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Words change meaning over time. This is not a big revelation; it’s just obvious and apparent to everyone who has been on the internet long enough to see LOL go from shorthand to finding something hilarious enough to bother the neighbors with a Westerner-like lack of restrain over reactions and emotions, to a punctuation sign that pretty much lacks any meaning beyond that of marking the user as having spent enough time on the internet to see LOL go from…

Uh. You get the meaning. Unlike LOL. Which has no meaning.

Anyway, there’s another example in the otaku subculture that has gone from something completely harmless to the mark of a true predator. Of a being that embodies a danger so all-consuming, not even heroes of legend who regularly face apocalyptic monsters can remain stoic after the utterance of that dreaded phrase.

I’m talking, of course, about the ‘ara ara.’

Long ago, it was the mark of the housewife character, the gentle homemaker who rarely got involved in the shenanigans of a house full of martial artists who regularly engaged in city renovation activities, like the good neighbors they were. Nowadays?

Nowadays, the ‘ara ara’ is the battle cry of the shota hunter, a creature whose power and dark intent can’t be held at bay, not even by the legendary fluffy tail. Truly, a creature born out of nightmares.

Thus, when an underage boy is faced with an older, I mean, mature, I mean, still quite young and fetching woman who closes her eyes almost all the way, smiles gently, highlights her breasts by pushing them up with an arm that seems strategically placed to, apparently, prop up the elbow of her other arm, which will have an open hand cupping her cheek as she tilts her head and prepares to say the dreaded syllables… The only recourse left to said boy is to either run away, which has a low ratio of success due to the game designer being crap at even pondering how to tweak RPG Maker’s default values, or, well…

“Are you going to stand there the whole night, or what?” Shizu mutters angrily at me. From her bed.

A bed she’s in.

And expects me to get in as well.

‘Yeah, I also have nothing.’

Thank you for trying at least, Brain-chan.


Right. Forgot who I was talking to.

“Uh, I mean…”

“You are not sleeping on the sofa,” Shizu cuts me off, her voice a bit angry.

Which, I mean… Far better than I have any right to expect.

“Shouldn’t I—”

“You are not sleeping with your sister.”

“No! No, I mean, shouldn’t she be the one who shared a bed—”

Uh. Killing intent. Didn’t know that was a thing.

Oi, Shizu, should I start painting the wall of your bedroom with some ‘go, go’ katakana? Do you want dramatic lightning to go with that? Maybe I should pose like an alien trying to impersonate a human being who has never so much as seen anything other than fashion magazine covers and has horrible spine problems aside from a lack of color coordination only explained by his eyes working on different wavelengths? Is that a JoJo reference?

Let’s see… Za Warudo!

Nope. I haven’t managed to stop time. I mean, Shizu’s eyebrow is still twitching, so maybe I managed to create a loop?

“Get in here. Now.”

No, it doesn’t seem like I have. Darn it, aren’t high-stress situations supposed to awaken my dormant bloodline or something? This would be a great time to have my irises turn red and start spinning so fast I got an actual seizure.

With a sigh that I, for once, try to hide, I approach the bed of doomed ‘ara ara,’ lift the sheets and—

Shizu is in there.

I mean, obviously, but… Well. Shizu is in there.

She’s wearing summer pajamas, because she has raised the thermostat so that Komachi can sleep on the couch with only a spare blanket, and…

Grey shirt and shorts with purple ribbing demarcating the hemline. The shirt is short enough there’s a brief line of white, creamy skin shown above the waistband, and—

I don’t deserve this.

Making an effort, I tear my eyes away from the exposed thighs before I get too engrossed to even try and sit on the soft, yielding mattress (seriously, does everyone have a better bed than I do?) before lying back and covering myself up.

Then I stare at the ceiling.

It is… an unfamiliar ceiling, and my relationship with my father may be at the point where I can’t say that aloud without fear of getting into a giant robot.

It’s a stupid fear to have for a Japanese boy, but it’s tradition at this point.

There’s a moment of silence, and Shizu turns off the bedside lamp.

There’s still some light coming from beneath the door to the living room, which I guess means Komachi is still up, but…

But this only means I can make out Shizu’s shape as she turns on her side, facing away from me.

“Good night,” I say, mostly because I don’t know what else to say to the woman who has offered me her house and bed after I’ve cheated on her with my own sister, and…

And she doesn’t answer.

Just as expected.

I mean, she hasn’t been in a great mood after walking into the room to see Iroha and Komachi kissing each other, sharing my cum between them, their lips shining with their saliva after trying to lick them completely clean of—

‘Dude, if you aren’t planning on running to the bathroom to take care of business, I would avoid following this train of thought.’

Certainly, Brain-chan. I can only afford so many train wrecks on any given day.

‘… Who are you, and what have you done with Hachiman? Also, what will it take for you not to undo it?’

Ha. Ha.

“Well?” Shizu’s voice interrupts my not at all self-destructive dialog with my inner self. I mean, it’s me, talking to me, so it makes sense that we stick to familiar topics, such as, for instance, self-sabotage and martyrdom.

‘Maybe you should focus on that monosyllabic query. You know, just in case your answer determines whether she plans on waking up in the middle of the night and pull a Yuno Gasai.’

Don’t you mean a School Days? I mean, I ama cheating bastard, after all—

‘For fuck’s sake, then at least try to be considerate and stop ignoring her!’

Right. Right. Deep breaths.

“Well?” I ask back.


‘I will hurt you.’

That is far from unusual.

Shizu rustling beneath the sheets, as if she was nervously fidgeting, on the other hand…

“Aren’t you going to… you know?”

No. No, I don’t. Also, I think Brain-chan just got knocked out by that.


Yep. Sounds about right.

“I… Shizu, I…”

“Because that’s what you do, isn’t it? You get horny, and then do things, and don’t care with whom—”

Before I realize what I am doing, I grab Shizu’s shoulder and turn her toward me.

Her eyes are a soft contrast of gray and shadow, only the broad strokes visible with the faint light in the room, but they are wide open. Scared. Hurt.

I’ve done this.

“Don’t say that. Please. I hate myself enough already.”

“But… But…”

“No. No, please, let me finish: I don’t want you to feel like you aren’t special. Like I could do anything with you if you were another person. You are exceptional, Shizu. In every way. You’re the first woman I kissed. The woman I gave up Yukinoshita and Yuigahama for.”

“But then why would you—”

“Because I’m awful. Broken. Stupid. Because it’s my fault, and my fault alone, and I wish I… I…”

I shut up, my attempt at consoling her burning in my throat.

“You can’t say it, can you?”

“I… don’t. I don’t want to hurt you, but… I can’t lie to you.”

And she laughs.

It’s… bitter. A laugh that is not directed at me, but at herself, at her past. At the woman she once was and the woman she doesn’t want to become.

“Just… why?” she finally says, her shoulder trembling beneath my fingers.

“Because… You’re the first woman I kissed. Komachi… Komachi’s the first girl I loved.”

And… That’s the truth. The truth I can’t deny anymore.

Also, I would say truth hurts, but it seems like the stabbing pain in my eyes is due to the light flicking open.

“Argh!” Yes, I suppose that eloquently sums up my feelings regarding the agonizing sensation. Shizu’s eloquence as a teacher manages to get the point across as succinctly as ever.

“All right, that’s enough.” Komachi. Komachi, why? Why do you insist on torturing your older brother so? Does this have anything to do with me grabbing your hips and forcing myself inside you without any warning nor preparation? Is this your own version of karma?

Also, if it is karma, does that mean there is a cute mascot character plotting how to turn the fulfillment of my wishes into horrible, soul-searing torture? Because that sounds about right.

“You two are far too alike for me to handle at once, so, take turns.”

“Komachi, are you that insatiable—”

“Brother, I’ll bite you.”

“Don’t you mean ‘hurt’—”

“I know what I said. Now, Shizuka, sister-in-law, Shizu, or however you want to be called, do you really think my piece of trash brother would ever cheat on you with anybody else but me?”

“I just caught you and Iroha snowballing.” Shizu’s tone should be far sharper with a line like that, but… Well, I’m still holding her trembling shoulder for a reason.

“Iroha is competitive, and she didn’t do anything she hadn’t already done with you in the room.”

“She certainly didn’t sit down on my face—!”

“Are you jealous?”


“Because, I mean, I am my brother’s sister, if you know what I mean…”

This is a very bad time for my eyes to finally adjust to the searing bright light.

Because now I’m confronted by Shizu’s blushing face, her wide eyes looking past me, her mouth open just that tiny amount that—

“Wha—what does that even mean?” those lips of hers mutter, trembling around every syllable.

And Komachi sighs.

Then climbs into the bed beside me.

… I’m sure this won’t explode in my face. Obviously. What’s the worse that could happen? I’m only two days away from retirement. Look, this is a photo of my girlfriend, she’s waiting for me back home so we can get married when all this is over.


I’ll tell you everything when I come back—

‘For fuck’s sake, enough! There are less painful ways to commit suicide!’

“Stop thinking dumb things, brother, and make me some room.”

In front of me, Shizu’s eyes, once more, widen.

In panic, most likely, as Komachi pushes me until my body is flush against uncovered thighs, a chest that most definitely isn’t constrained by a bra, arms that suddenly surround me as her scent, the scent I’ve already learned, overwhelms me, and I react

“See? He really likes you.”

… I wonder if murdering Komachi would be considered self-defense at this point.

“Great. Another boyfriend who gets led around by his dick…”

Never mind. I can no longer commit any crimes: the dead aren’t legally liable.

I hope.

Oh, is that why that guy from Overlord is such a tryhard sociopath? See, people? That’s why we need society to grind down salarymen until their very souls become brittle enough to shatter between the relentless cogs of the corporate hierarchy: because if those salarymen ever felt unshackled from the laws of societal order, they would run around killing people and not sleeping with the succubus waifu.

I mean, if we are to have societal upheaval, at least it should solve the declining birthrate. That’s the premise behind a lot of hentai.

A lot of gross hentai.

Very, very gross. Hachiman-levels gross.

Still hard?! For fuck’s sake, what does it take to bring this thing down?!


Not. Helping.

‘And you’re surprised?’

“I think you broke him,” Komachi says.

“I haven’t even started—”

“Enough!” I let go of Shizu’s shoulder and twist my body so I’m lying face up, not looking directly neither at Shizu nor at Komachi. “I’m awful, I hate myself, and nothing about this should be a surprise to anyone present. I did something I don’t regret, but I regret how I did it because I hurt you, and I’ll never forgive myself. I’ll leave tomorrow, and you won’t have to deal with—”

And now I’m looking at Shizu. Again.

Mostly because she’s grabbing the front of my shirt and pulling hard enough to lift me off the bed.

“Don’t even dare abandon me.”

“Stop playing at being a martyr, stupid brother. If she hasn’t murdered you yet, she isn’t going to do it.”

“I can be very persuasive,” I object.

And then my head hits the pillow after Shizu lets go.

“Truer words have rarely been spoken…” she mutters in what I hope is exasperation and not surprise. Because, really, at this point that shouldn’t even be an option.

Komachi looks first at me, then at my teacher, and, after some mental process I’m unable to follow, her shoulders slump.

“You two are really too alike…” she mutters.

“I never cheated,” Shizu protests.

And Komachi kisses her.

They are above me, and I have a privileged view of Komachis’ grasp stretching Shizu’s shirt in a way that gives a bit of a bounce to the firm, soft, tender, round contents. Contents that were not that long ago wrapped around—

Gods damn it.

Anyway, yes, my little sister is kissing my girlfriend above me. With tongue.

Lots of tongue.

There’s also a small, very high-pitched whine coming from somewhere right above the bouncy contents of the grey shirt.

Komachi is wearing a bra and panties. Obviously. Because this situation could afford to be just that tad more compromising.

Uh, at least they seem to be stopping—

And now I’ve got drool all over my face. Because why not.

“There. You’ve already made out with somebody who isn’t your boyfriend. Better?”

“That’s… not how that works.”

“Do you want me to eat you out? Because I didn’t think I would enjoy that, but I sure changed my mind earlier—”

“No! What—what are you even trying to do?”

And, miraculously, Komachi shuts up.

And sits back on the bed, allowing me to contemplate a stretch of ceiling that’s no longer covered by my sister’s breasts.

… Shizu, you need to redecorate.

“Do you know why I fucked my brother?”

Shizu’s face tenses, and I can no longer read what she’s feeling.

“No. He implied he did it.”

Komachi chuckles. It’s a bit bitter.

“He would have. Of course he would have.”

Oi, I’m right here, you know? How about you stop talking like I’m not and include me—never mind. Proceed.


“He was asking me for advice. About your date,” and Shizu’s flash of pain is obvious enough even through her mask. “He kept fussing about what to wear, what to do, what to say. He was frantic, like he’s been since the first time you kissed, because he loves you like he’s never loved anybody before. Not Yukino, not Yui. Not me.”

Shizu stays silent, her eyes never straying from Komachi’s even as she closes them and her head drops.

“I… I know he loves me. He always has. But seeing him like that, so frantic, so giddy, so utterly happy, and not be a part of it… It hurt. It hurt a lot. And… I took advantage. Because the last thing my gross brother would ever do is hurt his little sister. So, I put him in a position where he could only take me or reject me. And I showed him how much being rejected by him would hurt me.”

She doesn’t cry. Her voice doesn’t crack or get raspy.

But I know my sister. I know the way she sounds when she’s hurt and doesn’t want to show it. I know the fake smile and cheerful tone she had when she visited me in the hospital.

I know far too well how she hides pain.

And I wish someday I’ll be able to say the same about Shizu.

“He still did it. Still betrayed—”

“I’m not going to pretend I understand what it is that Iroha, Haruno, and you are cooking up between you three regarding my brother, but did you talk about what he was allowed to do with other women?”

“It…” Shizu wavers. “I felt it as a betrayal. And he felt it was. That is enough.”

I agree. There are no easy ways out of this.

Komachi, on the other hand…

“Fine! You think it was because he’s a horny boy who can’t keep it in his pants?”

“My sofa may agree with that assessment, yes.”

“All right! Brother, fuck me!”




“You heard me! Stuff me full of your dick! Stretch me till I can be satisfied by you and only you! Hell, come inside me till I can’t have any more of your seed and it flows out with every spurt! Make me utterly yours!”

“What the Hell, Komachi! No!”

“Why not?!”

“Shizu’s right here!”

“And so what?!”

“And I love her!”

And Komachi smiles.

That little, triumphant smile when she manages to trick me, to pull one over on me. To fire off a fucking blue shell.

I turn to the other side, and Shizu’s crying.

Without even thinking about it, I hug her.

Fucking bullshit about ‘my body moved before I realized it.’ Really, I’m not eating some weird dude’s hair.

“I’m so sorry,” I mutter against her ear as I drag her on top of me, her head resting on my chest.

“I don’t believe you,” she says between sniffles, and she buries her face against me, her tears drenching my shirt.

“You do,” Komachi says, leaning over me, patting her back.

“He’s still hard,” Shizu answers. And I feel her thigh resting over the incriminating evidence.

… Gods damn it, Body-chan, are you still trying to kill me?

“Of course he is. He’s with you.”

I don’t know if that’s the best thing you could tell her right now, Komachi. You know, with that whole ‘he’s just a horny boy’ thing this whole debacle has been revolving about.

Also, the stretched silence is rarely a good sign when talking to a girl, and it usually means they are plotting a way to either flee the conversation or pretend it didn’t even happen in the first place. Source: me.

“… Really?” Shizu ends up asking with a tiny voice.

“Tell her,” Komachi says rather than answering, poking me with a chiding finger.

Which is a bit of a bizarre thing to do, given the circumstances. It doesn’t fit at all the subject matter—

‘Fucking tell her already!’

All right, all right. Sheesh.

“Shizu, I… I will do anything it takes to not hurt you ever again. It won’t erase what I’ve done, and I understand if you don’t want anything to do with me after you’ve had time to think things through. I’ll leave if you ask me, and never bother you again. I just… don’t want to. Because I love you. Because I’ve never loved anyone like I do you. Because I want to see you smile, and laugh, and get stupidly enthusiastic about a Gundam model ready to be put together. Because I want to be there as you heal each and every single one of your wounds, even the ones I’ve given you. Because… I…”

Because I, apparently, am a crybaby who can’t even finish a speech without tears running down his face.

“… I just meant to tell her that she’s the one who made you hard, brother.”

“Oh… That. Right. Like fucking diamonds.”

“It… loses a bit of impact when you say it while crying,” Komachi says with the tonal equivalent of a facepalm.

And Shizu laughs.

“No. No, it’s… It’s perfect. It’s him.”

She rubs her wet face against my chest and lies still.

Komachi sighs and turns off the light before cuddling next to me.

In the darkness, I stare up at the unseen ceiling.

“Good night,” I say after a while.

“Good night,” two voices reply.

And… Holding a sad woman and letting myself be held by a falsely cheerful girl, I try to drift to sleep.

… Which would be easier if my damn erection went down. And wasn’t trapped beneath Shizu’s thigh.



Absolutely a beautiful chapter Agrippa! I cannot wait to see more once January comes and I pay you once more!


Thank you! I'm really glad you think so, because, apparently, I really struggle when it comes to being honest about Hachiman cheating. 2 and 3 were far easier to write than 1 and 4.