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One of the things that was pointed out in the recent polls was that maybe I should try to communicate with you all rather than keep dropping chapters like a writing machine devoid of a soul and its own life—I mean, like somebody who knows what they’re doing.

Truth be told, I don’t work that well when I feel like I’m being somewhat under scrutiny, but that seems like one character flaw I should at least make a nominal effort to get rid of, so, at least as an experiment, I’ll try to keep you appraised of what I’m planning for the next few weeks. Starting today, the update schedule should look something like this:

Monday: Wordsworth, and maybe Deranged Lesbian.

Tuesday: Wake-up Call, and Deranged Lesbian if I didn’t manage today.

Wednesday: Plan. Maybe write something in advance so I can get more free time on the weekend.

Thursday: All Right! Fine! I’ll Take You!

Friday: Self Insert of the Dead. Announce poll results.

Saturday: Zaimokuza Gaiden.

Sunday: Hunger and Longing.

And, well, that should be all. Should, that is, if I manage to stick to it. Cross your fingers, guys. In the meantime, I need to stare at Wordsworth until it cracks under pressure and decides to write itself.


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