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Throughout anime history, there have always been iconic lines. Sequences of words so utterly perfect that the impact they leave on an impressionable mind can be still felt years after the fact—especially when said impressionable mind is an aspiring writer unable to stop spewing line after line in the most cliché manner imaginable while trying to capture even an ounce of the original’s power.

But let’s not talk about Boruto.

The iconic line is rarely something that occurs on purpose. More often than not, even if it is written to be dramatically highlighted in some way (music, angle, fanservice), the writer didn’t set out to put forward something that would still resonate years down the line. Sometimes, it’s even on accident or for reasons completely contrary to the original intent, such as somebody seriously claiming that ‘people die when they are killed’ with nobody laughing in his face or taking the poor, brain-damaged lad to the nearest hospital so he can get the care he obviously needs. Sometimes, the reason behind the impact of the line is something so utterly ridiculous as somebody writing with all seriousness ‘all according to keikaku.’ Keikaku, of course, means that unpaid labor gets predictable results.

But there are those lines that are genuinely powerful, that do leave a mark on fans and manage to transcend the bounds of the original work until they become a part of the culture. Lines like:

‘This isn’t even my final form!’

‘You are already dead.’

‘A dropout will beat a genius through hard work.’

‘Go beyond the impossible and kick reason to the curb!’

‘My body moved on its own before I could think!’

And, of course, the most devastating of them all:

‘I don’t want to go home tonight.’

It’s a dangerous line. It can cause the tender heart of a young male maiden to flutter erratically with the sudden rush of whatever the Hell it is that Iroha—

No, seriously, seeing her look up into my eyes, once more pulling on my sleeve as we exited the train station, and…

Luminous honey almost shivering under the glint of streetlamps, pink lips glossy after she licked them, a trembling note on her voice as she said the words…

I… I don’t really know if we’re doing the right thing.

I am pretty sure, though, that at that point, I couldn’t have denied her no matter how hard I tried.

And… well, I actually didn’t try, did I?

Because… She’s my girlfriend. She told me she wasn’t ready, and I’ve respected that, but she also wanted to be involved when I finally did it with Shizu, and I, again, respected that. But…

I want her.

It’s hard for me to admit these things. I can accept my feelings, I can easily push my love on her (at least, as long as I know it’s reciprocated), but… my desire? My selfish need to hold her body against mine and take pleasure from her even as I give it to her? It’s…

All right, let’s try this again.

As much as the eroge genre has helped lonely teenage boys the world over experience the purest form of romance that actually has some satisfying payoff, there’s an underlying concept behind those games that is, to put it mildly, harmful when unconsciously assimilated. That is: that sex is a reward for an achievement.

You manage to successfully navigate the dialog tree? Bam, here’s a CG for you with a level of lewdness adequate to your progress through the story. You beat the secret enemy in one of those RPGs that will never get a console port? The follow-up sequence will leave you either uncomfortably squirming in your seat or rushing to wash your hands. And the less said about Illusion games, the better—mostly because they obviously gave up on the script being an important part of said games a long time ago, and so only images can be used to properly convey what they are actually about.

And that leaves the young, impressionable otaku feeling that sexual pleasure is something he has to earn. It’s not something to be shared, equally desirable for all those involved, but something the girl offers to the boy when he’s become worthy. For the boy to reach for it, to somehow demand it, imposing his own desires on the young girl he loves and wants to protect, and will never, ever hurt, no matter what, and for him to risk her wellbeing by pressuring her or—

Right. This isn’t working.

I lie back on on the frankly impressive bed of the love hotel Iroha and I rushed into a few minutes ago. The red duvet is softer than anything that isn’t related to tender lips that sometimes leave a hint of tobacco has any right to be, and there’s a mirror on the ceiling that at once intimidates and intrigues me. The lighting is soft, the shadows blurry, the colors warm.

Also, the mattress is, obviously, far better than mine. Again.

… I think I know what I’ll be spending my first paycheck on. Or, well, the money Shizu will generously apportion to her househusband so that he can properly take care of the ever-growing family—and no, that doesn’t mean kids. Not the way we are going.

‘Just breathe.’

If it was that easy, I wouldn’t be stringing one monologue after another and conjuring the personification of my Brain to keep my thoughts from… I don’t even know.

‘She asked for this. She wants it.’

But what if she just feels pressured? What if she actually thinks she needs to do the same things Shizu has, or the things she suspects Haruno will do? What if she thinks she has to do something she really isn’t ready to do because she fears my love for her is conditional and she has to earn—

‘What if you stopped freaking out by yourself and told her?’

… It’s a crazy plan, Brain-chan, but maybe it can work.

‘Right. Par for the course, you mean?’


With a sigh that has as much to do with resignation as with doing a sit-up before raising from the bed, I stand up and… Approach the bathroom door.

The bathroom door Iroha entered about twenty minutes ago. Because she ‘needed to get ready.’

I’m pretty sure there’s nothing in there that requires twenty minutes to get in working order, so I may not be the only one freaking out at our impromptu… Whatever this is.

“Iroha?” I ask, knocking on the frame of the door (wood painted in a soothing crème that nicely contrasts with the maroon walls with silver filigree while matching in both design and color the skirting board—oh gods, I can’t believe I’m paying the bill for this place).

“… Senpai?” she asks in turn, with a tone that doesn’t inspire much confidence in the hopeful notion that she’s as eager as she can be and I’m unnecessarily worrying over nothing.

“Are you… No, that’s a stupid question. All of them are, so I won’t ask anything.”


“That’s also a stupid question. Look, let me… let me just get something off my chest, OK?”

“Is there anything at all I can do to stop you?”

“Probably not,” not while you are dressed and in another room. “So… here’s the deal: I’m freaking out.”

“… What?” She repeats, uncharacteristically monosyllabic. Maybe she’s trying something new? Is it another language? I don’t know, do they speak English in What?

“I… Look, I just… I want you to know… Damn it: I love you, right?”

“Are you askingme?”

“No, no, I… I mean, kinda? I love you. That is a certainty. But I don’t know what you think it means when I say it to you.”

“Do you want me to get the dictionary?”

“I have enough with one Zaimokuza, thank you very much. What I’m trying to say is that… It isn’t conditional. I started falling for you long ago, and I never stopped, and… And I don’t need this. I want it. You are incredibly attractive, and the idea that someone like me would ever be… intimate with someone like you is still baffling, but… But as much as I want to hold you, what I don’t want is to hurt you. I’ll wait for as long as it takes, years if you want me to, because what I love about you is not… this. Not that I won’t love this when the time comes, I’m sure I’ll be ecstatic, but not if it has even a chance of hurting you, of pressuring you into—”

“Senpai,” her voice is slightly surer as she cuts me off, “if you laugh, I’ll never forgive you.”

And then the doorknob turns, and—

The bathroom is quite luxurious. Tiled marble, I would guess, and the bathtub looks to be big enough to fit three people, as long as they are as friendly with each other as the setting would imply.

Oh, there’s also Iroha. Standing in the middle of the door.

Looking at me.

Head tilted down, eyes shining through her bangs.

Yep, it’s a very nice bathroom. I wouldn’t mind living in a house big enough to have one like this.

“Well?” a slightly impatient girl asks. A girl who’s looking at me through her bangs.

And blushing.

Probably in embarrassment, but I wouldn’t discard anger.

“Senpai, I told you not to laugh, but being completely silent is not much of an improvement.”

Right. Right, my life is in danger.

So, as any rational person would do when their survival is on the line, I decide to analyze the current threat.

‘Is that what we are calling this?’

I am open to suggestions.

‘… I think I’m going with “hallucination.”’

And, as I look at Iroha dressed in a very, very short red yukata that doesn’t even reach the middle of her quite exposed thighs, the sleeves tied up with a black tasuki sash that matches the thin obi circling her waist, look at the long, white tabi socks with a red drawstring that reach above her knees and provide me with an exceptional instance of zettai ryouiky, look at the (apparently) lacquered vambraces covering her forearms, and the fricking forehead protector—

All right. Yes. My girlfriend is either about to tell me the secrets of her hidden clan of kitsune kunoichis, or I am in one of those dreams.

Seeing as I am still dressed, I am guessing the former.

Or, at the very least, I’ll pray that Komachi won’t try to wake me up this morning.


Funny thing, I have stopped being single just a few days ago, and I already recognize that tone.

I mean, I still don’t know what I’m supposed to do about it, but… progress?

“I’m not laughing!”

Judging by the sound her palm makes when it meets her face, I would say my progress, laudable as it is, still has some room for growth.

“Senpai… I will give you one more chance,” she says. And then she holds her arms behind her back as she leans forward in a way that makes the open front of the yukata offer some very interesting perspective into what it usually should hide, smiles when she feels my eyes nailed to her always fascinating cleavage, and does a slow twirl that manages to flash a lot more thigh than I thought she would be able to before shooting me a look over her shoulder and cocking her hips in a way that manages not to make me miss the sight of her barely covered breasts.

I swallow and lick my abruptly dry lips.

“So… Lord Hikigaya, does this humble vassal please you?”

My eyes go from her round ass to eyes that are gaining confidence by the second.

Suddenly, my throat feels a bit… scratchy.

“Isshiki… is this really the way you should address your liege?” Oh, you can do chuuni roleplay, Deep-Voiced Bastard? How unexpected. It really wasn’t even my final form.

Iroha seems to think my newest transformation is actually plot-relevant and not just yet another palette-swap, because she shivers.

And turns around to face me.

And drops on her knees.

And… prostrates herself.

I don’t think being this hard is healthy. Surely, there may be some risk of internal hemorrhaging? Maybe a stroke?

“I apologize, Lord Hikigaya. Please tell this lowly kunoichi how she can make up for her impudence.”

… Fuck. Now I’m harder.

I walk around Iroha, deliberately slowly, making sure my first step lets her see my feet stopping right in front of her face before I circle her. Well, half-circle, because I have a visceral need to stop when I’m behind that perfectly shaped, gorgeously displayed, barely covered, raised behind.

I lean down, and I lay my fingertip on the silky fabric just below her exposed nape before I slowly trail it down across her spine. She fights not to arch her back, and the slight movement is even more devastating when translated to the swaying below her waist, so the slow, deliberate touch ends with me grabbing her right ass cheek and she letting out a short gasp.

“Is this how you are supposed to guard me? What would happen if we were to be ambushed by Hiratsuka?”

“I… As long as I’m close to my Lord, I will be ready to act.”

… I’m pretty sure it would be a bad thing if I just raised the bottom of her yukata, grabbed her hips and—

‘Yes. Bad. So, sooo bad…’

Stop sounding so needy, Brain-chan. It’s making me confused.

‘Stop teasing ourselves and do something about the writhing girl who may stain the carpet at the rate she’s going.’

“That’s very commendable of you, Isshiki.”

“Thank you, my liege. This one is unworthy of such praise.”

“That’s for me to decide, isn’t it?”

She shudders, and the soft flesh beneath my fingers tenses.

“As is everything else,” she adds, and I have to restrain myself from picking her up and—

Right. Breathe. We have the whole night—or longer, if my delinquent blood rages once again. And what could be more delinquentish of me than skipping classes because I’m banging my cosplaying girlfriend silly in a love hotel? If hentai has taught me anything, nothing.

Also, if hentai has indeed taught me anything, this isn’t cosplay, and Iroha will have some topical aphrodisiac smeared inside her that will drive me crazy with lust as soon as I enter her.

Which, at this point, I would think frankly redundant.

So, before I get carried away by a La-Blue-Girl-worthy scenario, I (reluctantly) let go of springy, curved flesh and stand up to walk in front of her once again.

Iroha waits for me to do… whatever it is she thinks I should do. I’m frankly a bit baffled that she just tried to recreate this fantasy of hers without giving me at least a few more clues about what it was supposed to entail aside from her masturbating to Shizu and I…

Hmmm… That could work.

“Look at me, Isshiki.” My voice is… well, deep is an understatement, but I also try to make it commanding and… I don’t even know if I manage.

Though seeing Iroha go from prostrating herself to sitting in a proper and prim seiza, her knees close together, her back straight, her head turned so she can look up at me…

Her eyes wide, her mouth open, her cheeks flushed, her breathing quick…



‘Give it a minute, and that should be literal.’

“Did you mean what you said?” I ask her, my arms crossed in what I hope comes across as an imperious gesture rather than sullen.

“I…” she looks into my eyes, and the hands on her thighs clench the thin fabric of her yukata. “I do, my Lord. Everything shall be as you—”

“No. Not that. Did you mean it when you said you would always be ready to act as long as you stood by my side?”

And she smiles.

It’s… Wide. Pure. Radiant. It even makes me feel bad at having an erection when confronted by something this… this…

I don’t even know. I would say angelic if angels had animal ears.

“Yes,” she almost whispers.

It’s a struggle not to let a dopey grin replace my royal countenance.

“I’m glad, Isshiki. Because that means you’ll always be ready to act.”

“My liege…?”

I reach out and caress her cheek while she keeps straining her neck to look into my eyes.

“You are never to leave my side. From now on, that will be your duty: to be beside me, to watch over me, to be there when I need you… And I’ll always need you.”

She closes her eyes and leans forward, resting and rubbing her face on my legs as I’m forced to go from caressing her cheek to patting her head.

“Yes. That is the most joyous duty I could have ever imagined…”

… On the one hand, my heart feels like it just turned to mush, and I want to stay like this forever.

On the other, I really, really want to pick her up, throw her on the bed, and—

“Iroha, I—”

She’s unzipping me.

Her left cheek on my right leg, her eyes intent on what her hand is doing, Iroha slowly lowers my zipper before she cups an erection that’s almost touching her face, my pants straining with the damn thing.

“Let me… Let me show you how devoted I am to my duty, my Lord.”

… I don’t think I’m about to argue with that.

She undoes my button and belt and separates from me just long enough that she can drag both my pants and underwear down to my knees.

Once again, Iroha is kneeling in front of me, staring at my erection.

I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it. Surely, I will need plenty of practice to acclimate to the notion. Yes, this is strictly therapeutical.

And, going by the way she’s looking at it, she still will need plenty of… acclimation.

She shifts beneath me, and my cock is resting along her maddeningly soft cheek as she closes her eyes and, with her nose almost touching my pubic bone… takes a deep, long inhalation.

She moans after she does.

“Shizu was right…” she mumbles in a dreamy voice that—

Something snaps inside my head once again. I really hope those are a renewable resource.

“Iroha, I’m about to—”

“Record me,” she says as she opens her eyes and takes something out of the obi that so far has done more to highlight her cleavage than to keep the yukata closed.

With a practiced gesture, she does something on the screen and hands me her phone, the camera app open.

I take it without even thinking, and the screen shows me Iroha shyly smiling up at me from beneath my cock.

“I… I want it recorded. A memory of it. Of the first time I… pledged myself to you.” Her eyes are glittering, and her mouth stretches in a wider smile before she lays a single kiss on the very tip of my cock.

“Keep this up, and it will be a very short video.”

She giggles, and once again I marvel at the fact that a girl laughing while doing something sexual with me doesn’t trigger any kind of trauma. No, it’s… it’s so freeing, so… I don’t have words for it, not plural. Just a single one: genuine.

Of course.

And thankfully.

Her kiss resumes, and a timid tongue peeks out to take the small drop of clear fluid that’s already accumulated. She makes a show of swishing it, her cheeks bulging alternatively, and I have to restrain myself from dropping the phone and just grabbing her head and—


As it turns out, there was no need for any of that, because Iroha just engulfed me.

She has about half of it inside her mouth, and she has enough room to have her tongue actively work me up and down. Her hands are resting on my thighs, and she makes another show of pushing herself back until only the very tip remains trapped by her lips, the rest of my member glistening with her saliva.

… I’m never watching porn of other people ever again.

Then her fingers grab me, and she pulls herself forward before deciding she doesn’t have an adequate hold and embracing my legs. She pulls herself forward, and then, her chest pressed to me, she starts bobbing back and forth just with her neck.

She’s… accelerating faster than—

“Iroha! Stop!”

She does.

My member buried in her mouth, her eyes looking up at me in soft wonder, the corners of her lips curling up enough that I can make out her smile even through the intrusion.

She hums cheerfully, and I stop myself from thrusting my hips forward and stretching out her throat around my—down.

‘You are far too used to striving for the impossible and managing it.’

I would say ‘praise me more,’ but I really don’t even know how I do it.

‘Luck is a skill, you know?’

Ah. Iconic anime lines, my only weakness.

I mean, asides from cheeky girls whose cheeks are stuffed with my dick, apparently.

“Lean back,” I say, my voice deep enough that she closes her eyes in pleasure before obeying and freeing me from her lips with an exaggerated smack.

And then licking said lips.

And then licking said dick while looking up at me through her eyelashes.

She’s really making this kinda hard, you know?

‘Like fucking diamonds.’

“Stand up, Iroha.”

And that’s the first flash of reluctance I see from her since I started giving her orders, but she gives me a last peck before raising on her shapely legs and—

Oh, fuck.

Did you have to make my cock slide along your cleavage, Iroha? Was that reallynecessary?

Apparently, it must be. Or at least that’s what her sly grin tells me when I shoot a reproachful glare at her. Then she makes a cute, confused moue, touches her glistening lips with her finger, and pushes her cleavage together with her arms.

“You know what you are doing to me, don’t you?”

“What? I’m just following your orders and showing my loyalty, Lord Hikigaya. What else do you want from me?”

“… Take this.”

I push her phone into her hands and grab her in a sudden bridal carry that has her squealing in delight.

… I would like to omit the part where I forget my pants are currently at my knees and I almost trip the both of us to the ground, but I manage to stop in time for Iroha to giggle rather than screech as I try to shake my legs free of the treasonous clothing while holding her aloft.

My training arc is showing results, but I really wish it would do so in a less embarrassing manner.

Finally, I carry her to the bed and lay her on it. Iroha is pointing her phone at me so intently that I can’t help but linger while undoing the buttons of my shirt, trying to make a bit of a show of it. There’s only a couple of things that make me feel the action is somehow inadequate: the first, that I won’t ever capture the effortless grace Shizu displayed the first time she stripped for us, and the second, that I have a rigid thing waving through the lower opening of my shirt that feels slightly… unwieldy.

‘I bet Iroha will be perfectly suited to wielding it.’

Yes. The prowess of kunoichi with any manner of blades is widely renowned.

‘Yep. That’s what we were thinking about. Certainly.’

Right. What we are definitely not thinking about is how I am standing naked at the side of the bed while Iroha keeps filming me with a grin that stretches up to her ears.

All right. Take a deep breath. It’s not like I have a paralyzing fear of how others perceive me and that I have felt horribly unattractive since puberty started. Not at all. I am perfectly secure in both my body and natural charm, and Iroha moving the camera up and down isn’t making me—

Fuck it. Time to focus on her.

With hands that I pretend are steady and firm, I raise the yukata—

“You… aren’t wearing any?” I say.

Iroha blushes a bit harder and shakes her head.

“I thought… You would like it better like this?”

Right. On the one hand, I’ve been denied the panty shot to end all panty shots, on the other…

Iroha’s wet thighs spread in front of me as I kneel between them, and the parted yukata allows me to see she has shaved in preparation for today. Her pink folds almost match the color of her lips, but they redden a bit on the inside. So I…

Well, it’s only fair, isn’t it?

I lean forward, close my eyes, and take a long breath, swallowing as much of her scent as I can, letting it overwhelm me, permeate my thoughts, my instincts.

I take another breath, and a dainty hand grabs my hair.

“Senpai… That’s embarrassing,” she says with a voice that manages to cause a drastic drop in the national reserve of things that can be snapped inside my head.

So, not bothering with the sharp tug I feel with my action, I dive forward until my lips meet her sex and then make my tongue stiffen as I drag it up along the wet opening.

And the tug changes directions toward her as Iroha lets me hear those sweet, intoxicating moans I’ll always yearn for from today on.

My hands travel beneath her knees, and I wrap my arms around soft thighs before opening my eyes and looking straight up at her as I shift my lips and surround the erect clitoris that’s so easy to find given the way she grinds it against me. When I do, Iroha’s sharp gasp nicely complements the wide eyes I can see behind her phone, and I keep looking straight at her as she gives up any measure of self-control and her hips sway up and down, accompanying my insistent motions as she closes her eyes and makes the sweetest face I’ve ever seen from her.

My cheeks seem to be slick with the wetness of her thighs, and that simple fact, for some reason, makes me smile in a way I never knew I could. It feels animalistic. A satisfaction welling up in my chest that has far too much to do with hunger being sated.

Iroha’s eyes open once more, and she finds whatever it is of me that can be seen while I keep kissing, licking, and nibbling at her. Her fingers on my scalp clench.

“You don’t even know what you’re doing to me, do you?” she gasps out, her voice raspy.

I don’t. I don’t, but I can only wish it’s about a half of what I hope I could.

I suck on her, harder, and her eyes clench shut with a sharp moan.

“I—Senpai, I’m going to—”

And I stop.

Or, well, I slow down.

She moans beneath me, almost plaintively, and I keep slowing down my tongue and lips. It’s not even because of the sheer relief my overworked jaw feels, though that helps.

And, when I finally do stop, I linger on her, keeping the contact, the soft, intimate caress that’s born just of being alive and touching, our bodies not quite immobile even as we stop trying.

Then I lean back, but I’m close enough that my warm breath makes her shudder.

“Do you really want me to go ahead?” I ask her.

Her fingers let go of my hair and trail down to caress my wet cheek.

“More than anything… My Lord.”

I smile at her, softer this time, and untangle my arms from her legs before crawling up her body on knees and elbows until we are face to face, until she has to take the phone to the side and film us in profile.

She’s… looking up at me, luminous eyes shining with golden honey, something wet at the edge of her eyelids that may be emotion, or lust, or just being overwhelmed.

She’s… so beautiful it takes my breath away.

Which may account for how long I’ve gone without saying anything stupid.

“I love you,” I say.

“I love you,” she answers as she shifts her hips and her sex makes contact with mine for the first time.

I slide forward, letting the underside of my member glide along her folds until I press down on her clitoris and her jaw clenches.

“You just swore you’ll always be by my side.”

“I… Senpai, I’m… It’s the fantasy. Just a fantasy, right?”

“Of course. But I have my own fantasy, Iroha. Do you want to know what it is?”

She looks up at me with surprise, and she nods after a moment lost in whatever it is she finds in my eyes.

“My fantasy… Is that Iroha Isshiki, my cute, foxy junior, the most cunning girl I know, will look up at me after I say I love her, that I will always love her, that I will never leave her side for as long as she wants me there, and tell me she feels the same. It’s a kinky fantasy, I know, but do you feel like you can play along with it?”

Her eyes open in wonder, and that slight welling of liquid in her eyes gets a bit thicker as she nods.

“Then here it goes: Iroha, I love you. I have told you many times since I allowed myself to do it for the first time, and I have meant it each and every time and in each and every way. You were my friend before I fell for you, and I loved you then. You were my partner-in-crime before you were my lover, and I loved you then. You are my girlfriend, and I love you now. You will be something else, something more in the future, and I’ll love you then.” I take a deep breath and push back on my own something welling on my eyes as I caress her hair, smiling as my fingers drag along the coarse fabric of the ridiculous forehead protector. “I… I want that. I want that future. With you. And I’ll do anything I can to get it.”

Her arms go around my neck, and she drags me down, my face at her side as she rains kisses on my left cheek.

“Senpai… Hachi…” she finally says, her shaky voice letting me know the wetness I feel on my cheek has little to do with her glistening thighs. “Do you know what they say? They say that men always want to be a woman’s first, but women…” she turns my head and kisses me. Hungrily, almost desperately, yet with no rush, taking every second to convey how much of her she’s offering to me. “Women are different, Senpai. Women want to be a man’s last.”

She smiles at me. At the man she’s picked to be her first.

At the man she…

“Does that mean, about Haruno—”

She slaps my chest and grunts cutely.

“It means I don’t want you to ever get over me. I don’t want you to forget me, to leave me. I don’t care if somebody else joins as long as we are all… I just…”

I caress her face and kiss her forehead, letting her take her time.

“I would reject her if you told me to, you know?”

“I do. I really, really do, even if I don’t know how or why, or how come I’m not even surprised and just trust you to… Will you do what I ask? Not to forget me, not to get over me and decide I was just—”

“’Just’ isn’t a word that applies to you. You are far too much. And I only reserve the right to forget about you if Shizu-induced cranial trauma catches up with me in my old age.”

She giggles and slides down until she cradles her face on my chest. Which is a bit hard to manage, given I am the one above her, but I still feel something melting inside of me as she tries.

So I surround her with my arms and roll on the bed until she’s lying on top of me, looking like a kitten in search of comfortable warmth.

She stays like that for a bit, just rubbing her cheek on my naked chest while I try to ignore the way her shifting thighs keep torturing my hard member beneath her—wait a second.

“You are doing that on purpose, aren’t you?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about.”

I smack her (jiggling, bouncy) ass, and she lets out a cute yelp as she straightens on top of me.

And traps me beneath her (not toned, yet perfectly curved) belly. She even manages to slide me between the yukata and her.

“I think you do,” I say as I make myself twitch below her.

It sinks a bit, and I bite my lip not to groan at the mental image that conjures.

“Oh, that?” Her tone is as innocent as she isn’t. “Well, a girl has a right to get some revenge, doesn’t she?”

“I’m pretty sure you’re teasing yourself worse than you’re teasing me. Mostly because of how much you enjoy teasing me.”

She pauses and finally looks up, meeting my eyes for the first time since she dragged me down to avoid me seeing hers.

Her makeup is slightly smudged, the thin eyeliner showing she definitely cried throughout our latest emotional rollercoaster.

She’s smiling shyly, and the combination makes me twitch beneath her, this time without any conscious input.

“I… You left me right on the brink of it, you know?” she finally says.

“I thought it would make things easier on you. You know, getting you ready.”

She nods, some nerves showing through.

“It will. It will help, but… do you still want to? I didn’t ruin the mood—”

You?I was the one who mentioned another woman—”

“Right, but that’s you being you. Me getting all emotional and crying…”

I hug her to me and drag her up my body until I’m whispering right at her.

“Do you really think seeing something genuine from you would ever drive me away?”

She smiles. Wide, pure, radiant.

And I feel a bit guilty that I’m still so hard beneath her.

“I… Do you really want me, Senpai? Knowing everything, how greedy I am, how much of you I’ll want after this?”

I slide one hand up and grab her neck while another shifts her yukata so this time I’ll get a more complete knowledge of that ass I’ve so often found myself following as she bounced away.

She gasps and shifts on top of me.

“I just have a question for you, Iroha, one last thing that may make me stop before we are both a sweaty wreck…” she looks down at me and holds her breath as I stretch the dramatic pause. “Do you have any condoms?”

She stares uncomprehendingly for a moment before she bursts out laughing.

“Sen—Senpai! That’s not fair! I shouldn’t be laughing like this right now!”

“Well, do you? Because it will be kind of hard to find an open pharmacy at this time, and I really don’t—”

She shuts me up, which isn’t something I’m quite fond of, but she does it with a searing kiss that leaves my brain swimming in happy juices and borderline hypoxia, so I’ll forgive her this one time.

“I’ve been on the pill since I first had a period. Mom said it helped with the pain,” she finally says, her lips brushing mine with every sound that leaves them.

“You mean I can—”

“Come inside me until it looks like I have a baby bump?”

“That’s not how I would have put it—”

“Oh? What is it, Senpai? Do you want me to beg you to get me pregnant with your seed? To have you fill me to the brim time after time until I can barely drag myself to the shower and watch all the excess sperm run down my legs, knowing some of it remains inside me, its warmth signaling I have a baby, your baby, growing inside me, marking me as yours forever and ever? I’m sorry, Senpai, but that’s impossible. It will take some time for the pill to wear off, after all.”

I look up at her, my face set in something that should be horror.

She looks down at me, her smug grin showing me how much she understands the way she just made me feel.

“Not until after college,” I mutter, my throat far too dry.

“Wanna bet?” she says as she pushes herself up with her hands on my chest and the yukata perfectly frames her bare breasts even though the obi is still firmly tied beneath them.

She takes my cock and swings her hips so I once again glide along her folds as she bites her lip and lids her eyes.


“No. I don’t take losing bets.”

Her grin gets a bit warmer, and she shifts, taking my tip to her entrance.

“Senpai, I don’t know how to tell you this, but… prepare to lose.”

And she sinks.

For… about a millimeter.

I mean, the wet heat kissing my tip is still maddeningly pleasurable, but, somehow, I don’t feel like I’m losing.

“Are you—”

“I’m fine.

“If you need more time to—”

“You almost made me cum with your lips and tongue. There’s been plenty of time.”

“Uh, I mean… I was trying to make you ready, but I may have… forgotten something?”

She looks at me with a deadpan that sharply contrasts with the fact she just tried to impale herself on my cock.

“What did you forget, Senpai?”

“To… uh… right, this is horribly embarrassing…”

“… Senpai,” she growls.

“I didn’t… stretch you out?”

Once again, Iroha facepalms. I really hope this doesn’t turn into a kink for her.

“Right. Right, you just… stimulated me.”


“And I… should take it slow.”


“And—oh gods! My phone! How much have we missed?!”

I look to my side, where Iroha’s phone is lying face down on the bed and…

Right. I don’t know why this is so important to her, but at least I’ve got good news.

“Iroha, look above you.”

She does.

And then she sees me smiling at her through my reflection on the ceiling mirror.

She then sags with relief, which is a very weird thing to do when I’m barely poking at her insides.

“That’s such a relief…” she mutters.

And I may not know why this matters so much to her, but… well, I know it does. So I’ll just have to take the damn thing and frame my gorgeous girlfriend as she’s about to try and keep burying my cock inside her tight body while wearing a sexy cosplay version of a kunoichi costume.

I know, I know. I’m a saint. I expect the Catholic church to announce my miracles to the world and make an exception for my not being Christian shortly after my death. It’s the least I deserve.

I mean, they apparently have combat exorcists and nuns dressed like strippers. Having a Japanese, vaguely Buddhist guy and half Shinto practitioner saint wouldn’t be the weirdest thing they have done.

Also, maybe I should try to think of some other thing. Distracting myself may prove vital so that Iroha’s first time doesn’t end prematurely, but at the very least she shouldn’t have a reason to suspect I’m thinking about A Certain Magical Index while she keeps straining her legs not to—


Fuck! She’s tight!

“Hachi… Hachi, you’re too thick,” she moans as almost the whole of my head pushes inside her.

“Just… Just breathe. Relax. We are in no hurry.”

“But… But I want you. I want you so much, and you’re so close, and it’s driving me mad, just knowing if I let go—”

“Ah! Iroha! You’re going to hurt yourself!”

I feel her clench around me before she drags herself up, and cold air greets me.

“It could be worth it…”

I reach up with one hand to caress her cheek, and I catch a glimpse of it in the phone screen.

“Nothing, nothing is worth you hurting.”

She smiles, and my heart breaks just a little bit before mending in a new way.

“You are,” she says.

She leans down and kisses me, her hands tangling on my hair as her hips shift and—

I keep recording us from the side as my left arm wraps around her waist and holds her steady against me.

Then I bend my legs, shift my hip, and push.

Iroha shudders above me, her breasts flattened on my chest as I slowly come out of her until I’m barely inside her.

Then I push once again, feeling her spread around me, giving me a bit more than she gave me the last time, and she bites my lip as she clenches her eyes.

I do it again, and her whine is something that almost makes me lose control and forces me to keep pushing, but I manage to draw back. And then I push again.

She drops her head beside mine, and I feel her bite the pillow.

Again, and she shudders, chasing me down when I back away.

Again, and she throws her head back, eyes still closed, and moans.

Again, and I’m fully inside her as she gasps, her neck trembling with unreleased tension.

Without moving inside her, I take her nape and pull her to me.

“It’s all in, Iroha. You did it. We are one.”

Her eyes shoot open, and there’s something frantic in them, something I haven’t seen before.

“Always?” she asks, her voice tremulous.

“Always,” I answer, my own awed.

And then she kisses me, her tongue invades my mouth, and her hips sway with far more strength I thought she had.

“I love you,” she says as she leans back and stretches upright, her whole body on display, the yukata more a frame than anything else.

“I love you,” I answer as I grab her above her hip while she drops her whole weight on me.

And she clenches her eyes shut, throws her head back, and laughs.

It’s… It’s almost hysterical, a release of something rather than an expression, and it shifts with every bounce, with every energetic motion that has her breasts doing a mesmerizing dance in front of me. Then she raises her arms, her fingers splaying through her hair, the skin of her chest pulled taut by the gesture, and the laughter shifts to moaning, to gasping, to wordless, pleasured cries.

I shift my legs and met her movements with my own strength, our bodies crashing into each other, her insides clinging to me each time I pull away, as greedy as she herself is.

“Senpai… Senpai… You don’t know how this feels…”

“I…” A grunt escapes me before I can continue. “I think I have a pretty good idea.”

“No! No, you don’t, you don’t know what you are doing to me, how you are making me feel, how… I don’t want this to end, but I want to feel you finish inside me so much!”

“Iroha, don’t tempt me, I’m already on a hair-trigger—”

“Then do it! Fill me! Not only with your… your thick, hard, fat cock—fill me with your seed, make me regret taking the pill, make me feel as if—”

“Call me Hachi,” I growl at her.

And she clenches around me, stops moving, and drops on my chest.

And keeps twitching.

Oi, isn’t this what the guy’s supposed to do? When I argued for true gender equality, this wasn’t what I had in mind. I’m pretty sure Kazuma would also be pissed.

“Iroha?” I ask as tenderly as I can while caressing her hair.

“Let me… Let me rest for a bit… Hachi.”

Aaaand that made my cock twitch.

Which she must have felt, given the short giggle.

“I swear if you fall asleep with me still inside you, I’m never going to let you live this down.”

She chuckles. Yet doesn’t answer.

… I sigh and prepare to fall asleep in the weirdest position I ever imagined.

“That’s a lie, Senpai. You are too much of a softie to do that,” she murmurs dreamily.

I groan. She’s onto me.

And then a lazy arm snakes from between the both of us, and she pushes herself up a bit, just enough to once again look me in the eyes, even though hers are glazed, slightly unfocused.

“Besides, I’m just going to do something you’ll love.”

And her grin inspires equal parts thrill and anxiety.


She… She has a tripod for her phone. Of course she does.

Said phone is resting on the wooden bedside table, having been carefully positioned to frame Iroha’s face as she grabs the sides of said table and bends over, her naked body swaying side to side, her round bottom shifting with the sinuous movement of her legs.

Her sex bare and on display.

I’m behind her, and she shoots a sly look at me over her shoulder before looking back at the phone.

“Shizu, she begins, “I’m sorry you weren’t here for this. I know it looks like I planned everything, but… I wasn’t really sure until a moment ago. I love Hachi. Love him so much it’s hard to even think about, but I still didn’t know how ready I was for this. And then he opened his big mouth and… You know how it is. How he is. I’ve fallen for him far too much.”

She pauses and takes a deep breath. Her seductive movement has stopped.

“I don’t know how ready I am to do it with a woman. I want to. I want you. But… it feels a bit different, somehow, and I… I trust you, a lot, more than almost anyone. I recorded my first time not just for me, but because I missed you here and wanted to show you. So… This one is for you. My second time with Senpai inside me.”

A deft hand travels between her legs, and she spreads herself open.

“Are you sure you—”

“Senpai… Fill me with your cock. Make me your woman. Again.”

And I… well, it’s not like I’m about to refuse such an invitation.

So I grab my member and put the tip right at her entrance before she pushes herself back with an arm that trembles just a tiny bit.

She’s far easier to move in than minutes ago when we started doing this.

She’s still incredibly tight, and I moan as I feel myself bottom out inside her, the tip of my cock pushing against something at the end of her.

She holds still. Very still.

“When I said he was big and you said ‘more than enough,’ Shizu? Yes. More. Definitely more.”

… Yet again, I feel that snap that signals I may have to go to a neurologist before my twenties.

And then I grab Iroha’s slender waist, my thumbs touching in a way that makes me feel incredibly turned on at the mental image of my member being inside her, going through the open circle my hands are drawing on her body, and pull her back.

Slowly. Very slowly, yet with so much strength…

“He’s… He’s ridiculously gentle with me, stopping me when I try to do too much, too fast, not quite taking the lead, but playing along with what I feel comfortable with… And it feels so good, Shizu, he feels so good... But you already know that, don’t you? Because I filmed you. Your first time together. And you were so beautiful when he bottomed out inside of you—”

I push forward until I’m once again pushing on that spot at the very end of her sex, and I see the muscles on her back dance.

“Oh gods! He’s—my fingers never reached where he does, and I don’t know how to get used to it, or if I ever will. I just… I love him, Shizu, and I don’t know how much of that this is, but my body feels so complete when he’s inside, like something I had been waiting all my life for, and—”

I want to hear more. I desperately yearn to listen to Iroha keep reciting how much she loves me, desires me, craves me. It’s… It’s something I didn’t know I needed, but I do.

But… I also need her.

So I switch from slow, careful, measured movements to something a bit more forceful, and—


‘Yup. Precisely.’

“Hachi! Hachi, keep going!”

Her cries spur me on, and, sooner than I thought, I feel myself going actually fast, her ass trembling with each impact as her fingers clench and unclench on the bedside table’s edges.

Then I go harder.

She feels like liquid fire around me. Like something that should burn me and leave only ashes behind, yet her heat only nourishes me, only makes me focus even more on her, on her sweet moans, her cries for attention, that attention she always demands from me and that she now feels I’m finally giving to her. She’s… She deserves everything I can give her, everything I can take, everything I—

“And! And, future me! When you look at this? When you look at Hachi behind me, ramming his cock deeper and deeper into my little pussy? When you finger yourself silly once again, remembering how it felt right before he filled us with his cum while he fucked our legs numb? Kiss him! Kiss him like I wish I was doing right now and remember it was at this very moment that he marked us forever, that he branded us—”

And I come.

I roar as my hands shift from her waist to her hips, and I push against her with all my strength, as I feel her clench around me while I spurt again and again, as I empty myself inside Iroha, inside my girlfriend, inside the girl I can never forget, and she arches her back and stays unnaturally still, trembling around me and inside my hold on her.

I stay still, feeling small tremors from time to time that make me saw the tiniest amount in and out of her.

And she finally turns back, looking at me over her shoulder once again, her face showing me a smile so utterly pure I can only think it’s a shame I didn’t try to cover it in my cum as I finished.

Note to self: the corruption tag is real, and Iroha may be the cutest, thinnest fat bastard ever.


Crimson Grave

This chapter was so much, that I need to start getting my reply for next week's QQ posting ready NOW in hopes that I have enough time to finish it. OH! MY! (Insert Chosen Deity Here in Capitals and Bold)! I felt that last chapter was cringe worthy (In a good way, because I felt and understood Hachi far too well.) and it hurt me, because Iroha deserves better, especially THIS Iroha. Although as Hachi tends to do, it was resolved properly, I felt, by the end. I left it as being a standard Oregairu chapter. What a fool I was! Clearly it was all foreplay and set up to THIS CHAPTER. THE ENTIRE SERIES WAS ALL TO PREPARE THIS CHAPTER! I did not think it was possible to love your work more Agrippa. I feel I will have to permanently remove that idea from my mind, as you have proven time and again that I was wrong. What a magnificent way to end 2021. Thank you. Truly, thank you.


Thank you very much, and definitely looking forward to next week's answer! (If you have the time for it, I understand the season' being brutal time-wise.) About last week's, Hachi's thought process was basically mine: how can we give Iroha the dramatic ending to the date she deserves? The answwer to thta question didn't take into account how badly the start of such a date would go, and Hachi was caught as oof guard by it as I was--I just loved every second of the awkwardness his clever self had inflicted on himself. But yes, the plan had been for that chapter to give way to this one all along, because I felt rushing both their first date and first time in a single chapter would've done the characters a disservice. Now, to see what I can come up with for the other two girls involved in this fluffy mess... And I'm looking forward to what 2022 will bring with all of you!