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In the desolate wasteland filled with forced death marches that is the Japanese education system, there’s one shining, bright moment, an oasis, a refuge for weary hearts to rest and recover in the company of their comrades, enjoying the solidarity that can only be found in those who share trials and suffering.

I am talking, of course, about the lunch break.

It is a moment of socialization set aside so that order and caste can be properly and gleefully enforced. So that the popular crowd can gossip while those aspiring to be included can run to get them something from the vending machine. It even provides built-in topics of conversation other than the ever-present subject of a common hatred against educators who wouldn’t look out of place in animation classics such as Heidi—those topics being the food itself.

It’s a brief glimpse of paradise, of a world where one can simply enjoy oneself while chatting with friends and not having to work, where even the system itself requires that one does, in fact, not work.

This is the moment where one expects me to say, with all the gravitas allowed to a romance between geniuses embroiled in a war of love, that that is a lie.

The truth is far worse: it isn’t.

The lunch break is pure and genuine. There’s no second layer to it, no hidden, terrible meaning. Everything is laid bare for the audience.

And thus, there’s no more genuine, sincere, terrible sign of a loner than one who spends their lunch break in the toilet.

“This is a terrible idea,” Shizu says, sharing my desolate exile to the toilets.

“It wasn’t mine,” I tell her, basically implying that I agree, as every idea that comes from others is, by default, much worse than anything I can come up with.

‘This is when I point out your many, many terrible ideas, and you just come up with any Yui-generated counterexamples, isn’t it?’

Certainly. Your tactic would work much better if you could come up with Yui-generated good ideas.

‘She’s no longer chasing after you.’

First: ouch. Second: that was actually my idea.

‘Oh, so you can come up with some good ones from time to time.’

Fuck you.

“The least you could do after dragging me in here is to pay attention to me, brat,” Shizu says, arms belligerently crossed over her always generous bust as she leans on the white-tiled wall of the teacher’s toilets to my left, her legs brushing against my knees while I sit on the epitome of what Japanese society will never consider overengineering.

The toilet, yes. I thought that much was obvious.

“I didn’t drag you into the teacher’s toilet, precisely because you are the teacher in here, and thus the one with keys for this place. A status symbol such as that—”

“Fine, it was all Iroha. It always is Iroha. I don’t know how we can even argue about that.”

“Long practice?”

“… You’re so lucky you’re cute.”

Oh. An opening.

‘She really didn’t think that through, did she?’

Not at all. Well, lowering tone in three, two, one…

“Not as cute as you, Shizu,” I tell her, her chin between my fingers, her face tilted down so her eyes meet mine, her body between the tiled wall and my own as my left hand slams right beside her shocked face, a few strands of long black hair trapped beneath the palm.

She swallows without blinking.

And I kiss her.

Mostly, to stop the hysterical giggling she may reply with, given how the first time I gave her a kabedon went.

Actually, that’s a lie: I kiss her mostly because she’s Shizu, and I’m in love with her, and I don’t even know how to feel about being this close to her after she’s spent the weekend reconnecting with a girl who may as well have been the first me, but in hard mode. Because I love Haruno, weird as that sequence of words still feels to think, but I can’t help but wonder if what we’re building is really as inclusive as I want it to be, if Shizu really will have the time (and patience) to deal with both of us, not to mention Iroha, and I am getting antsier by the second just—

Her head tilts to the side, her hands tangling through my hair, and she moans into my mouth as her left leg rises up to curl around my waist and pull me to her soft, yielding body.

Weird how much that calms me down…

And how we both jump up when her phone rings.

“Yes?” she answers it with flushed cheeks and an apologetic look on her face.

“You aren’t filming the video. I just know you aren’t filming the video,” I can hear Iroha scold us from the other side of the line.

Then Shizu looks at me as if asking me how to even answer that…

And I start looking for emergency exits.

“He’s currently trying to make my libido wither. Not my fault,” she grumbles as she catches me by the back of my shirt’s neck.

“‘Trying,’ you say,” Iroha answers in a tone that makes me reflexively adopt Adolescent Male Standard Gait Number Two.

It, apparently, also leaves Shizu tongue-tied.

Figuratively, tongue-tied.

For now.

“I have to go eat my lunch at some point, you know? Hurry up and use those gorgeous breasts of yours to make him come until his knees buckle while I still have time to cover for you both, all right?” Iroha says.

And Shizu blushes.

And I sigh and take her phone from her shaking hands.

“Iroha, we were making out before you called. This isn’t helping.”

“You weren’t filming.”

“Well, no, but we would have gotten around to it at some—”

“I’m hungry, Senpai, and not even in a metaphorical, ‘I want to suck everything still remaining on your balls’ way, I just want to have my lunch. So sit down, take off your pants, and film your cock being wrapped by the most gorgeous set of breasts we’ve both tasted.”

“… How humble of you.”

“I know my strengths, Senpai, and I can’t compete with those.Not until mine get a bit of a boost after you knock me up—”

I hang up.

And Shizu glares at me.

“I… I am not going to knock her up. Not until I get a way to take care of the kid and—”

“You are just making it worse,” she grumbles.

“What? I’m being perfectly reasonable and responsible—”

“Two things you never are,” she unfairly accuses me before her hand on my chest pushes me back, and I end up sitting on the toilet with a gorgeous Christmas Cake kneeling in front of me, fiddling with my belt. “Well? Start shooting.”

“I mean… I usually last a bit longer, but if you really insist…”

“The video. Start shooting the video. Iroha is apparently hungry. And thirsty.”

“Oh, you don’t know the half of it…”

“I fear the day isn’t far that I will…”

I look at big, gray eyes beneath wild, black bangs, and I raise an inquiring eyebrow.

She then blushes a pretty pink and looks aside.

“Today?” I ask, my throat slightly scratchy.

“She… She thought with you being busy today, we could… You know.”

She isn’t meeting my eyes. And, well, the bashfulness kindadoes weird thing to me when her hands are still holding my open belt.

“Hey,” I tell her, patting her hair, tilting her face up so she’ll look at me. “Are you all right with this? Do you want me to be there?”

She bites her lip and shakes her head.

“Shizu… We haven’t talked about… about too many things, now that I think about it, but if you really don’t feel comfortable with, you know…”

Her hand goes from my belt to lying on top of mine, holding it against her face, trapped between the heat and softness of both her cheek and palm.

“It’s… In some ways, I feel like talking about it would make it worse, that this is something we’re supposed to feel rather than think about, but… But I also feel so many different things, in so many ways, that… Not today. Not with what we’ve both already decided to do, but… soon? Please?” she says, eyes lost on my own, her lip bitten in anxiety rather than arousal.

So I slide forward and push her away from the toilet so I can kneel on the cold, tiled floor in front of her before I lean forward and lie my forehead on hers until both our eyes close as our breathing synchs.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” I say.

“I know,” she answers.

“I don’t want you to get hurt, either,” I insist.

“I know,” she chuckles.

“Then… Then tell me. If something I do or am about to do would—”

“I want you to do it, Hachi. I want you to be happy with… with the both of them. And I want to see what it is that Iroha and I can have together, even if it’s not the same that you two have…”

“I certainly hope not. If she tries to make you get her pregnant—”

And she pinches my cheek.

It’s not a punch to my solar plexus, nor a scary aura while reading my latest creative interpretation of an assignment. It isn’t even dragging me to meet a sharp-eyed beauty in an empty clubroom.

It’s still her. Shizu. Genuinely Shizu.

So I laugh, and hug her, and kiss her.

And the phone rings.

“You better have that cock slathered in saliva right now, young lady, or I swear I’m coming in there and making you swallow it whole,” Iroha says as soon as I imprudently touch the screen and pick up the call.


“So…” Shizu nervously looks from my too eager erection to the camera of her phone covering my left eye. “Hi, Haruno. I don’t know for what weird reason Iroha is set on you having a video of this, but, well, what’s one more, right?” she says with a grimace that she may even think could pass as a cheerful grin.

“Don’t mention that to Iroha, by the way. She’ll want copies.”

“Oh, as if those two haven’t already swapped everything they have on us…” Shizu says, rolling her eyes.

Which makes me imagine two gorgeous, far too clever girls looking through their respective collections of erotic videos of me.

And my cock twitches.

“… It’s bad manners to think about other women when you’re with me,” Shizu says, not quite meeting my eyes. For obvious reasons.

Stupidly proud and smug reasons.

‘I am not giving up mental space up in here so that you can add Cock-kun to your inner dialogues.’

How possessive of you, Brain-chan. At this rate, I’ll think you’re a tsundere.

‘I just don’t want to deal with all the ‘cocky’ puns.’

That’s precisely what a tsundere would say.

‘In what dimension?!’


‘… Fine. You win this round.’

At last you acknowledge—

‘No, I mean that Shizu is slowly unbuttoning her vest and discreetly sniffing your dick, which is the very definition of victory, as far as I am concerned.’

… Touché.

“Am I… in frame?” she shyly asks.

And I remember that I’m recording this whole scene just in time to verify through her phone’s screen that, yes, she’s in frame, and the cold light of the bathroom isn’t enough to detract from the beauty of her cleavage being slowly unveiled as she works the buttons of her shirt until violet, lace cups are all that stands in the way of me seeing yet again her pink nipples.

I didn’t know it was possible to both hate and love so much a piece of clothing. If this was Fate, I’m sure the contradictory and intense feelings would be enough for me to generate my own Reality Marble.

Unlimited Cake Buffet? Yup. I’ll take it.

“You’re thinking something stupid and likely offensive,” she says, rolling her eyes and grabbing me by the base.

“I’m seeing your bare breasts. It’s a marvel I can do anything other than nod dumbly and drool,” I reply with, for once, utter sincerity.

The way she fidgets while still grabbing my cock? A perfect, Pavlovian reward.

“Right. So, this? This is something you’ll have to be on guard for, Haruno. Because he’ll rile you up, sometimes even on purpose, and just when you’re ready to let him have a piece of your mind, he’ll say something devastatingly honest that will make you want him inside you so much you’ll ache. It’s… it’s like he just brings you to intense anger or annoyance, and then all that intensity remains as the emotion turns to raw desire.”

Shizu keeps looking from her phone’s camera in my hand to my cock in hers through the whole spiel.

It’s left as an exercise to the reader to figure out just how much precum is now dripping over her fingers.

“You’ve been taking classes from Iroha,” I tell her despite some very uncooperative lungs.

“Not even a little. Did you pick up even a hint of teasing coyness in that?” she answers with an eye-roll and her fingers clenching enough to let me feel just how hard I am right now.

“You… Oh, gods, you’re taking pages out of my book?!”

She smirks and leans forward until her lips just barely brush the latest drop of transparent fluid to make it out of my slit.

“Hachi… I think you’re forgetting who the teacher is,” she says.

And then her pink tongue peeks out and gathers the drop of precum, slowly pulling it into her mouth while leaving behind a thin thread of shining light that connects her lips to my cock’s head.

It takes me some time to notice I’m not breathing.

And, when Shizu does? Her smile lights up the whole place in a way that makes me forget entirely about cold, harsh, fluorescent light as her twinkling eyes take up my whole world.

“It’s… been a while since I did this to you, hasn’t it?” she asks with a hint of shyness as she grabs the sides of her breasts from beneath her lab coat and open shirt, the bra lying crumpled on top of them.

I nod. Probably dumbly.


That’s it? No snark?

‘Not enough… blood…’

“And… you like it? When I do this to you, Hachi? When I wrap my breasts around you and jerk you off, licking you whenever I can?”

I nod. Again.

Her smile widens.

“I love you,” she whispers. “And I love your wit, and your snark, and your humor, but… but something about seeing you so open and… and caught up in me…” she trails off.

And I’ll have to wonder what she was going to say for a long time, because she just smiles yet again as she pushes herself up, her arms on top of my thighs, and she pushes her breasts around me before leaning down to softly, tenderly, and lovingly kiss the tip of my dick.

Haruno will have to live with the camera being shaky. I’m a Monster of Logic, not of Steady Nerves.

“Tell me you like this,” she breathes out as she pinches her nipples, pulling her breasts forward before rising them along me.

“I love you,” I immediately answer.

She chuckles, lowers her breasts, and licks along my slit.

“That’s not what I asked you to say,” she says as she looks up without rising her face, looking at me through black bangs with eyes that are open and coquettish in a way that makes my breathing rougher.

So I finally let myself reach down with my free, right hand. Not to grope her entrancing breasts, not to trace her wet, shining lips, but just to… to trail my fingers through her hair, over and down her ear, letting the back of my fingers glide along the side of her neck.

“It’s what I feel,” I tell her, keeping her eyes on mine even as she moves her whole body up and down, her breasts being smeared with enough of me that her cleavage glistens as I go in and out of it. “It’s what I’ve felt for you for… for maybe too long. I should’ve told you sooner, and so I’ll keep telling you whenever I get the chance.”

She closes her eyes, the fingertips around her nipples paling with renewed pressure.

“Hachi… I just asked you if you liked me giving you a titfuck.”

“Oh. Yeah, definitely. You’re great.”

Her eyes open into furrowed slits, and she grumbles right before meeting my eyes.

Which is when I lean down to whisper into her hair:

“I love everything you do with me, Shizu. Because I love you. And you’re gorgeous, sensual, smart, and funny, so of course sex with you will always be mind-blowing, but more than that… It’s you. And I could cum at the way you tighten your grip on your breasts around me if I wasn’t bracing for it, yes, but… but I can also get hard at just seeing you walk, at you entering a room, your hair trailing behind you as the light glints of it in lazy waves. I could just sit beside you on your suspiciously grey sofa, take a hint of your scent beneath the tobacco, and think it one of the most erotic things in my life. Because it’s you, Shizu.

“And because I love you.”

At this point, I lean down, my back resting against cold porcelain. Not because I’m done with my speech. No. Not at all.

Rather, it’s because Shizu’s inhaled the tip of my cock and is swirling her tongue around it fast and hard enough I think she’s about to take off a layer of skin.

“Fuck!” I say, as eloquently as I can, and I see her fingers dig into the flesh of her breasts as the pressure around me increases.

“Shizu, I am—”

She leans back, her mouth coming off me with a popping sound, and her eyes are wild as she really gets into it, her breasts shaking up and down along my cock, rippling whenever they hit my thighs, only her tongue licking along her lips distracting me from the incredible sight.

“Do it! Shower me with it! Show me you really mean all that you say!”

And I do.

Hard enough that my hips lift off my seat, I cum, spraying jets of semen in an arc over her gorgeous breasts, hitting her below her chin and right in her open mouth before she closes it to hum in pleasure as I keep shaking between her quivering breasts even if I’m no longer shooting anything, just shivering in discharges of pleasure that finally slow down enough for me to sit back down, slumping against the cold porcelain that is barely enough to soothe my burning body.

And then she extends an intensely erotic finger that slowly trails over her glistening breasts, gathering drops of sperm on her tip before she slowly raises it in front of the hastily reoriented camera, some of it dripping off along an off-white, slow, thick stream. That points right at where my cock still sticks out of her cleavage.

Then she smiles.

“And this, Haruno? This is what you can expect from teasing him. He’ll play along and drench you with his seed, but, in the end?” She closes her eyes before putting her finger inside her open mouth, tender, glossy lips closing around it as she slowly drags it out, purring all the way. “In the end, you’ll also be teasing yourself.”

And then Shizu sways to her feet, dancing to a tune only she can hear but that I can also feel, and she leans forward, her eyes yet again on mine.

And she unbuttons her pants and pushes them past white, creamy thighs, her purple panties showing me a darkened spot of arousal that—

The phone rings.

We freeze.

It keeps ringing.

With terrible resignation, I push the damn green button.

“Shizu, I know. I swear I do. I understand. But if you don’t get out of there in five minutes, none of us will get to have lunch, and I’m really, really hungry. And no, Senpai, that’s not an euphemism, no matter how much we both want me to be able to feed exclusively off your cock.”

Then, before I can even think to reply—in the affirmative or otherwise—she hangs up.

I look at Shizu. Shizu looks at me.

Then she looks at my very eager, very erect cock.

And she whines.

I admit I’m kinda happy about it.


Pope Yoda I

Fantastic scene. I've always found it kind of odd that a bathroom - especially the toilet - seems to feature so heavily in Japanese-style fiction. Maybe it's the assumed privacy? Continuing that light of thought, I'm kind of surprised this scene didn't take place in Shizuka's car. Harder to pull off? Absolutely. More in line with her character? Also yes :). I imagine the next scene is Haruno noticing she has several emails with inconspicuous attachments she analyzes at an inopportune moment. Like family dinner. Because Iroha would, absolutely, choose the "best" time. "Haruno, dear? You've been in the bathroom for the last 45 minutes. Are you feeling alright?"


Thanks! I hadn't thought about using Shizu's car for that, obvious as the idea should've been, so that's another thing added to the list of scenes I need to write before we get to the ending. It may be hotter with Hachiman driving while Shizu "distracts" him, though... Maybe I will add that to the other list, the one with scenes for far future snippets.