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“I don’t see why you just can’t expand the magic compass story,” Minami tells me in an almost exasperated tone that, in any other person, would make me worry rather than relax.

“I mean… It’s not that I can’t, I just think that…” I try to answer.

“I really like it, you know?” she shyly tells me, looking at me with a cute, bashful smile that is only highlighted by the pink dusting over her cheekbones.

That alone is more than enough for me to melt and cave in to whatever she asks of me, but, well… it’s not that alone.

Because after magnanimously allowing me just enough time to brew us both a cup of tea, Minami has dragged me to my room, made me sit on my chair and…

Seated herself.

On my lap.

And so she’s giving me the weapon’s grade ‘look up at you over my shoulder’ treatment at the same time as she keeps rubbing her always shapely posterior on top of me, all of that coupled with her ridiculously cute, shy smile and the warmth of her small back on my chest.

This is all just unfair.

‘I mean, you could just take it as karma finally noticing how much you’re owed and stop worrying about it.’

I’m not quite… worryingat the moment.

‘Yeah. Hard to do that when all your blood is desperately trying to flow south.’

You aren’t helping.

‘Of course not. I’m just entertaining myself.’

… Karma, you say.

‘Just helping you keep it balanced. I’m generous like that. Ah, yes, before I forget: praise me more.’

Fuck you.

‘Yes, just like that.’

“Yoshiteru? What are you thinking?”

“That karma is an awful, terrible notion, unless it’s actually responsible for you sitting on my lap.”

Ah. I said it.

Minami blinks up at me before her slight, pink blush goes once again as crimson as her hair, so I brace myself for the explosive tsundere temper—

“I love you,” she mutters after she twists her body around to give me a one-armed hug and rub her face on my chest, hiding her eyes from me.

And I look down at her, at this wonderful, bewildering, enigmatic girl that has, somehow, decided to stick with me, and I feel something in my chest unclench.

So I wrap my own arms around her and lean back on my swiveling chair, my feelings from before slightly closer to the surface as I open myself up to receive Minami’s affection.

“I love you as well. More than I thought even this morning,” I finally answer as she shifts on top of me, her legs across mine and beneath the right, foam-cushioned armrest.

“… That better not mean you took my first time without thinking you loved me,” she mutters, her head almost burrowing on my chest.

“Wha—no! No, I just meant that my feelings for you have reached an intensity and depth heretofore unsuspected, not because they were formerly shallow, but because—”

“I was messing with you,” she interrupts.

“Ah… Right. That makes sense.”

I keep holding her, keep feeling her reassuring warmth between my arms as her breathing soaks through my shirt.

And she keeps relaxing against me, her body as loose as it was this morning when I woke up with her sleeping on top of me.

After smacking me. That may have contributed to her untroubled rest.

“Why don’t you want to use the compass?” she asks, and, for a single moment, I imagine myself holding it, holding the thing that would lead me to my destiny, my heart’s desire, my greatest adventure.

And I know the paralyzing fear I would feel, dreading the needle not budging at all.

Because… That was an uplifting lesson in the story, the chance for someone to forge their own path, and that was reassuring, a freedom that could lead to something maybe greater than what magic could grant by itself.

But… But I’d just be terrified of not having a destiny. Of everything I have worked for, sacrificed for, holding no more meaning than what I could grant it through my own efforts. I’d tremble at the chance to finally learn that, no, I was never meant to be a writer, even if I could still try to be.

“Yoshiteru?” she asks, lifting her warm face to look up at me with eyes I now know I’ll never be able to refuse.

But I can distract them.

So I lean down and brush her bangs aside to kiss her forehead until she giggles and her hand bunches up my shirt in her grasp, and that’s enough for me to calm myself back down.


Please, I—

‘No. Maybe don’t lay it all on her at once, but don’t hide yourself. Not from her. Not if you’re going to claim you love her.’

… Merciless as usual, Inner Hachiman.

And so…

“I’m afraid,” I finally whisper.

And Minami stops.

“Of what?” she asks in a frail tone that—

“No! No, it isn’t about us—you, I mean. You’re… you’re utterly perfect. I couldn’t have dreamed anything better than this, and… and you’re so far beyond what I could’ve imagined that’s the only thing that reassures me this isn’t a beautiful dream I’m about to wake up from.”

Minami’s eyes widen, her mouth slightly open in slack surprise and—

And she tightens her hold on my shirt, lifting herself up to reach my lips in a hungry kiss that somehow transitions to her arms pulling down on my neck and her legs straddling me, her body undulating over my lap as she moans and—

And she finally lets go, but her face is still almost touching mine, beads of sweat glittering in the warm light of my room, her cheekbones highlighted by beautiful pink flirting with crimson, her eyes the tarnished silver that, that…

“And you think you’re a bad writer…” she mutters.


“What… what you just said? How you said it, not even thinking about it? Yoshiteru, I—that’s just not fair. Not after everything you’ve already done for me, to me, not after… You’re good. I know you are. And I’ll make sure you know it.”

“I can’t—”

“You will. You’re going to write a beautiful, perfect novel that will show you your beautiful, perfect short story wasn’t a fluke. You’re going to win this; you’re going to crush all of them. You will. And I’ll… I’ll be with you, by your side, until you do it. All right?”

“My la—Minami, I could never ask you to—”

“That was a rhetorical question, chuuni. Now, start talking about all those ideas you keep getting distracted by,” she tells me before she leans up and, with an impish yet bashful smile, kisses the tip of my nose.

And I smile back.

‘You’re welcome.’

Inner Hachiman, I…

‘Yes, yes, I know: praise me more. Now, remember not to focus overly much on describing the waifus’ charm points…’


“All right, yes, I admit cyberpunk mythical India does things to me I never expected…” Minami says, looking slightly to the side while her arms surround my body, and her legs keep straddling me.

Some may consider this a distracting situation not entirely conducive to the creative process.

To them I can only say: go back to 2D and let me enjoy this in peace.

‘… Well, it looks like someone may be getting slightly too big for his britches.’

I don’t know whether that’s a crack about my ego, my weight, or my barely held at bay erection.


Right. Just as expected.

‘Praise me more.’

Stop being so needy.

“There’s a but, isn’t there?” Minami asks me, taking my prolonged silence as me deeply pondering the challenge of tackling the story of the Journey to the West through a modern, dystopian lens—which wouldn’t be too much of a challenge, actually. Human-eating mythical beings who grow more powerful by devouring the flesh of those who’ve reached enlightenment fit far too easily in the modern publishing industry.


“It’s not… that original,” I finally tell her.

“... What.”

“The idea. It’s… the aesthetics are gorgeous, evocative, but just taking the characters and plot of an already accomplished work and putting a slight spin on it… I don’t feel that would be something… mine,” I finally confess to her.

And she almost reels back. Because she recognizes the argument.

It was hers, after all.

So, when she smiles up at me with such pure joy at my having taken her lesson to heart… Let’s just say it takes me some actual effort not to wrap my hands around her waist and lift her off the chair to—

“Right. I don’t agree; I still think you would make it yours, but if you want something completely original, go ahead. What were you thinking?” she asks with such an eager glint in her eyes that I manage to banish all suddenly impulsive and… physical thoughts.

And, so, I tell her about birds.

A world where nature and magic intertwine. Of big, sprawling cities that all fit in the boughs of titanic trees, of homes empty as flocks made of entire countries take flight and move to another continent every year, of airships made to carry cargo and barely anything else, as freedom defines the very being of everyone in the realms that doesn’t belong to the landbound nomads.

I tell her of a lore-keeper owl, her blue hair framing round glasses with a dangling, silver chain, and white feathers peaking through short tresses in a way that would remind the human character of the elves he had always fantasized about. She would be cold and distant, slowly opening up as their shared magic was discovered.

I tell her of a flighty, enthusiastic ostrich. A nomad fighter, used to fending off bandit attacks, her lust for travel and exploration never hindered by having been born as one of the very few deprived of the power of innate flight. Someone cheerful not because of the life she’s given, but because of what she’s taken out of it, what she’ll spend all of her life reaching for.

I tell her of the noble, powerful hawks, the knight caste who, nevertheless, prey on those weaker than them. Not because of cruelty, but because of nature and duty.

I tell her of eagles facing the sun, reaching for it with powerful wings.

I tell her of sparrows living on what’s left to them after others have their fill.

I tell her of canaries and nightingales living off and for their song, so consumed by them they abandon themselves to a last hymn when their ends near, of swans always looking for their one true love, of crows jealously guarding their secrets and babbling about everyone else’s. I tell her of a living, breathing world, covered in the myriad colors of every character I can come up with, as if they were the dazzling plumage of the story itself.

And she doesn’t interrupt; she just looks up at me.

“What… What do you think?” I finally tell her when I’ve finished.

And she kisses me.

Her lips are insistent until I open my own, and then her tongue pushes in, once more tangling with mine just as her fingers yet again undo my ponytail, and now I can no longer ignore Minami’s breasts pressed against my chest, can’t ignore her soft thighs over mine and around my waist.

Can no longer stop myself from wrapping my fingers around her waist and standing up, making her moan as her legs wrap tightly around me as soon as the chair is no longer in the way, and I put her down on top of my desk, and…

“Now. Please, now,” she breathes against my lips, her rasping breath mixing with my own.

And I obey her. Because she’s my Lady, no matter how she wants me to call her, and I’ll always heed her desires.

Especially these ones.

So I unbuckle my pants as she helps me push them and my boxers down, and then she starts letting go of me with her legs before she changes her mind and just pushes her panties aside, and…

And she grabs me and pushes my tip against her entrance, looking at me with lidded eyes and a half-bitten lip.

So I slide my hands below her, inside her panties, my fingers digging into the soft flesh of that ass she’s been maybe not so inadvertently teasing me with over the past half an hour, and I push forward.

And, once again, I’m inside of Minami. And, once again, I’m happy.

“Ah! Ah, Yoshiteru, just… just go slow…” she says with a tone that would be pleading in anyone else, but that is to me a demand I can’t help but follow.

So I kiss her.

My hands cup her beautiful, soft face, cradling her up as I lean down without pulling out of her, and I languidly caress her tongue with my own, drawing each slow murmur of pleasure out of her as her deft fingers undo the buttons on our shirts until I open my eyes to find Minami flushed, white fabric draped so it frames gorgeous breasts uncovered by a raised, crumbled, heroic bra.

And I… may stare for quite a bit.

“Finally,” she grumbles, “I was starting to think you only liked my butt.”

I blink uncomprehendingly at her, and then, as if approaching a sacred site I’m afraid of defiling with my very presence, lower my hands to cup her breasts.

And then I can’t stop myself and grab them until soft flesh bulges between my fingers.

“Ah! You—you brute…” she says in an… accusatory tone?

I mean, she’s smiling, and biting her lip, and clenching around me, and… and…

Oh, dear.

“Well?” she asks.

“They are… perfect,” I tremulously answer.

“Good… maybe, if you’re good with me, I’ll do something special later,” she… she purrs! Purring isn’t fair! It’s not allowed!

“If I am… good?”

She blinks languidly, and her fingers leave electric trails along the edge of my ears before grabbing my neck and pulling me down so she can whisper right in the left one with hot, humid breath that makes it awfully hard for me not to plunge the rest of my member inside of her.

“If you… make me come,” she says, and her legs tighten around me.

And I… stop holding back.

“Yes!” she moans, throwing her head back, arching in a way that pushes her breasts up into my palms as I sheathe myself inside her, the warmth and wetness welcoming me with far less resistance than yesterday. I have to stop when I feel her swallow me entirely, when she clenches around my base, and I have to once again hold back so I don’t end up mauling her breasts in my grip.

I take a deep breath as I look down at her, at her open smile and closed eyes, her hair hanging back, her arms trembling while holding onto my neck, so I shift my left arm from her breast to the middle of her back, the firm flesh a marvelous contrast to what I feel in my right palm, and I…

I just…

I want to fuckMinami silly.

I just want to watch her lose herself in waves of pleasure, to be consumed by something she’ll only find in me, to grab desperately around my body for purchase as her mind slips away and is replaced by yearning, and wanting, and ecstasy, and—

“Fuck me. Stop… stop admiring me and fuck me,” she asks, her eyes still tightly closed.

And I just swore I’d never deny her.

So my hand slips until I can firmly knead her nipple between my thick fingers, and I drive back before I push forward hard enough my desk rattles.

There’s a moment of panic, but… We are alone. We are alone in my home.

So I pull back and do it again, and this time I can appreciate her eyes opening even as her head still hangs back, I can feel her fingers digging on the back of my neck, her legs hooked by her ankles briefly pushing me forward before they relax, slacken.

I lean forward and take her left, free nipple inside my mouth, devouring and delighting in flesh that tastes just slightly saltier than I thought as her hands go from my neck to the back of my head, pushing me against her as I try to keep a rhythm going despite the awkwardness of my bent back.

She tightens against me each time I reach all the way inside her, each time I go across that spot of slightly rougher flesh, each time I press down on her body with my own, grinding on her clitoris. She moans in need every time I pull back, every time I slow down before pushing forward yet again, every time I remember to suck on one nipple as I roll the other.

And I try not to moan, not to lose myself, not to surrender to the rising heat inside my chest or the beating pressure in my member each and every time I notice how devastatingly beautiful Minami is.

I learned a few of the signs of her pleasure yesterday. Not enough to describe them, but to recognize when she… when she nears her peak and allows herself to get carried by it. And it is only when I recognize how willingly Minami is letting herself go, how openly she’s taking every iota of pleasure I can grant her, that I realize… she really wants to give me that reward of hers.

And that is, at once, the one thing that makes me desperately want to cum inside her yet again as she starts clenching in the throes of her pleasure… and what gives me the strength to hold back.


So I hold myself above and inside her as Minami clamps her jaw shut, the muscle behind her cheeks steadily beating with the same rhythm her body almost undulates beneath me, and I can only admire her as she finally relaxes and her weight falls down on the hand in the middle of her back in a way so filled with trust and open vulnerability it once again breaks my heart.

Then, after long, longseconds, she opens her eyes with a lazy smile that sends shivers up my spine.

“Pull out,” she purrs.

And there’s a slight palm in the middle of my chest pushing me until I take a faltering step back that ends with the back of my knees hitting the edge of my seat and me haltingly falling on the rolling, cushioned thing.

Which means I get first row seats to Minami broadly smiling as she stretches her arms as if rousing from sleep until she bends them so the backs of her hands brush against the sides of her neck before she slowly raises her elbows until they are above her head, the connection between her arms and her breasts stretching and pulling the gorgeous orbs upward as she stops there for a moment, her smile turning into something pleased when she catches me looking in rapturous attention right before, with languid grace, her hands slide up and tangle with her hair, messing it into something wild and mischievous.

She’s still wearing her skirt, her shirt is completely open, falling from the edge of her shoulders to frame in pristine white the gorgeous sight, and…

“This will only get in the way,” she says as she carelessly discards her shirt on the floor and then unsnaps and throws away a bra that I only briefly realize is not the one she was wearing when we left the hotel this morning and that, going by the amount of lace I just briefly glimpsed, seemed to have been selected for a very clear purpose.

Such as making my penis throb. Like it’s been constantly doing since I came out of Minami’s perfect body.

“Now… I promised you a reward,” she says as she hops off my desk in a wonderfully bouncy way.

And then she strutstoward me, each sway of her hips throwing her skirt in a wild flare that is only slightly less eye-catching than what her chest is doing until she stops right between my legs and… kneels down.

“Are you going to…” I begin to ask until a dainty finger presses against my dry lips.

“Yoshiteru…” she murmurs my name as she catches me by the base, aiming me to her mouth, “I love you.”

My eyes widen as she leans forward to peck at the head of my member, as she slowly licks along my slit, catching as much of her own juices as of the constantly flowing precum I keep letting out.

“I know I… I know I keep telling you, since yesterday,” she continues, as if apologizing, “and I don’t want you to grow tired of hearing it, so… so I’ll show you. I’ll keep finding ways to show you until you realize I’m serious, that you’re not alone. That I’m not alone. That I don’t ever want to be anymore.”

Her eyes hold mine, and it’s the light of the moon in a dark forest, the guiding beacon I always looked for, yet I only had to look up to find. To find her.

And, after a wonderful, brief eternity, she smiles once again. Not the sultry thing from a moment ago when she captured my sight, but… close enough.

Just… more tender.

So Minami shuffles forward, and then her hands abandon both my lips and member to heft her own breasts, lifting them up as if for me to inspect before shooting me an impish grin.

And… Oh. Oh.

‘… Lucky bastard.’

Damn right I am.

Especially when she leans forward and surrounds my erection with soft flesh still glistening from when I licked and sucked on it. She shuffles on her knees until her breasts are resting on my thigs and belly and my tip peaks out, and then she shoots me yet another complicit smile before leaning forward and letting her tongue out to circle my head, saliva slowly dripping down from it until it pools on the glistening depression between her breasts from where I surge.

“I love you. And I don’t know how I will keep showing you, Minami, I don’t know to what ends I’ll go so that you can rest assured that I do, but… But I don’t think I’m going to surpass this anytime soon.”

She giggles at that, brief burst of warm air playing over me as she keeps leaning forward over my member.

“You dork,” she says in the same tone I would have said that she’s the most beautiful, infuriatingly enigmatic, perfectly baffling woman I’ve ever met.

‘Your sister—’

Shut. Up.

Luckily, Minami decides to banish that mental image by promptly leaning down to swallow the tip of my member as she starts moving her breasts in alternating directions along my shaft, the sheer sensation of it all making me gasp as my fingers dig into my cushioned armrests.

And, to top it off, she decides to look up at me, to have her eyes on mine before shooting me a cheerful wink right before her cheeks hollow around me.

It’s no wonder I start hissing as my toes curl.

What is a wonder is that I don’t start cumming right away.

“Mi... Minami, if you don’t slow down—”

“Oh?” she asks as she audibly pops her lips off me, “Are you going to come, Yoshiteru? Are you going to empty out what little your balls have refilled with after what I did to you yesterday?”

“I wouldn’t say little.”

“Good,” she once again purrs before, also repeating herself, she dives forward and swallows as much of me as she can get at without digging inside her cleavage.

And I must also be repeating myself, because my breath hitches as my fingers claw in almost desperation at my armrests as soon as Minami starts moving.

I’ve often talked about how she undulates her body, how she arches her back, but I’d never realized how mesmerizingly feline she can be with each of those gestures, how the steadily increasing speed doesn’t detract at all from her grace and deliberate motion.

And how good of a cocksucker she is.

… Note to self: look for a somewhat less demeaning-sounding term. Fellatrix? Let’s go with fellatrix.

She’s a magnificentfellatrix.

I don’t know about technique, can only compare to my fantasies, but the way she tenderly focuses on me, how often she looks up into my eyes to see whether or not I’m enjoying her latest trick and attempt to bring me pleasure… that’s more than enough. That elevates her to a category I can’t describe. That makes her a lover.

And one I can no longer resist.

“Minami! Minami, I—”

I don’t know.

I don’t know how I was going to continue that line, because, as soon as I utter it, she moves with an almost frantic desperation, her breasts slapping down on me and her tongue almost all-encompassing in her attempts to reach every part of me inside her mouth, so I can’t hold back, not anymore, and my hips thrust up, hovering over my seat as Minami sucks on me and I shoot load after mind-blanking load, my thighs trembling in both effort and ecstasy until lightning stops rushing through me and I plop back down.

For a moment that stretches, I can only hear the blood on my ears, then my rasping breath joins in, and then…

Then I hear a sucking, popping noise and look down from my white ceiling (when did I look up?) to find Minami staring at me with her lips pursed and her cheeks bulging outward.

Then, once she finds my eyes, she gives me yet another devastating saucy wink, and she swallows.

Then she promptly coughs.

My semen comes flying out of her mouth, dribbling over her gorgeous breasts before she hurries to catch the last dregs on her cupped palms, and she glares up at me.

“Not. A. Word,” she grumbles out.

“I… Are you all right?”

Her glare narrows at my disobedience before she looks in personal offense down at what she’s holding in her palms.

And then she closes her eyes, leans her head back, brings her hands to her mouth…

And slowly, deliberately, swallows.

“See?” she tells me with a triumphant smile, “I knew I could do it!”

And she’s energetic enough in her victory that her semen-splattered breasts bounce around me.

“Yoshiteru?” she asks after my maybe slightly too prolonged silence.

So I lean forward and catch her below her armpits before standing up, my renewed erection dragging down her body as I lift her off the ground, and a luminescent flush covers her cheeks.

“Minami,” I growl at her. “I’m going to fuck you.”

She blinks at me, her eyes wide open and eyebrows raised before they relax into a lidded, seductive thing that only adds fuel to the fire.

“You better,” she admonishes me.

And, once again, I resolve never to falter in following her commands.


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