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I remember that a long, long time ago (about twenty minutes), I thought something like, ‘this is mortifying.’

I thought that because I just heartfeltly proclaimed to myself that I wanted to protect Yukinon’s (my girlfriend’s—aaaaaaaahhhhhh!) smile.

I was wrong.

This is mortifying.

“What’s wrong, Yui, aren’t you hungry? I would’ve thought, with all the exercise—”

“Sister!” Yukinon interrupts Haruno’s line before she can make this even worse.

I don’t know how. Oh, I can come up with plenty of ways, but none of them seem traumatizing enough to be the one she would use. Especially not after… this.

“Yukino, I am hurt that you would yell at me out of the blue. Also, I would’ve thought you’d be far mellower after Yui here finally—”


… Is it too late to hide in Yukinon’s futon and not come out until Haruno has left for wherever she pretends to go to college to while she actually plots the downfall of civilization?

Note to self: stop watching super sentai. It’s making me imagine things, and the last thing I need is to get the image of my sexy girlfriend’s sexy older sister wearing a dark, billowing cape with gigantic pauldrons stuck in my head. It could make family gatherings really awkward.

You know, as opposed to what they would be as things currently stand…

“Ah, the ungratefulness of younger siblings. I wonder how Hachiman does it? He has that cute younger sister of his perfectly tamed… maybe I should ask him for some tips?”

“The first tip may be not to cook red rice for her the first time she has… somebody over,” Yukinon snappily replies at once and with barely any hesitation.

Which means she’s used to this level of teasing.

Something I find both hard to believe and very disturbing, seeing as… red rice.

A traditional dish. Sticky rice boiled with adzuki beans so it ends up dyed red. Nothing wrong with it.

Except for the part where it’s used to mark special occasions. Such as birthdays, a girl having her first period or…



And how did she even get the beans! I know Yukinon’s pantry like my own, and she doesn’t have beans! Her sister was a drunken mess when we got here last night, and the first thing I get after getting out of the bathroom is (perfectly cooked) red rice! That’s not something a regular person would think to do, much less have the gall to go through with!

Somebody over?” Haruno asks, slowly blinking her big eyes in (obviously fake) confusion. “Yukino, it’s not nice to refer to your girlfriend in such a way; go and apologize to Yui. I think a kiss should do it.” And she grins.

Of course she grins, what else would she do? Sigh in forlorn longing?

(Note to self: stop reading BL romance. Ebina’s dangerous.)

Yukino coughs for a moment, seemingly choking on air, and then looks defiantly at her sister over the light, bare wood of the kitchen table.

Then turns around, grabs my cheeks, and—


The first thing I notice, just a second before her lips reach me, is the slight pressure of her bust, still clad in those blue pajamas I always tried not to leer at. They brush against my own breasts as Yukino comes from below me and raises up in a smooth arc, a curve that makes me press my thighs together just as her tongue peeks out to delicately flick along my lips.

I take a sharp breath, grab her neck, and pull her toward me.

After a short burst of movement that involves far too much noise of chair legs grinding on the tiled floor, Yukino is sitting on my lap, her beautiful, pert, firm butt right between my tense thighs, and I’m making her lean to my right as I lean over her, my tongue diving deep into her mouth, tasting the sweet saliva I’ve grown addicted to in such a short time, one hand supporting her nape and the other roaming her back while she, for some baffling reason, flails her arms around.

From the other end of the forgotten kitchen table, the baffling reason coughs semi-politely.


I, very carefully and slowly, separate from Yukinon’s luminescent blush and panting breath that tickles my nose as startled eyes look up at me in bewildered—

Stop. I can control myself. I can definitely not lean back down, grope her chest, lay her on the kitchen table and—

“Yui!” Yukinon says as I grab her hips and start turning her toward a piece of furniture we are definitely going to christen one of these days.

But, hopefully, not under the watchful eye of her blushing sister.

… Or any other watchful eyes. I am not an exhibitionist.

I think.

Anyway! I still have my girlfriend on my lap, and I should definitely not draw more attention to what almost happened, so maybe I should let her take point? It’s not like I’ve contributed too much to the conversation as is. I mean, other than gawking at Haruno and pawing at Yukinon, which somebody generous enough could interpret as a contribution…

Like, hopefully, Yukinon.

“Damn, girl, just how pent up are you?” the only present person who may be able to say something like that says.

The tip of Yukinon’s ears redden in a way I can’t help but take note of, and she very stiffly turns from facing me to her sister on the other side of what I’m increasingly seeing as a safety barrier rather than furniture.

I am still holding her hips when she turns, so I end up hugging her waist.

… If she doesn’t complain, I definitely am not moving.

“Dear sister, as much as I appreciate your companionship and polite conversation, I do believe you have a home to go back to?”

“Gasp! Gasp, I say! Just a day with a girlfriend, and you’re already throwing me on the street?”

“You were supposed to look after the place, not move in here!”

“Oh, I can certainly say I’ve done my fair share of looking,” she comments after throwing a quick glance at the white sofa in the living room.

“I don’t know what that means, but I really hope it isn’t something as perverse as your tone implies.”

“Yukino, as jaded as you’ve become in your old age, I am offended that you would call true love perverse.”

“You are making less sense with every word, and I know you well enough to realize that that is not only on purpose, but a way to either amuse yourself with a private joke or to make me regret ever pursuing this thread of conversation,” my girlfriend, whose back is, probably unconsciously, leaning against my chest while I keep my arms around her, says with the kind of tone she would use on Hikky before the whole codependence mess started.

So… Either I offer my silent and unconditional support or get between two Yukinoshitas going at each other in ways I don’t quite understand but that may have an incestuous note, because if she talks to her like she did to Hikky that’s not something I want to look at too deeply—and of course I would fall for both a brocon and a siscon; that’s, apparently, the way my luck works and the way the universe has of telling me I should have never wished to be anything other than a single child.

Spending my daily allotment of common sense all at once, I shut my mouth.

“They grow up so fast…” Haruno wistfully mutters. And then winks at me.

Is this a joke about my breasts? Is it? Am I doomed to keep getting sexually harassed even with Hikky out of the picture?

For some reason I don’t understand, Haruno facepalms.

“Yui, dear, as attractive as you are, I have my plate full enough that I won’t pursue my little sister’s current romantic entanglements.”

Yukinon goes rigid, and I have no doubt whatever she says next is going to worsen my already critical embarrassment, so I bravely decide to go back on my earlier decision and waste my daily common sense quota.

Ah, well, that’s what Mama’s there for.

“Joking aside, how are you?” I ask her while trying to power through… the whole morning so far.

I mean, the part of it I didn’t spend trying to give Yukinon a remedial lesson on the sexual education she definitely should’ve gotten before slipping into my futon in the middle of the night. That part I don’t power through, because I’m still trying to process how much of it is a precious, irreplaceable memory, and how much is just hinting at terrifying depths of trauma I’ve yet to uncover.

… Ah, well, that’s what Mama’s there for.

(Without too much detail and skipping right over the whole striptease thing. Ugh.)

I should maybe also focus on the girl looking at me in a calculating manner and leave all that stuff for when I’m not in the middle of what some may say is a sibling spat, and others may say is… I don’t know. Something people more knowledgeable than I may understand, but I definitely don’t.

“You know, there’s only one other person who has asked me that in… years. Literal years.”

“Is the other person Ms. Hiratsuka?”

Haruno stares at me.

Her face is blank. Not… not expressionless, because it’s far too intense for that, as if there’s some hunger in there I don’t—

And then she smiles.

It’s not a nice smile.

“So that’s why he chose you, is it?” she asks. And I feel blood drain from my face.

Yukinon turns toward me, my slack arms still around her, and her face shows worry and—

“He… He told me he had a plan. And that there was something only I could do. Something that I would do just by being me,” I tell both of them.

Yukinon’s eyes widen, and Haruno chuckles in bitter fondness.

“Of course he would. And of course he would be right.”

Then she stands up and circles the table until she’s by our side.

And pats Yukinon’s back.

“Kiss her, you fool,” she whispers.

And walks out.

And, suddenly and frantically, Yukinon kisses me with desperation, longing, and regret.

And, I hope, a bit of love.


“All right, what’s going on with you now?” Yumiko asks me right as I get up after the teacher goes away for the lunch period.

“Uh?” I answer her with my usual wit.

… I may need to ask Hikky for some tips. Especially if Yukinon reacts to them in the way I suspect she will.

Yumiko stares at me, sighs, and then raises from her seat, grabs my arm, and drags me out of the classroom.

It only slightlyfeels like I’m being kidnapped, so it isn’t that weird from Yumiko. Honestly!

“Now, spill,” she demands as soon as we take a turn in the corridor and step onto the stairs landing.

“I… I have a girlfriend?” I finally answer after a short moment desperately trying to come up with either a convincing lie or a good excuse not to tell her the truth.

She blinks at me. Then blushes. Then panics and lets go of my arm with an apologetic look that honestly makes me wonder if she just realized the implications of bodily dragging a girl out to a secluded spot.

Yukinoshita?!”she hisses.

I nod. And my cheeks do their thing—seriously, I used not to blush at the drop of a hat. I think.

… I’ll ask Mama. She has an encyclopedic memory of every embarrassing thing about my childhood, so she definitely would’ve noticed.

Yumiko, on the other hand, grows pale rather than rosy. She even stumbles for a moment before leaning on the wall at my side (and breaking off the almost kabedon she was giving me).

“Does… does heknow?”

“He…” I swallow, the words still hard to say, “he set us up. And stepped out.”

Yumiko groans.

“Of course he did…”

“What… what do you mean?” I can’t help but ask without looking directly at her, my eyes on the part of the wall in front of us that meets the floor.

She shakes her head enough that her curls bounce.

“You know him well enough to figure that out,” she ends up saying.

And I do. Or, at least, I think I do, but it still would be reassuring if somebody else told me just so I don’t keep running around in circles.

“So…” she says after the silence stretches a bit too long—Yumiko’s never been any good at silences. “So you… Did the two of you…”

She looks at me in almost distress.

I turn away from my careful examination of the splotch of white paint marring the single gray tile it fell on who knows how long ago.

Yumiko has gone from pale to almost crimson in a remarkably short time. Whatever I have may be contagious.

“The two of us…?”

She says something very quiet and rushed that I don’t understand.

I tilt my head.

She takes a deep breath.

“Did you two kiss?!”

Oh, it looks like it’s her blush that’s contagious.

I, after a brief deliberation, nod.

She wrings her hands, and I am tempted to run away before she opens her mouth once more.

“How was it?” she finally says with all the shyness Yumiko only shows when talking about a certain blond guy that I may need to get some information on before I decide if he’s my new sworn enemy.

I sigh. And then resign myself to spending my lunch break speaking about my girlfriend and a very sanitized version of what we’ve done since yesterday rather than meeting said girlfriend for lunch like I wanted.

… Yumiko manages to blush harder by the end of it all.


I stare at the door of the clubroom closing after Hikky goes through it.

It’s… It’s bittersweet. Because I know he loves us (me), but he’s… he’s very definitely taken.

With two girls.

And a possible third.

And now I understand a bit more of what Haruno said during breakfast, which is not something I expected to happen without some intervening years, a lot of growing up, and possibly a bit of therapy.

Yukinon is slumped on her chair beside me in a very un-Yukinon way.

“So, that’s it, isn’t it?” I tell her.

“What?” she looks at me uncomprehendingly, something that only happens when I spontaneously hug her, or grab her hand, or show her any sign of… physical… affection…

I don’t think I’ll like my future mother-in-law very much.

I may need to ask Haruno for some tips—which is yet another thing I never thought would come up without a lot of therapy. On her side, though, not on mine.

I clasp Yukinon’s chin between my thumb and forefinger and lift her gaze toward me.

“You do understand he loves you, don’t you?”

She freezes.

“I… He’s a lustful beast who—”

“No. If he was, he would’ve taken me a long time ago.”

Yukinon’s eyes widen, and she throws herself at me, her arms around my neck, her chest pressed against mine.

“Please don’t leave me. I know you could just se-seduce him, and he wouldn’t resist—”

I silence her in the only way I know how: I kiss her.

It’s a slow kiss, starting just as a soft press on her lips before I prod at them with my tongue. When she allows me to enter, I do it deliberately, first tracing her lips, then pushing forward to lick at the top of her tongue carefully and gently in a back and forth motion, as if it was candy I was trying to melt.

Then I grab her hips and pull her on top of me once more.

And I don’t stop the kiss until I make sure she notices my hands caressing her hair and back.

“Yukinon… I love you. I won’t leave, not even if you tell me to, because I know you have yet to understand how special you are, how easy it was to fall for you, and I just know you can pull a Hikky and try to make me leave for my own good—and that’s not something I’ll allow.”

“Pull a Hikky?” she asks, eyes slightly glassy.

… Talk now, ravish later.

“That’s… that’s something he does, and part of why we fell for him, but not a part we like, if that makes sense? Anyway! No martyrdom. That is forbidden. If you ever try, I’ll have to kiss you silly until you forget all about it!” I warn her, trying to lighten the mood.

Icy blue on the verge of cracking looks down at me, and I suppress a shiver that has very little to do with any cold.

Then she smiles, and my heart beats that much faster.

“Remind me to teach you what a perverse incentive is,” she says with that glint she gets when she’s teasing somebody while trying not to look like she’s teasing somebody.

“If it is an incentive to be perverse, I’ve got more than enough of those already…” I mumble while trying not to grab her hips, throw her over the desk, and—

Nope! Girlfriend just went through an encounter with what may as well be our mutual ex; she needs support more than panting and grabbing my hair while screaming my name as I lick at her—

Support! Emotional, not handsy!

Oh, wait, I’ve got a plan!

Shut up, Hikky. You’re not the only one allowed to have those.


The plan is wonderful, perfect, and shows how brilliant I am, no matter what everyone else keeps saying.

“Yui?” Yukinon asks, sitting on the ground, surrounded by kittens pawing at her skirt and looking like she’s about to faint from sheer cuteness overload in the middle of the cat café.

So, of course, I’m taking pictures.

Especially when her eyes evade me and she uses a gray-striped kitty to shield her almost glowing face.

“Shush, Yukinon, just let the kitties do what they do best,” I tell her while looking for the perfect angle to make this into my phone screen for years to come.

Maybe I should ask Iroha for tips. You know, after I’ve had enough time to process what the little skank is—stop. That’s not nice.

Not that she’s lacking in nice things at the moment… Seriously, Ms. Hiratsuka too? That’s like having two Hikkis, only with one of them being a sexy older woman, so the sandwich would be even more—

Yukinon! Yukinon surrounded by kitties and about to faint! Yes, that’s more than good enough for anything that isn’t a horny fantasy.

Not that she isn’t alsogood enough for those, but, you know, I’ve had enough horny thoughts today, so maybe I should focus on the wholesome cuteness of small kitties clumsily crawling all over her skirt and…

And there’s one trying to crawl beneath her skirt and between her thighs. Because of course the universe is set on not letting my hormones rest for even just a moment.

Resigned to my fate, I lean forward and pick the orange tabby fuzzball by the scruff of his neck.

“Bad kitty. Those are mine,” I tell him as seriously as I ever scold Sable.

And the thing mewls and tries to bat my nose.

… Why is everything cute about cats also a reminder that they are murderous little beasts?

“Yours?” Yukinon asks, peeking over the gray-stripped kitty with eyes surprisingly as blue as her own.

“Ah… I mean… I already gave you a lecture about this, but it’s your body, and you have every right to do whatever—never mind! It’s just, you know, I kinda would like some squatter rights or something?”

I suddenly have a face full of fluff.

Thankfully, Yukinon’s chosen kitty is a bit less violence-happy than the one who tried to venture where no cat has gone before, so it ends up licking me between my eyes.

It kinda tickles.

… Fine. I’m sorry, Sable, but a cat is fine too.

“You do realize squatter rights are only acquired after a prolonged occupation?”

Is… is that a glint of mischief? It’s kinda hard to tell with the pointy, fuzzy ears in the way.

Also: Yukinon with cat ears. Yes.

“I am ready to occupy you for as long as it takes,” I finally say.

And she flushes crimson even faster than she’s done up till now.

I’m pretty sure that means progress. I don’t know what kind, though.

“Yui… you are a pervert.”

“I think it’s just a healthy interest—”

“No. No, there’s nothing about you that can be defined with as insufficient a word as ‘just.’”


The kitty currently being used as a not very good blindfold is gently dropped on my lap, where it proceeds to yawn and curl itself.

And then Yukinon, hands free of any prospective kitty-squatters, takes my hand, her fingers lacing between mine as she looks at her own lap where a calico, chubby thing is rolling down her thighs.

My breath catches, and I tighten my hold on her hand.

Without looking up, her eyes almost hidden by her dark bangs, a small smile that has nothing ironic or smug on it blooms.

And I just stare at her until the traitorous tabby bites down on my wrist.


Kitty teeth are short, and their jaws are weak, which is the only reason for me to only be covered in light scratches rather than profusely bleeding when I get back to my home after a longer absence than I planned.

Yukinon is with me, because I think it would be a bit awkward to force her to spend the night at her apartment with Haruno after everything we learned today, and the two sisters aren’t ready to have a heart-to-heart like TV always told me they were supposed to do.

I guess the way Mama usually avoids even bringing up auntie should’ve already been a clue that TV isn’t the best at showing how sisters interact with each other.

Anyway, this is the first time I’ll be bringing Yukinon to my home as a girlfriend rather than a girl who’s a friend, so I’m sure Mama will tease us both relentlessly, but that was going to happen sooner or later, so we should get over it right now. Because, you know, the rest of the day has gone smoothly and without any stress so far…

“Yui? Are we going to stand in front of the door much longer?”

I shoot her a half-hearted glare, and take out my keys, then hold the door open for her as she steps into the apartment building.

“Mom won’t be home for a bit,” I tell her as we wait for the elevator.

“Oh?” she asks with disinterest and then clenches her hand around mine—


“N-not like that! I mean, it’s just the time she gets off—at work! She gets off at work—no! She gets off work!”

Yukinon chuckles.

“… Please, don’t ever bring this up again. And never mention it to Mama,” I plead with my best ‘Sable wanting a cookie’ imitation.

“I make no promises. You’ll just have to behave,” she says with a hint of that smirk of hers that I’ve missed so much since her mother approached us on the street.

“Fine, be that way, see if I—wait a second.” As soon as the elevator doors open on my floor, I can hear a whiny, small dog scratching at a door Mama and I have given up on ever being clean for more than a few days, so I rush with my key out and open the door just in time to take the brunt of two short forepaws on my belly as Sable launches at me with all the enthusiasm of a furry missile missing its owner.

I kneel before entering my home and start petting it to calm him down, Sable rolling on the floor and showing me his belly before he suddenly stops wiggling.

“Sable?” I ask him as he rolls on his paws and looks at me with his eyes narrowed in what I could swear is a disapproving frown.

Then he sniffs my hands that, obviously, still smell like multiple aggressive kittens, and proceeds to thoroughly lick them clean without breaking eye contact.

Behind me, Yukinon snorts in amusement, and I realize I’m doomed to fall to an alliance between my girlfriend and my dog.

At least Mama should be on my side… I hope.


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