow stale? Is it because you’ve hit a wall in balancing cracky comedy and actual characterization? Is it because you’ve yet again bitten more than you could chew?”

Okay, first of all, you guys are mean. Second, you’re mostly right about all of those. But also…

A Pure Knight’s Natural Enemy has just been given a regular monthly spot. Mostly because I want to write some of the things in the damn poll sometime before dying of old age, so, from now on, it may get two updates per month if my workload is light enough to offer it as an option (on the €5 poll). Given how the chapters consistently blow past the 7k words mark and that I want to properly plan out some of the next developments, though, this month it’s been excluded from the poll.

TLDR: My Konosuba fic is now a regular series with a guaranteed update per month. You can now vote for other things (hint: multi-choice!).


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